Total Twitter Domination
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Did you know there’s an exclusive group of people that are quietly laughing as they steadily earn more and more from using their Twitter accounts every day? Sure, you might have heard about the celebrities that are making HUGE stacks of cash every time they Tweet, but what about the “Average Joe” that hasn’t struck it big in Hollywood? Can Joe make money on Twitter?
Seriously, I had barely one hundred followers. I don’t think half of them even knew who I was, and worst of all… what can you really say in 140 characters anyway? As I know now, plenty, but I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere, fast.
Fast forward to today… Now I have multiple accounts in a variety of enjoyable, and profitable niches. Each account has hundreds or thousands of followers that want to hear what I have to share, and respond to my recommendations. The beauty is that once I set up an account, it’s almost completely hands free!
I’ve found that most people that use Twitter are flying totally blind. They have no real strategy, they don’t know the secrets of saving time, and in the end they waste hours upon hour and don’t have anything to show for it. If you are one of those people that has yet to “crack the Twitter code”, that’s about to change.
If your bag is already stuffed with slick tricks and you have Twitter begging for mercy, you can go now… thanks for stopping by
This Is AWESOME Michael… You are sure right that things change with Twitter… This package you made is massive..
You’re right it should be selling for more than 37.00 Dude… Try 67.00 or 97.00 -Roy Fielding
I have only just started using Twitter as I thought it would take up too much of my time and distract me from doing some real work. This package show me exactly how to make the most of automating things so I’m not distracted… Highly recommended.
Twitter is hugely powerful and so easy to put on auto-pilot. It is great to finally see a product that lays this out on the table with some awesome unique tricks to drive solid profits on auto-pilot. Great work Michael!
I’ve read so many ebooks and watched so many videos on how to make money with Twitter but nothing comes close to Total Twitter Domination! I particularly like Part 11 and the resource that you revealed. That alone is worth more than what you’re charging for the course. Great product Michael… I HIGHLY recommend it!
If you always wanted to get more followers, keep your followers, automate your account(s), run multiple accounts, or just learn to customize you profile templates … this course is for you. If you are new to Twitter and want to learn to use Twitter for your marketing, this is a MUST HAVE course. … Video 7 was golden for me.
If you just sign up for twitter, start following people, and hope you get some followers in return ‘” all you’ll have is hope. Last time I checked, hope don’t pay the bills.
There’s a better way, friends… how about a highly detailed “nuts and bolts” walk-through of everything you need to know about Twitter?
What would it be like if you could sit down with a Twitter expert for two full hours and pick their brain… pulling out every detail of how they set up their account, how they save massive amounts of time and energy and how they turn their Twitter account into a money maker?
Problem is, you would never be able to cover it all in two hours, no way. You’d go hopping down rabbit trails, you’d get hung up on all kinds of teeny-tiny details… you get the picture… oh, and then when it’s over, it’s over. Fat chance you’d get to “review” the material whenever you wanted.
What I’ve done is exactly that though. Watching this video series is like sitting down with me one-on-one and you get my notes, my resources, all my tricks… everything. Best thing is you can watch it over and over and over until you’re absolutely smashing it on Twitter.
Step 1. You download one .zip file that contains over 2 hours of step-by-step Video Instructions, your course PDF and your Bonuses. Unzip the download get started.
Step 3. Watch The 13 Videos. Follow along at your personal pace and build your own vast “Twitter Empire” piece-by-piece along with me.
“I love the power of automation, but this isn’t about all that Autoblogging garbage, or spazmodically hitting the “Re-Tweet” button.” It’s not about robots and spambots either. Not at all…
The best Automation is automation with a brain behind it. It’s smart business to harness the power of automation to save you time. It takes a little time up front to set up, but once you do… hold on for the ride! I actually checked one of my Twitter accounts while I was writing this (Shhh… I have quite a few, that’s part of the secret) and saw that I had Tweeted 143 times and gained 277 new Followers since the last time I logged in a week or two ago. Yep, that’s the way it works.
If you don’t consider ANY of the value of the bonuses, or how much time it would take you to collect the resources I’m going to GIVE you as part of this package… If you don’t ever post on a blog and you don’t care if you make a cent in sales from Twitter… Taking away everything and just putting a value on the TIME SAVINGS ALONE if you want to Tweet… Read more…