Vegan eBooks
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“Clean & Lean” is a comprehensive, completely vegan, system for losing fat fast, revving up your metabolism and making yourself and the world healthier!
You are going to be so thrilled with the fat loss results you get from following this program. By following this program, in addition to losing all the weight you want, you will:
What could be better than losing weight, getting healthy and protecting the planet all at the same time.
You get to free your self from fat while doing something good for everyone and everything else on the planet.
“Clean & Lean” is a comprehensive fat-loss system designed by a professional personal trainer and a wellness coach that works.
With this System of Proven Strategies and Support for Maximum Fat-loss you will get amazing results'”We Guarantee it! If you follow the program and don’t get great results let us know within 60 days and we will refund you the full purchase price.
An hour with a good professional personal trainer or wellness coach will cost you between $50 and $100. So, you might expect a comprehensive, professionally designed, proven vegan weight-loss system that took over 20 hours to design and produce to cost at least $100-200, wouldn’t you?
Clean & Lean 8-week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover is offered to you as a vegan eBook, in a UNIVERSAL, downloadable PDF format. You can get it now, even if it’s 3 a.m.!
As soon as you order, you’ll be able to download your vegan ebook. You can be on your way to a healthier, leaner you in minutes!
If you’re ready to change your life, improve your health, and make the world a healthier,happier and more peaceful place, then it’s time to order this vegan eBook!
You have the power to change the world simply by changing the foods you eat! This vegan eBook is a comprehensive system showing you Exactly what to do to get the weight-loss results you want.
Your Body, Your Health, Your Family, and Our Planet are ready for you to make the decision to order this eBook and learn to finally reach your health and fitness goals!
The 20 AMAZING KALE CHIP RECIPES really are amazing'”I’m serious. I spent so much time creating, testing, more testing (aka eating and eating) various trial recipes until my family and I decided which recipes were the very very very best! You, your family, your friends, your neighbors, co-workers, classmates'”whomever, will absolutely and positively become a lover of these RAW VEGAN KALE*CHIPS!
This e-Book is a great deal too! You could maybe buy a bag of kale chips at your local health food store for the price of this e-book, but that’s it'”one little bag! But for just $ 6.97, you have 20 of the BEST KALE CHIP RECIPES IN THE UNIVERSE, forever, in your home, ready for you to use ANYTIME YOU WANT.
After years of baking mishaps, monstrous messes in our miniscule kitchen, and magical vegan cookie baking miracles, I’ve finally created the BEST VEGAN COOKIE RECIPES IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!
I’m not kidding…I don’t know if there’s anyone out there who’s eaten more vegan cookies than me(or tried more vegan cookie recipes). I’ve spent zillions of joy-filled hours experimenting with vegan cookie-baking ingredients, and I feel as though I’ve discovered a long-lost treasure that every vegan has been desperately searching for…
Grab your FREE copy of “The 12 Most Delicious Vegan SuperSmoothie Recipes Ever!” and your complimentary subscription of Vibrant Living! Read more…