WP Notify Pro – Boost Traffic, Build lists and Make Sales Today!

WP Notify Pro ‘” Boost Traffic, Build lists and Make Sales Today!

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Trust me, I know how frustrating getting more traffic is. It doesn’t matter what niche you operate in. It doesn’t matter if you sell high end services or $.99 digital products.

If you want “free” traffic, then be prepared to slave away in the overly competitive world of SEO. If you are just getting started with SEO this late in the game you can expect to find yourself waiting up to 6 months before you even see movement in the SERPS depending on your keywords. You will find out real soon that there is no such thing as “free” traffic.

Ahh… Do you remember the good ole’ days? Back before Google started banning thousands of Adwords accounts and suspending campaigns on a whim? Adwords used to be a great source of traffic. “Used to” being the key there of course.

Nowadays, if you want to use Adwords you had better get ready to take out a second mortgage on your house and spend a ridiculous amount of time just trying to figure out what you can and can’t do!

There has been a surge in Facebook PPC popularity. It is fast. You can get likes for cheap and everyone is talking about it. But…

It is going the way of Adwords ‘” and fast! Just in the past 3 months Facebook has introduced changes to their ads program that has made it tougher to get approved and generally upset the average Facebook user. Don’t believe me? Try running a newsfeed ad these days and see how much spam/hateful comments you get.

Just try spending an afternoon deleting spam from your Facebook ads and you’ll understand why it can feel like you are throwing away money sometimes.

What if you could peak inside the inner workings of a 7 figure Silicon tech company? What if you could see how THEY generated traffic?

“How are they able to drive millions of targeted visitors without losing their shirts in the process?”

We are talking about multi-million dollar companies ‘” many of them starting as solo entrepreneurship ventures out of their mothers’ basements ‘” being able to generate the kinds of traffic that sustains fully fledged companies with employees, fancy offices, overhead etc.

And these companies aren’t doing this over the course of years. They are going from zero to hero in MONTHS.

For a long time the people who knew were keeping their lips sealed. “Loose lips sink ships” as they say.

But more recently, the Founders, CEOs, Chief Marketing Officers and highly paid marketing consultants have begun to share their strategies with the rest of the marketplace.

As a matter of fact, this traffic source is 100% free and if you can harness it, it makes you exponential incomes with no additional effort on your part…

You see, multimillion dollar companies have learned, the fastest way to make money online is to get other people to make it for you!

That is why on almost EVERY large site online today you see some combo of notification bar, popup box…and now social sharing!

The problem is that a combination high quality and easy to use notification bars, popups and social sharing apps can EASILY cost up to 50 bucks PER MONTH to get and keep them all on your sites!

Because of this, many marketers simply turn a blind eye and pretend that they aren’t as effective as they appear.

I know for a fact there are many people that still struggle every day just to get a little bit of traffic to their sites…let alone get it to convert… and these low performing sites aren’t making it any easier to invest in high quality, traffic driving tools LIKE notification bars AND popups AND social sharing…It’s a vicious, draining cycle!

This poses a massive challenge for those of us that don’t have the huge budgets and unlimited resources that all the big-time marketers do.

I think you’ll agree that this is the beginning of a TIDAL WAVE ‘” the way we get traffic is changing and as marketers we are stuck withTHREE major problems…

This is why having software solutions like a notification bar is such a timely discovery for marketers like you and I.

I decided to do something that will give everyone a chance to finally start getting the results they’ve been working so hard to achieve but are still falling short.

But they ALSO specialize in spreading social link love to your sites by prominently displaying the social share icons and encouraging your visitors to click them in the best ways possible.

But wait, it gets better! How about the ability to dissect traffic from five of the best converting, money spending countries in the world and cater to them specifically.

And of course it is simple to install, easy to make work and better yet, even easier to get the results you’re looking for with not nearly as much effort.

Like I said, it’s proven that notification bars drive click thru rates through the roof, otherwise why would so many popular sites be using some form of them to advertise and get clicks??

Now add this amazing content box with it to combine these features and your options are near limitless!

Just picture how many different ways you could combine as many of the features as you want, for almost any purpose you can think of…

Now tell me, is there much more you can ask for than that? If you’re not taking advantage of technology like this, then you’re basically bringing a knife to a gun fight trying to survive online. Regardless…I think having to pay so much for it is ridiculous and especially for technology that doesn’t have HALF the functionality that WP Notify Pro does. That’s why I created a HIGH quality WordPress notification bar that ANYBODY can afford, not just the people that are already raking in tons of sales every day.

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