Weight Loss Peruvian Recipe

Weight Loss Peruvian Recipe

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First let me introduce myself. My name is Luis Quiroz Ravines. I’m Professor and Peruvian Journalist, specialized in Natural Health, creator of numerous natural products to relieve various diseases.

In Peru, I have successfully treated many cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia. My first product on the Internet is a lotion that stops hair loss in about four weeks; lately I have experimented with a remedy to relieve diabetes.

Being overweight is a global problem that affects more than 1 billion people, and I hope to contribute to its solution with a “grain of sand”. My homemade recipe is easy and cheap, with components that you can find anywhere, you also can buy them online (I will give you the address of a large supplier that shipped worldwide)

If you apply the recipe every day, you will lose weight gradually and sustained. That’s the healthy way to lose weight – drastic losses of 10 – 15 pounds a week, will only ruin your health and the “rebound” effect will be worse than the cure.

The new “Fast Weight Loss Peruvian Recipe” consists of various natural elements that meet specific and synergistic function for the goal of losing weight in a safe and natural way.

A first component, adds fiber and lecithin that traps fats and removes them for avoiding body fat. In a California study, participants lost between 4 and 10 pounds of weight just by consuming this food.

Another element has a double positive effect on cholesterol levels: on the one hand reduces LDL bad cholesterol and on the other hand increases the good cholesterol HDL.

A third element is an excellent natural slimming because of its diuretic effect. It prevents that fat is deposited in arteries and veins; and reduces cholesterol levels.

A fourth element has a regulatory effect on the sugar in the blood. It increases insulin, allowing less fat storage in the body.

Also the recipe includes an element that prevents oxidative damage of the liver and provides 4 times more calcium than milk. In a study in India, 3,000 patients lost about 30 kilos and another group of 10,000 lost about 10 kilos just by consuming this food.

The last element is a concentrated enzymatic that literally “burns fat”, removes fluids, restore pancreatic function and provides stable amino acids. By submitting this element to a simple process, it can significantly enhance its ability to degrade fats into energy. Researchers at the Autonomous University of Mexico found that this food contains three times more protein than meat.

The surprising thing about this recipe is that all the elements are cheap, easy to prepare and you can find them anywhere, in markets, stores, etc. For losing weight, you could use only some of the components, but the complete recipe gets better results.

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If you are looking for a realistic way to drop those extra pounds, then you should try my recipe and see the results! Take advantage of the introductory price.

Note: You get the recipe for preparing it at home; you don’t receive a finished product, and if you purchase my book, you agree not to sell, patent or disseminate it by any means; It is only for personal use, violate these terms means subject to prosecution.

The results vary according to each person’s metabolism. If you really want to lose weight try the recipe about 3 weeks and follow the additional recommendations.

You can find the components of the formula in markets, specialized stores, or buy them online. For one of the components we provide you with the address of a supplier that shipped worldwide.

If you need to lose weight fast, natural and healthy; reduce glucose and cholesterol; detoxify the liver and pancreas and improve your general health, try my Recipe and see the results…

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