Ultimate Cat Secrets Revealed
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Dear Friend, If you are a true cat lover, this is the most important letter you’ll read all year. Here’s why:
You’re about to learn exactly what your cat is communicating to you through body language and her various noises!
You’re about to discover exactly how to train your cat so it does exactly what you want, when you want (such as come when called, never scratch the furniture or bite, use the human toilet or litter box perfectly, eat what you give it, and be more affectionate!
You’ll have a much closer, happier relationship with your cat, even if you already get on really well!
You probably didn’t even realize you could train your cat. Well rest assured, it’s easy when you know how.
I love cats, and found the more I learnt, the more there was to know! Cats are incredible and unique. Sadly, most people don’t know how to fix behavior problems and think their cat is “just born that way” Have you ever had a problem with your cat, like urinating in the wrong place, or scratching, biting, being a fussy eater, not coming when called, bolting out the door, or not being affectionate? Well guess what?
And it’s not your cat’s fault either. The truth is any cat’s behavior can be changed. The problem is that 99% of everything you’ve heard about cat behavior and training is wrong. In fact …some of it will actually make your cat behave worse!
Here Are Some Amazing Facts About Training Cats …And why you shouldn’t even think about training your cat until you read every word of this letter!
2Cats can be easily housebroken …but popular house training methods (like scolding, “catching them in the act”, rubbing their nose in it) …and other methods often backfire with these cats!
3Cats have a special mental “trigger” that can be used to make them obey your every command like you had a special “kitty remote control”. (Hint: It’s NOT food or treats)
The reason why is because my simple little training system has become wildly popular …and it’s making them look bad! I know that sounds ridiculous but it’s true.
With my training system you can teach your cat to come when called, play without biting or scratching, stay off the table, walk on a leash, do cute tricks and games and even use a human toilet!
In fact, in the short time this web site has been on the Internet, 785 (and counting) other cat owners from 11 different countries have used my training methods. Why?
Our dog had just gone to Doggie Heaven and they were incredibly close, so I felt it had to be related to that, yet not knowing what else to do, I called the Veterinarian. The vet said she must have run under a recently parked car and burnt her fur on the exhaust pipe (creating the patch of missing fir)…yet he couldn’t explain why she was being very vocal and not eating… he blamed it on our cat simply “getting old”. But after doing a lot of research I discovered she was just stressed and so most likely she had licked off the fir herself, from excessive grooming! Thankfully I found out how to help her and the problem cleared up almost immediately. Needless to say I became obsessed with finding out as much as I could about cats, and I made some very exciting discoveries. Now I’m not a professional cat trainer …I’m just a regular person, living in Sydney, Australia with my family. Though I’ve been lucky enough to discover how to make any cat an angel and the bond with your cat stronger then ever. That’s why I’ve created this 2 hour and 38 minute step by step audio program, so that anyone can have the perfectly well behaved, healthy, happy cat they’ve always wanted… and for people who’s cat is already well behaved, they’ll discover the keys to understand their cat’s communication and bond even deeper with them!
This breakthrough training system is guaranteed to eliminate cat problems forever …in only a few minutes a day. I know that’s a bold promise and it might sound a little “over the top” …but it’s true, and I can back up every word.
In the past few weeks alone, I’ve received 23 “success story” emails from cat owners just like you who are RAVING about this system. Here are a few of them:
‘…She would jump on the furniture and hiss at people, or bolt out the door when we came into the room… I was DESPERATELY in need of help! I knew if I didn’t get her problems worked out, she would have to find a new home. I bought the cat training course and now I have a SUPERB, well behaved cat! Frosty is even more well behaved than my other cat (she’s older)…I’m very happy with the training course and even more happy that Frosty is part of our family like we always wanted. Cindy R.’
‘…She was always well behaved but now I have an even deeper bond with her! I love it how I now know what her body language means! Great program, the recordings are clear and make good sense. thanks. Lori T.’
‘When we purchased your cat secrets course we thought all out prayers had been answered…And they had. Her spraying all over the house, excessive meowing, bolting out the door when she saw me, scratching the furniture and refusal to come when called are now all fixed…I hate to admit it, but my husband and I were seriously thinking of selling her because we didn’t know what else to do. Even the medication the vetrenarian gave her didn’t work. I’m so grateful we found your cat course…she’s now such… Read more…