Write Better Copy – Write Better Copy by Glenn Fisher

Write Better Copy – Write Better Copy by Glenn Fisher

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Direct-response copywriting expert, Glenn Fisher, reveals more than 20 tried and tested techniques for improving your sales copy, starting with…

For years we study the classics, we build our vocabulary, we learn how to craft our sentences and paragraphs.

All through this period there is an unspoken suggestion – if you don’t understand what you’re reading, it’s your fault. It’s not that the book is difficult to understand, it’s that YOU are too dumb to understand it.

So you read more, you learn more, you waste your time working through impossible literature that means nothing to you.

Only problem is, if you decide after all this that you’re going to work in advertising – you’re buggered.

The first thing I had beaten out of me – and the first thing I beat out of any trainee copywriter – is the misapprehension that only difficult writing is good writing.

The crappy flowery language that ‘writers-to-be’ adopt in their early days (to prove themselves as ‘an artist’) needs slapping down. In fact, it needs to be slapped down, taken outside and then stamped on repeatedly until it resembles a Jackson Pollock painting.

When you’re hoping to sell something to someone who doesn’t really want to be sold to, you need to speak as simply and as directly as possible. You need to write as though you’re explaining it to a mate.

Because if you can be yourself in your writing, your message – whatever it may be – WILL shine through, trust me.

Whether you’re a copywriter or a marketer, when it comes to write sales copy, the fact is…

It figures, right? That’s why it is so important that your copywriting is as effective as it can be.

Hell, it doesn’t matter if you’re writing copy for your own products, or you’re writing copy for somebody else’s…

That’s why, right now, not only would I like to arrange a one-to-one copy critique, I’m going to share more than 20 quick and simple techniques that I have personally used to at least double the conversion of my own writing and sell a hell of a lot more.

In fact, I’m not bragging, but these very tactics have helped me write copy that has made over £10 million, selling everything from online marketing courses to Elvis’ hair.

Whatever level you are at as a copywriter, you’ll be able to use these tried and tested techniques to improve your copywriting and make a ton more sales.

Even if you have already written copy that has sold millions, you’ll still discover a number of techniques that you have NOT tried before… and they could very easily make your copy EVEN MORE effective.

Well, I’m sure you understand that too. I’m sure you understand that studying the techniques of fellow writers who have had great success with their own sales writing is ESSENTIAL to your success as a copywriter.

The good news is that the techniques you’ll discover today will give you new skills and insight to help you write copy that will sell far more than you ever realised you could – no matter what copywriting experience you have.

“Write Better Copy is a life jacket for those who are dipping their toe into the wild marketing waters and sinking. When I started to study copywriting, I desperately needed the right tool to tidy all the information I was receiving in my mind. I found it in Write Better Copy.”

And, of course, during our one-to-one copy critique (I’ll explain how it’ll work in a moment) we can discuss these ideas further so that you can take your copywriting to a whole new level.

Personally, I have seen these tactics multiply conversion four or even FIVE times on more than one occasion.

There’s no need to start from scratch – just take a few minutes to tweak your existing sales material and you could make twice as many sales

Best of it is, applying just a handful of these techniques could not only increase the conversion of your current copy…

You see, to take full advantage of these simple and straight-forward techniques, you only need you to make a few quick tweaks to your current copy!

There’s absolutely NO need to rewrite everything you’ve already done. I mean, you’ve undoubtedly put a lot of hard work into your copy, right?

Hey, if you want to test the new version against the old version, go for it. In fact, you probably should so you can see exactly how much my advice helps you.

But to be open with you, I really am 100% convinced that you’ll discover that any copy you tweak using these techniques will outperform your existing copy.

I don’t know which you’ll use first, but whichever one it is, you can be sure the result will be the same…

If you decide that the tried and tested techniques that I’d like to share with you today aren’t going to help you increase the conversion of your current copy…

In fact, even though I am 100% convinced that these WILL help you, if you get hold of a copy of the guide I’ve put together and decide in the next 60 days that it’s not going to help you…

I don’t want you to have to take ANY risk here. Why should you? I just want to share these ideas with you so they can make a difference to your copy.

Not only can you make your current promotions more effective, you’ll discover simple ‘copy workouts’ that you can use to help teach yourself

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