Wayne Strnad Exchange – Serving business and the community

Wayne Strnad Exchange ‘” Serving business and the community

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I would like to thank you for stopping by and spending some time on my website. My name is Wayne Strnad.

This website was a result of several years of helping people empower themselves to take action and get things done for their community.

In fact, if you want to learn how to get things for your own community, I have a free guide that you can download and employ for your own use within your community.

Are you in the same position as millions of others who simply pay taxes yet feel that you don’t get the services you should?

Is your neighborhood getting its fair share of tax dollars returned to your community in the form of capital improvements?

The fact is there are literally millions of neighborhoods across the nation that are falling apart. Sidewalks need replacement, light poles are 50+ years old and need repair, curbs that were once nice looking are now showing the signs of age, etc.

This guide shows the exact methods I used to get about $125,000.00 in repairs that included new sidewalks, curbs and gutter, catch basins, a new asphalt street and electrical lights.

Now you may think that I changed direction in my life several times because of all the hats I wore but in fact, as a teacher I authored a couple of books that were published by various well respected publishing companies. These were your traditional paper books that were paper bound.

Also as a teacher, I taught mathematics and computer programming during a period when desktop computers were first coming to the market place. I also designed and implemented the first Learner Center which serviced high school and adult students ‘” mainly single moms who had to drop out of school to raise a child.

If that tickled your fancy, then you might be encouraged to know that I ran for political office ‘” 5 times total. Never won but I did learn about the ins and outs of the political process and how corrupt the entire thing is ‘” and that’s fact, not fiction.

In case you are interested you can see that I have a political committee and you can view the data by visiting the State Board of Elections in Illinois. Please do a Committee Search, Committee Name Contains, and type in Strnad. If you need voting information from the past, then you can download it by visiting the Voting Information Category.

If you’re interested in running for political office then you should consider purchasing this document that addresses getting on the ballot.

I tell you this because I want you to understand that what you will read throughout this site is real and true. Many politicians do not like what I do because they all want things to remain with the “status quo” which essentially boils down to making everything look beautiful, in our highly imperfect world, and make deals behind closed doors for financial gains ‘” usually not in your interest but theirs.

I’ve seen many a crook get elected and sometimes, even get caught, charged, and sentenced. Some of what you can read about and even purchase deals with some political figures. Recently one of them was indicted and confessed his guilt, in exchange for a lesser sentence. His name is Isaac “Ike” Carothers. Here is a glimpse into his persona.

As you can easily see from what little appears in this brief introduction, I’ve been around the block a few times, to say the least. Although many might think of this work as a lot, I look at it as a lot more to accomplish in my remaining years.

This site is unlike any other you have ever seen. I call this the Strnad Exchange because it is more than a site for business.

I believe that it is good business when a business gets involved with the community through a wide variety of activities. I attain that goal by harnessing social awareness, responsibility and perhaps, some enlightenment as to what really goes on within local, state and federal government. You should not be alarmed by that statement. In fact, you should embrace it and get involved in issues that affect you or your community!

If you are a small business owner then you must realize that the big guys get involved every day! They set up PACs and arrange for money to be transferred at will to congressmen and senators so that a vote goes their way. There are numerous cases that show this to be true. You too must be involved in any way you think possible that will benefit not only your business but the community in which your business services people. You must make your voice heard!

My domain, waynestrnad.info, was specifically chosen to represent the fact that much of what you’ll find there is information.

In the past I have analyzed elections, looked at voter records, looked at petitions that were submitted by candidates, and even challenged a couple of candidates because their petitions were not in proper order according to law. I have also helped many get on the ballot.

Challenging a candidate was to no avail, however, because the Chicago Board of Elections is just as corrupt as the Cook County Judicial Process. Fact is, many of those who work for the Board of Elections are themselves connected to some political figure.

The Cook County State’s Attorney Office turns their eyes away from voting irregularities, does not investigate anything pertaining to voter fraud, and is essentially in bed with the Mayor of Chicago and all the other cronies that set direction for the City of Chicago. Yes, you can read and even purchase some of the documents that show beyond a reasonable doubt, how corrupt this entire system is here in Chicago and Cook County.

Do we only investigate things that happen in Chicago and Cook County? No, in fact if you read further you’ll discover something about the scope of our research and… Read more…