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Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials.WE DO NOT TRACK ACTUAL EARNINGS OF USERS OF OUR PRODUCT AS THE SAME WOULD VIOLATE THE USERS TRADE SECRETS AND CONFIDENTIAL OR PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE IS OUR EXPERIENCE WITH THE PRODUCT. IF YOU WANT TO SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE LET US KNOW.
ClickBank allows each vendor to determine the appropriate return, replacement or cancellation policy for its products (each a “Vendor Return Policy”). Each vendor will make its Vendor Return Policy readily available to customers prior to purchase of a product. If the applicable Vendor allows for returns, replacements or cancellations, ClickBank will allow for the return or replacement of any product purchased using the ClickBank services in accordance with the applicable Vendor Return Policy. Customers requesting a return after expiration of the return period set forth in the applicable Vendor Return Policy will be required to work directly with the vendor for technical support or customer service. Vendors may request a return, on behalf of a customer, of any purchase up to 60 days after the date of the ClickBank customer’s purchase. If a customer requests a return and the return is approved by ClickBank, the money for the requested transaction is refunded back to the customer, in part or whole. If the return is for a recurring billing product, then the return policy allows for the most recent payment to be refunded. Multiple payment returns can be provided as long as they are within the applicable Vendor Return Policy. Due to the digital format of ClickBank products, when a product is returned the customer retains the product and, in many cases, the customer has received a benefit from the product prior to the return. In such cases, ClickBank reserves the right to issue a refund for less than the full purchase price. Read more…