Viral PDF Master

Viral PDF Master

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‘” Are Fewer and Fewer People Willing To Sign Up To Your Newsletters, Optin In To Get your ‘Free’ Report’ or Watch Your Sales Video?…. Then You Need To….

Are You Ready To Discover The Next Generation In List Building Technology That Simply BLOWS AWAY Every Other List Building Method?… ….Then Get Ready To Find Out How You Can Turn EVERY PDF E-Book, Article or Report You Have (no matter whether it’s your own, or someone elses) ‘” And EVERY PDF E-Book, Article or Report You Will Ever Create ‘” Into A List-Building, Profit-Pulling Machine…

I’ve got to say first, I hope you don’t sell too many copies of this software. This is the most brilliant idea I heard about since putting audio and video on websites. This opens up a whole new world of how I’m going to be building my lists.

Viral PDF Master is a fantastic piece of software that I’m using to turn every one of my free reports into automated list building agents. It has dramatically increased my opt-in rates.

I like that whatever message I choose to embed into my pdf reports, stays there. This means that every single person who downloads any of my reports is a possible new list member. Even those readers who’ve NEVER been to my squeeze page.

Other than my autoresponder, I can’t think of any software that does more to help me grow my list. Thanks Glen.

I know that you know all about squeeze pages and free reports, pop-ups, pop-ins, slide-ins, exit popups and a whole lot more……

But what I am about to share with you now is like NOTHING you have EVER tried (or even heard about) before!

Trust me, this new list-building method and technology WILL revolutionize the way that you will build your lists for years and years to come.

If you can spare a few minutes to read every word of this page you’re going to discover a breakthrough new software. This Software can dramatically grow your email list, skyrocket your traffic and make you more money ‘” without you doing anything. Sounds too good to be true? In just a second I’ll prove it.

All you have to do is just keep reading and YOU can decide for yourself… You know that “the BIG money is in the list’�… But you also know that it is getting harder and harder to get people to opt-in to your list ‘”because the tired old list-building methods are struggling to work anymore!

I know you might feel like you are running low on list-building options, but after you read this website you aren’t going to feel that way anymore.

Right now all of the list-building methods that you’re using right are old, tired and ineffective. It’s time for a new idea… It’s time for Viral PDF Master…

The old, tried-and-true method to build your list has always been to offer a free PDF report. Right? You offer the report, people opt-in to get your report, and your list grows…

You know that, I know that… every internet and affiliate marketer out there knows that! But lately people are more and more reluctant to give you their name and email address on a web site ‘” even if you are offering them something for free! ( after all for all they know, you could be poised to deliver and avalanche of spam to them a soon as they hand over their precious details)

The truth is that it is a good idea to offer a free report. The problem is that in this rapid-changing market of today, you have to give someone something before they will give you their trust (and their contact information). That is why my team and I took this good idea and took it 1 step further! I guess you could say that we took the whole “free report’� list-building method, turned it on it’s head…… and gave it the biggest dose of steroids it’s ever had, and made it mind-blowingly effective all over again. The difference between the old “free report method’� and what the Viral PDF Master list ‘” building method does is that it has the potential to massively SNOWBALL and earn you MUCH more money…..MUCH, MUCH easier!

Let me explain to you how Viral PDF Master is going to revolutionize the way YOU build YOUR lists…

For starters, with this new list-building method, you CAN STOP requesting that people give you their information on your ‘squeeze page’ BEFORE you give them your free report or information. You are just going to allow ANYONE ‘” ANYWHERE to download your PDF report without having to opt-in.

You have already DOUBLED the amount of people that are going to download YOUR PDF e-Book, report or YOUR free information!

I am going to quickly explain to you how Viral PDF Master works… and how it is going to start building your list…big time. You are going to use the Viral PDF Master software to embed unique Opt-in or message popup windows right into your PDF eBook or report. When the reader first opens your PDF eBook or report, they’ll start reading and then after, a period of time ( set up by you in the software) they’ll see a a popup window with a special message from you.

Here is where it gets really powerful…. At this point you have your reader HOOKED… They have your PDF e-book or report on the screen in front of them. They’ve started reading, and they like what they’re reading. You have their TRUST…

……The reader can’t continue to read your PDF e-book or report it until they take some action specified by you.

A. Complete your Opt-in Form with their Name and Email: When the reader completes the Opt-in Form that you’ve embedded… Read more…