WordPress Keyword Insertion Plugin

WordPress Keyword Insertion Plugin

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The for past few years, I have been using a very POWERFUL plugin for WordPress that allows me to capture the keywords that a searcher uses on search engines and then dynamically insert that keyword into my pages and posts wherever I want them to go.

This plugin has helped me convert more of my offers into leads and sales by ensuring that my posts and pages are optimized for EXACTLY what the person is searching for. I am proud today to announce that I am making this plugin available to YOU!

You can also use it an UNLIMITED number of times within your site. This means each page or post can be highly optimized.

You can use it within normal paragraph text, headlines, link text, bulleted lists, number lists, quotes and more. It is completely customizable.

The plugin simply grabs the keyword or keyphrase from a search engine and allows you to dynamically insert it anywhere in your page or post. Take a look at the sample image below as an example:

In the above picture, the plugin is grabbing the keyword and placing it into a H2 headline, an affiliate link and into the main paragraph copy of the WordPress post.

The Keyword Insertion Plugin is incredibly simple to install and use. As a matter-a-fact, if you have ever installed and used a WordPress plugin, you will have NO Problems using it! It is completely Newbie friendly.

After you purchase, you will be taken to a page where you can download the plugin. You simply upload it to WordPress and activate it.

Once activated, you will find a link called “Keyword Options” in your admin area. It will look something like the image below:

When you get to the Keyword Options page, you will setup your usage of the Keyword Insertion Plugin. Take a look below at the image of the Keyword Options panel:

Next you will setup your first use of the plugin. For our sample above, we will setup a keyword instance as a Shortcode for our WordPress post about pregnancy dreams. Simply give it a name in the Shortcode Idenfifier box (this is for your use only), then provide Default Keyword Text. The Default Keyword Text is used on the page or post when the user comes from somewhere other than a search engine. Then hit the green plus sign.

After you hit the green plus sign, this keyword will be saved and a shortcode will appear for you to insert into your page or post.

Next you will copy the shortcode the plugin has created for you. You will then open the page or post where you want to use this and paste it into the site.

Now whenever someone visits this page or post from a search engine, the shortcode will display the actual keywords used to find the page or post. If the user did not come to the page or post from a search engine, then the Default Keyword Text you setup will be displayed.

The above two images both come from the same WordPress post, but show different keywords within the text based on whether the user came from a search engine or not.

The Google AdWords program has long allowed advertisers to use Dynamic Keyword Insertion in pay-per-click ads. You want to know why?

The same fact holds true on your WordPress pages or posts. More people will most likely click on your affiliate links, Adsense ads and other links if the text matches EXACTLY what they were looking for.

The Keyword insertion Plugin for WordPress lets you do just that. It is perfect for increasing conversions on:

Basically, if you monetize traffic from search engines, this plugin can help IMPROVE YOUR CONVERSIONS!

You may be wondering at this point what I am charging for such a powerful and useful plugin. As I said before, I have NEVER released this plugin before.

I will be raising this price very soon for sure. If you think you will use this plugin, I recommend you grab it now while the price is so GREAT! Read more…