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We provide all of our colleagues the necessary training, resources, software, tools and jobs. All you need to do is follow the step-by-step program we provide and you will be getting paid providing valuable content for the companies we work with.
If you are not a good typist, speller, or have the best grammar, we will give you training and tutorials to help you. We even have automated solutions that will create the content for you to type for the companies. You will have opportunities to type in different languages if you choose because we work with companies from all over the world and in many languages.
Our typist NEVER have to type ads, or be subject to spend ANY additional money for software, for programs like Pay-Per-Clicks (Google AdWords) which can be very costly and not give any income in return.
We only expect our work-at-home typist to provide the content that is required and will get paid for their efforts. As you will find with many work-at-home websites on the Internet that say they offer type-at-home jobs, but you find out it is really a deceptive way of saying they want you to type ads for their company, and the only way you will be paid is if someone joins their site off your ad. This sound familiar?
With Web Colleagues: No waiting for work ‘” We train you how to create the work and get paid for your work. No relying on someone else to make money. No advertising, typing ads, affiliate marketing, or cold calling. Work in a field that will have more demand than supply ‘” your the supplier. Work in a field that is expected to grow faster than anything else ever seen online or in real world. The ability to get started with out having to spend any money. No having to have a website, inventory or sell products, having to ship products. The ability to work from home, from any country, and work in just about any language. A job that the only requirements is a computer and Internet connection.
What is this type of writing? Internet article writing which comes in many different forms we will be explaining. And, we have been doing it since the fall of 2001. Within the first few years we had over five thousands article writers doing our program. We now have over thirty thousands article writers we can attribute to through our program. Over the recent years we have seen the demand grow so much that thirty thousands article writers can’t even make a dent in the amount of work that is currently available and it is growing at the fastest pace over the recent years. We will be explaining exactly why this is to prove this is truly a legitimate opportunity. Why Internet Article Writers are In High Demand ‘” And Will Be For Years to Come!
Let’s talk about SEO content (aka SEO articles, SEO web copy, SEO writing) is copy that is written specifically to drive traffic to a website and/or blog. This is accomplished using “keyword phrases” (explained below). Following is an example for illustrative purposes. Pretend that you wanted to have an old oil painting restored. To find an art restorer, you would probably go to the internet and type in phrases like “art restorer”, “art restoration”, and/or “restoration of art”. These are keyword phrases. If you were the owner of this type of business, you would hire a SEO content publisher or an article writer to write articles with these keyword phrases. SEO content articles tend to be short ‘” 300-500 words. They can be longer but this is the average length. Online businesses will spend as much as 1/2 their budget on SEO. The most effective way for these businesses to get SEO is through your content articles.
Professional SEO copywriters (aka article writers, web content providers, etc.) will be in great demand for years to come, if the following is anything to go by:
B2B Magazine’s “2014 Outlook Survey” showed that online advertising is poised to see significant growth in 2014. How significant? 74% of B2B marketers planned to increase their online ad spending in 2014 from the previous year. This was the largest increase compared to staging events, and using print and direct mail.
The magazine cited social media, mobile marketing and content marketing as the top three B2B Marketing trends in 2014. SEO writers provide content in all of these areas, which means there is a plethora of work across various means. There are more web pages that need content articles than there will ever be content writers. The demand is way too overwhelming for supply…and you are the supplier. So you see the amount of work is endless. Experts predict that over 100,000 new websites enter the Internet PER DAY! So this opportunity is going to only get bigger than it already is. So we just touched on the foundation and realism of this opportunity, let’s talk about what exactly you will be doing…
Writing articles for websites/blogs: You will write articles on everything from iPads, to weight loss, to cake decorating. Most articles you will create are 300-500 words, and take anywhere from 20 minutes to 30 minutes to write using conventional writing methods; we will teach you a few short cuts that will produce top quality articles in as little as 10 minutes… Read more…