TouchpadFX Control Your Favorite DJ Software By Touch!

TouchpadFX :: Control Your Favorite DJ Software By Touch!

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Urgent Message To All Digital DJs! If You Were Ever Thinking That Something Cool Was Missing From Your DJ Mix, Then Continue Reading…

As a DJ, your keyword is: entertainment. Your audience doesn’t come to your party to be bored, they want to forget everyday problems and feel good. It’s your mission to entertain them.

But, it’s no longer enough to play the hottest music and mix precisely, because everyone can do that with any DJ software. To stand out from other digital DJs, you must be creative and unique while mixing music. If you give your audience something new, you can be sure that they will come back to your next party.

We want to help you in achieving this. We want to give you a tool right into your hands. Actually, this is an opportunity which you cannot afford to miss. You want to be the absolute favorite DJ in your area, don’t you?

Today’s DJ software are smart. We bet your shiny new DJ program has awesome effects and looping capability. But the question is, can you really take advantage of these? Do you have the right DJ gear to use them correctly?

We are not talking about pressing the effect on/off buttons and turning the filter knobs on your DJ controller. We are talking about making combined, professional effects and “tricks” in real-time. Are you really able to turn on and control several effects and loops at the same time?

It’s very hard or even impossible to perform complex effects in real-time, no matter how expensive your DJ system is. Why? Because you have only two hands. After all, you’re not an octopus, you are a human…

But, we’ll show you a brand new technique with which you can make effects, loops and other tricks during your DJ mix in a super easy, mistake-free and spectacular way.

Have you noticed that nowadays all smartphones and tablets have big touch screens and have almost no buttons? Why do people like touch screens? Because they are easy to use. Just touch the screen at the right place to activate a command, or move your finger to modify or move something. Quick and simple.

Well, your laptop doesn’t have touch screen, however it has a built-in touchpad! We will show you how you can take advantage of your laptop’s touchpad during your DJ set.

We present you a software which allows you to control almost any DJ software on the market with the built-in touchpad of your laptop in various ways.

It runs in the background and it’s continuously watching when and where you are touching the touchpad. When you touch the pad, it sends a “message” to your DJ software to execute a command. For example, such a typical command is to activate an effect or activate looping, but you can also simulate pressing buttons, moving faders or turning knobs of your DJ software ‘” simply just by touching the touchpad.

“But I can make effects and loops with my own DJ controller too!” ‘” you might think. Yes, you’re right, but TouchpadFX allows you to start and stop multiple effects and change their parameters at the same time using only one hand (actually, one finger), and this is the difference between a regular DJ controller and TouchpadFX. It gives you a secret weapon into your hands ‘” and a lot of new possibilities.

…and you can modify the loop size, the filter frequency and the delay time at the same time simply by moving your finger on the touchpad.

How would you do this with a regular DJ controller? You would need to press multiple buttons and turn multiple knobs. But with TouchpadFX, you need only one finger to do this. Not to mention you can do it mistake-free, because TouchpadFX takes care of starting and stopping effects when you touch or release the pad.

Think about it, while you are making these awesome tricks, you’re still having one free hand! You can use your other hand to further improve your show: you can scratch, you can turn the EQ knobs on your mixer or you can put your other hand in the air!

In short, almost any modern (professional) DJ software on the market. The only requirement is your DJ software must support MIDI mapping. One exception is Virtual DJ, because TouchpadFX communicates with Virtual DJ through our special plugin and not through MIDI. No matter which Virtual DJ version you are using (free or non-free), TouchpadFX will work with it.

Here’s a partial list of DJ software which is compatible with TouchpadFX: Virtual DJ, Traktor, Serato DJ, Ableton Live, Mixmeister, Cubase, Reason, and the list continues, but we can’t list every piece of DJ and music production software here. If you can’t find your software on this list, please check first if it supports MIDI mapping or not.

Let’s face it, it is now 2014, and we are in the middle of the digital age. DJs are continuously moving from analog to digital, and there are more and more digital DJs who are playing from laptop using DJ controllers. We’re glad you also realized this and you are a digital DJ too. This is a good point.

However, in the past few years something changed. DJs are not only mixing together music “A” with music “B”, but most of them use 4-channel digital systems and effect processors. They are remixing in real-time and adding extra sounds and effects to the mix. Why? Because they want to be unique and memorable.

Let’s be honest, nowadays it’s very easy to mix two songs. Almost anybody can do it by using a modern DJ software and pressing the SYNC button ‘” or even the “auto-mix” button. But in 2014 this is not enough! If you want to stand out from the crowd, you’re going to need to show something special, something new, something unique.

The best DJ programs already have the… Read more…