Ultimate Guide To WordPress Plugins – WordPress Blogging Strategies To Get Noticed!

Ultimate Guide To WordPress Plugins ‘” WordPress Blogging Strategies To Get Noticed!

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Then you aren’t alone. In fact, there are over 70 million blogs on the web today, with a new 120,000 created world wide, every single day. That’s about 1.4 blogs created every second of every day.

And the sad truth is 90% of them will fail and be abandoned after 3 months. Why? Because most bloggers can’t master a couple of simple concepts.

In order to be seen, you need to be listed in the organic search results of all the major search engines when someone types in a keyword and searches.

In order to earn money from those visitors, you need to convert them into paying customers. Ideally, you want to attract people to your blog with credit card in hand, ready to buy.

If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, you know exactly how hard that is to do, despite what everyone has been telling you.

The truth is that blogging is a very simple and highly enjoyable way to earn money ‘” IF you know the small, simple, *tricks of the trade*, that all highly successful bloggers use.

My name is Cenay Nailor and building highly optimized, visitor grabbing, money making blogs for a large number of wealthy companies and private individuals is just a small part of what I do. But there just aren’t enough hours in the day to set up, optimize and maintain blogs for everyone who needs my help.

If you’re prepared to sit on a waiting list and pay hundreds of dollars for me to set up a blog for you personally, then please feel free to contact me with your requirements.

But for those of you for whom time and/or money is a priority then you’ll be pleased to discover I’ve now put my expertise about setting up and running a highly successful blog into an eBook that you can download now, and have your own blog set up and running in less than a couple of hours.

Detailed Instructions on Exactly Which Plugins You Need to Install. (if you don’t know what a *plugin* is, don’t worry. You don’t need to know what they are, where to find them or how to use them. It’s all in the Guide)

Eliminate Most of The *Boring, Mundane, Routine* Operations That Are Vital to Keeping Your Blog Fresh and Current.

You can do like I did, and spend years looking, testing, tracking, trialing and tweaking, mixing plugins and features. You can build blogs all across the web. You can monitor and study the results of each new change until you find the perfect mix for your blog.

Or, you can take advantage of my experience, my trials, my errors and most of all, my headaches and short cut the entire process. I document exactly how to ramp up your SEO, maximize your visitor experience and make managing your blog so much easier.

This book is the end result of years of research, testing, tracking and documenting everything. It’s full of one on one blogging advice, including some things you should avoid.

Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins is your key to creating a powerful marketing tool that will turbo-charge your traffic and have visitors waiting eagerly for your next post.

These are just a few of the highlights in the book. But here’s what really counts…what the customers and reviewers are saying about Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins:

“When I started blogging I soon discovered that there are secrets to creating a successful blog. Figuring out what those secrets are is what Cenay does best. The Ultimate Guide To WordPress Plugins exposes what is behind the scenes of all top ranking WordPress blogs.” Dean McNamara http://www.DeanMcNamara.com

Plugins are absolutely essential when it comes to blogging and Internet Marketing and you have made it an absolute snap to know which ones to use.

I was doing Ok with the information online, but since I have started using your plugin suggestions our membership site is growing by leaps and bounds.

I get emails all the time asking me how I got my membership site made and ranked at #3 so fast. Your Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins has absolutely made our blog a complete success.

It was the final piece of the puzzle that took me from a few visits a day to hundreds of visitors a day … in just a couple months!”

“Cenay Nailor has done something that many people like myself have needed for a long time. Being in Internet Marketing, it’s important to get your blogs out there so people can find them.

But for someone who is not the most technical or even understand the importance of using plugins, that can be a big problem!

Cenay has fixed that with her new eBook and I can truly say it is awesome and has been a big help to me. If you want to maximize your WordPress blog’s potential, you will want to grab yourself a copy of her book.”

“Well, as I’m probably the dummy of all dummies, I should thank you first off for making it simple enough even for me to understand. I actually just set up a new blog and used your book to choose which plugins to install. As you know WP used to terrify me, but these plugins make it a breeze.

But the best part ‘” the blog is already indexed and showing on the first page of results for some pretty cool keywords! Not bad considering it’s only been ‘live’ for a couple of weeks. I’ve always known you were a star with WP but this guide is going to make the rest of us WP stars too ‘” time to watch your back girl!”

I am rarely impressed by anything these days, particularly eBooks, however, Cenay Nailor has absolutely NAILED IT with her new product The Ultimate Guide To WordPress Plugins.

If you are serious about having an effective… Read more…