Do you know the specific hormone responsible for YOUR body’s most stubborn fat? Keep reading to find out the exact foods you need to eat to STOP hormone related fat storage year after year…
Nutritionist discovers an enzyme that instantly eliminates hormonal related fat storage for men and women over 40, while melting away “stubborn” fat from your worst problem areas…
My name is Bruce Krahn and I am a best-selling author and certified trainer with more than 20 years experience. For more than 15 years I have been working alongside my wife Janet who is a registered holistic nutritionist. Together we have literally thousands of hours experience coaching hundreds of clients in our private practice in Canada.
We also stay in awesome shape year round- despite both of us having health and hormonal issues that make losing fat very difficult PLUS having super busy jobs and raising our twin boys Tyler and Dylan.
You wouldn’t know it from looking at the picture on the left but Janet has an auto immune disease that increases inflammation and raises’ her cortisol levels (cortisol is a stress hormone known to cause muscle loss and increase belly fat).
When she was first stricken with this debilitating disease she was terrified. The doctors told her she was facing a life filled with painful surgeries and potentially life threatening drug therapies.
We were devastated…she was in terrible pain, her body was losing muscle tone and her stomach fat was increasing at a rapid rate-but she wasn’t ready to give up.
As a certified nutritionist Janet already had a tremendous amount of knowledge about how foods impact the body’s hormonal systems. She decided to use this knowledge to create a nutrition system that would enable her to balance her hormones, heal her inflammation and get her healthy body back.
Using this simple system Janet has been able to keep her hormone levels under control enabling her body to burn fat and regain the muscle she lost during her illness.
The best part is that she was able to achieve this hormone balancing effect simply by making some small changes to her nutrition program that I am about to show you.
But Janet wasn’t the only one suffering from hormone issues, my body was slowly going downhill too. The stress of having twins and starting a new business was taking its toll. As a result, my testosterone levels were cut in half and I was starting to look and feel older than my real age (I am 46).
However, I was able to DOUBLE my testosterone hormone levels using the simple nutrition strategies you are about to learn about.
As you can see, Janet and I both have significant hormone imbalance issues. We also have incredibly busy lives with very little time for ourselves.
There is only ONE REASON why we are able to overcome all of these obstacles and burn off our trouble spot fat- we know how to create nutrition programs that optimize our bodies natural hormone levels- that’s it! And you are about to discover exactly how you can do it too.
Everything you need to know has been condensed into this simple-to-use system: Trouble Spot Nutrition
Let’s review what you have learned so far:
All calories are NOT created equal. For every food you eat there is a hormonal response that moves you in one of two directions- lean and healthy or fat and sick. The WORST thing you can do is to follow one of those generic; one size fits all “calories in/calories out” type diet programs. These programs do NOTHING towards deactivating your fat storage enzymes or improving your hormonal balance and may actually cause you to gain fat in your trouble spots. The solution is found in identifying your problem fat areas and the corresponding hormones that are the cause of your fat storage…and correcting the hormonal imbalance using targeted nutrition. The results you will experience from following this approach include; the loss of fat from your trouble spots, increased lean muscle, more energy, improved health and a lot of spare time that you don’t have following those other more “extreme” programs.
The old saying is 100% TRUE… You can’t out train a bad diet
The only way to rid your body of ugly, trouble spot fat is by eating hormone balancing foods.
I have seen it more times than I care to remember- people who thought that they could get a flat stomach or six pack abs simply by working out a few times per week only to find out the hard way that this approach NEVER works!
You now know more about hormones and fat loss than 99 percent of the so called “experts” you see on TV. Now all you have to do is to put the pieces together into a simple to follow plan and enjoy the envious looks you get from friends and co-workers when they see your new body.
Try and create your own hormone balancing nutrition plan, and you will end up confused and frustrated…
You don’t have to go through all painstaking, time consuming research to put together a personalized nutrition plan that will balance your hormones and incinerate your trouble spots…
You can have your very own personalized, hormone balancing trouble spot nutrition plan done for you.
In my practice I have reviewed literally hundreds of food diaries and I can’t tell you how many people mess things up when it comes to creating their own nutrition plan.
You wouldn’t dream about operating on your own body after watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy…so why would you risk messing up your hormones without learning the correct way to do things from an expert?
The nutrition method I teach is very simple but it ABSOLUTELY MUST be done in a highly targeted, specific, and unique way in order to see the results you desire.
If you’re close-minded then trouble spot nutrition is not for you.
There are some people who I prefer not to give a copy of this book simply because they can’t “handle the truth” that it contains
You should not have your own copy of trouble spot nutrition if:
You know everything there is to know about nutrition and fat loss. People with closed minds are NEVER the ones who achieve their goals.
You are not open to making the small changes I show you. Your current nutrition plan isn’t working. Don’t keep repeating the same behaviour hoping for a different result- it just won’t happen.
You have limiting beliefs about what you are capable of. I know that this program works and that it will work for you. You must believe this too. You simply have to be willing to make a few small changes in order to balance your hormones and allow fat loss to happen.
You prefer following programs based on “bro science”, myths and old, out dated research. The science of nutrition and hormones has come a long way in just the past year. You can now take advantage of this new information using this revolutionary, science based program.
Remember: Trouble Spot Nutrition is simple- but don’t be foolish by thinking it isn’t highly effective.
There is an old saying- “complicate to profit, simplify for results”. This is especially true when it comes to losing body fat.
Stop making things more complicated than they need to be. I have already done all the heavy lifting for you by creating a simple, easy to use nutrition system that will balance your hormones and remove your trouble spot body fat starting today.
So please: DO NOT be fooled by how simple and easy Trouble Spot Nutrition appears. The power of this system is in the research that is behind it and all the small details that make it so effective. This system WILL work for you, guaranteed.
Janet and I are super busy parents and are excited to help as many people as we can. That’s why I am keeping the price super low- that is until Janet and I reach the point where we can no longer keep up with providing awesome customer support.
Also, because I understand what it means to be extremely busy I have made the program super easy to start and follow. There is no huge print book to wait for in the mail and you will be on your way to shrinking your problem trouble spots and repairing hormonal damage in just minutes.
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