Winning The Storage Wars ‘” How To Make Money With Storage Auctions ‘” Video Training
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If you want to get into the hugely profitable Storage Auctions game and you want to discover how to easily make thousands a month part-time with storage auctions, then you’ve come to the right place!
(You may have seen my “Auctions For Income’� eBay infomercial on TV ‘” I’ve been helping people make money on eBay for over 10 years straight!)
I have been using this killer strategy to buy high-profit eBay, Amazon and Craigslist merchandise at below-wholesale for over 11 years now and it is one of the “funnest’� and most exciting ways to make money that I’ve ever seen.
This is me, inside the very first storage unit I purchased at auction, 11 years ago!
I’ve been buying at storage auctions and teaching my platinum coaching students these techniques for over 11 years!
If you’re one of the 5.1 MILLION people who’ve seen “Storage Wars’� (on A&E)
And, if you’ve never seen these two shows, then let me clue you in on what you’ve been missing!
These storage “units’� are rented on a monthly basis and the units come in all sizes ‘” from small 4′ x 6′ “cubbies’� to giant 10′ x 30′ rooms.
When the storage facility holds an auction of these units, the bidders can get ahold of some AMAZING merchandise, often for pennies on the dollar.
For example, recently a winning storage auction bidder found a copy of the very first Superman comic book ‘” Action Comics #1. Because of its condition, it is valued at $1 million!
And, did you hear about Madonna’s items that were found in a former assistant’s storage unit that was auctioned?
Yes, the winning bidder paid only $150 for that unit and wound up turning these collectibles into over $100,000!
Another one of my students found a classic, vintage jukebox worth $11,000
…Once we started pulling out boxes and looking through stuff, I felt much better. We had hit the JACKPOT!
The Bronco was an Eddie Bauer edition! We found new in box items, Native American Indian decor, jewelry, six handguns, a mounted deer and buffalo head, an Antique Juke Box, a bear rug, a roll away Craftsman toolbox full of tools and many items that are still brand new (unopened) in the box!
I’ve consistently turned a few hundred dollars into many thousands of dollars with the storage units that I’ve bought and I’ve been buying at Storage Auctions for over 11 years now.
Through the course of those years in the business, I have developed an entire SYSTEM that makes me money with storage auctions ‘” every time!
Every business has its tools and resources that you need to have in order to make the most money.
In this video, I reveal 8 DIFFERENT WAYS to find storage auctions in your area ‘” problem solved!
In this video, I tell you exactly what to look for when you’re profiling a unit.
You’ll know exactly how to make a ton of money by following these simple instructions.
Your bidding strategy can make all the difference in whether you win, lose or draw.
Now let me show you how to quickly and easily research & determine the value of all the items you’ve just won!
I’ll even show you how you can have other people sell your items on eBay FOR YOU, so you can focus on the MONEY MAKING activities!
Here’s what current owners of my new “Insider Secrets” course have to say about it:
In this bonus video, I show you how to make BIG PROFITS by doing a little bit of research before you even go to the auction.
In this bonus video, I walk you through the steps a storage facility MUST TAKE before they hold an auction.
With your order today, you will also receive the following additional bonuses:
This bonus is a PDF document that shows you how to accurately determine the date of an antique or collectible.
Knowing this is CRITICAL to determining the overall profits you’re going to make!
This bonus includes 50 PDFs which have the latest Storage Auction Lien Sales laws for every State in the Nation!
Let Me Summarize Everything You Get In This Amazing Storage Auctions Video Course:
How much would you expect to pay to sit down with me and receive one-on-one Storage Auctions training for 4 1/2 hours?
(Well, I don’t actually do one-on-one coaching anymore, but if I did, I would be charging $500 an hour)
At that rate, you would have to pay $2,250 to get your hands on this valuable training (and it would be a BARGAIN because you could easily make back that investment in your first storage auction buy)
In fact, I understand that your time and your money is valuable and I want to be sure everyone has a chance to get a GREAT DEAL on this brand-new video course!
So, for a very limited time, I am offering all this valuable video training for the
You know, part of being a success in the Storage Auction business is being able to see value where no one else sees it ‘” but sometimes, the value is right there, clear as day! This is one of those times)
Bottom line, you will not find a more complete course on making money with Storage Auctions, ANYWHERE!
If you are not satisfied with this Storage Auctions video training system ‘” for whatever reason ‘” simply request a refund within 30 days and I will immediately and courteously issue you a 100% refund of your investment.
2. You’ll discover how to use Storage Auctions to develop an ongoing flow of HIGH-PROFIT products to sell via eBay, Amazon and Craigslist…
3. My advanced strategy (in bonus video 1) alone can give you a HUGE edge over the competition and make you a TON OF MONEY
4. Your tiny investment in this course can make you thousands. However, NOT… Read more…