Viral Traffic Empire Formula ‘” Flood Website With FREE Viral Traffic!
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From The Desk Of: Leon Wu Date: Sunday, Feb 24, 2014 Dear Friend, I am writing to you because I have a secret to share. A secret that I am sure will change your life FOREVER…as it did mine! A secret that will finally allow you to achieve your dream of making money on the internet and all the amazing lifestyle perks that go along with it. Such as the ability to:
And I’m not even asking you to believe me just yet, because in a minute I am going to prove it to you! But first, I have a story that I think you’ll be able to relate to. You see, like you… I dreamed of enjoying all of these benefits of making my living online. Dream might not even be strong enough of a word. I was obsessed. I bought every new internet marketing course that came out. I studied them like a medical student… And yet the only money that I saw were the $47 and $97 being sucked out of my bank account to pay off some “guru” who makes his money by offering empty promises. I spent thousands of dollars of my hard-earned money trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle. Only to receive a swift kick in the ass and a growing credit card bill. But it was worth it. Because after about the 15th course… I was sure I had the answer.
I spent months building a site that was sure to make me rich! Slaving away at my keyboard for long 12 hour days. But it was going to be worth it! I was going to be the next overnight internet success story like MySpace or Twitter. Finally I finished building it. I clicked publish to share it to the world. I was so proud.
And waited… And waited… And waited. And nothing. My site, which I worked so hard to build… The site which was supposed to ensure that my future grandchildren never had to work a day in their lives… couldn’t even get a visitor.
I was crushed. MONTHS of work… with no results. But it wasn’t all for nothing. Because I learned a CRUCIAL lesson. I learned: You can have a site that’s selling $100 bills for a dollar… but if nobody sees it, it STILL isn’t going to do anybody any good!
In order to make money on the internet, you need TRAFFIC. And the more of it you get, the more money you make! It doesn’t matter if you’re doing affiliate marketing, selling your own products or services, or trying to sell advertising on your site…
So the journey continued. I bought more courses. This time, on how to generate traffic. I bought courses on:
And the process started all over again. Spend money. Read product. Become disappointed. The cycle was so routine, I could have set my watch to it. More months of frustration. I couldn’t take it anymore. Everybody wanted my money, but nobody cared if I actually succeeded.
So I took a shot in the dark! I sent out an e-mail to Ethan Tony Chien, an internet marketing legend who makes more money online than I could ever dream of. I told him about my frustrations and my history. I needed somebody to vent to. I sent the e-mail and then went on my way, forgetting about it. But then two days later, when I checked my e-mail, sitting in my inbox…
He actually responded! And rather than mock me for my failures, he understood my frustrations and revealed to me the secret of getting endless amounts of traffic on the internet. The secret that changed my life.He told me:
It was the principle that made him millions of dollars! The principle that launched so many internet success stories… from rags to riches! It was used by all the top corporations in the world… from Apple, to Old Spice, to Reebok…
And don’t be taken back by the name… because this is a “disease” that you WANT to catch. It doesn’t come with any cough or fever. Instead, the only side effect is flooding your sites with THOUSANDS of visitors all wanting to buy what you have to offer. In other words…
Okay, so it isn’t a disease. So what is it? Simply, its a marketing strategy that encourages people to pass on a marketing message (your website) to others, creating a buzz that picks up momentum. One person reads your message and tells a friend… who tells another friend… and the process continues. 1 becomes 2. 2 become 4. 4 become 8… and before you know it…
All from letting other people spread the word for me! All from mastering viral marketing! I took the secret that Ethan Tony Chien shared with me… tweaked it… and broke it down into a systematic formula… and you see the results. And now, for the first time…
Why am I doing this? Believe me, it isn’t to get rich. Unlike the gurus who make their money by selling you hyped up products, I put my principles to work each and every day. I apply these viral traffic tactics to my own sites, and make thousands of dollars time and time again. Here’s an example of earnings from just some of my accounts for one month, processed through an ad network in my country of China.
And so will you when you apply the principles of my new course. It doesn’t matter where in the world yo u live, they work just the same. You can sell to anybody, anywhere. You can use my formula to promote your own products and make a killing! You can… Read more…