Tilt Tower – Crank Tower – Wind Turbine Tower – Antenna Mast – Tower Plans – Mast Towers – Antenna T…

Tilt Tower ‘” Crank Tower ‘” Wind Turbine Tower ‘” Antenna Mast ‘” Tower Plans ‘” Mast Towers ‘” Antenna Tower

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It is constructed of 2 lengths of “Box’� steel inserted inside of each other. You can tilt the tower down to work on your antenna or wind turbine at about 4’off the ground. You then would tilt it up using the hand winch. The tower would then be at 25′. You then could crank it up to 50′. The beauty of this is you only need 20′ of room when it is tilted over. You can install it in your urban back yard if you wish.

To save shipping costs of these towers, we are providing the option of purchasing the prints so you can build your own tower. This plan contains self-explanatory prints only. There are no written step-by-step instructions. The prints are easy to follow and anybody with some “do it yourself’� experience could easily build it. Of course, if you are planning to build it yourself and have any doubts, make sure you use common sense and the help of a competent Engineer or Welder. Extreme caution must be used when erecting it.

If you purchase the Prints then decide you would like the entire tower package, the price of the Prints will be deducted from your order!!

Survey your installation site now to prevent your support structure from coming in contact with overhead power lines!!

The installation guidelines are based on assumed soil conditions (190 KPA or 4000 PSF) that may or may not exist in your area and on the assumption that no damage has occurred, or modifications are made to the supporting structure. This tower is designed to support 16 square feet of wind load at 25 feet above ground and 6 square feet of wind load at 44 feet above ground. Wind pressures and ice loading varies from area to area. A qualified structural engineer should be consulted prior to installing any supporting structure.

Don’t wait another day to start your tower. The Tilt Tower Plan Kit can be purchased as an instant download

After placing your order you will be sent your 4 pager PDF version immediately.

With the Downloadable ePlan Version of the Tilt Tower Plans, you will have instant access to all of the valuable information that this amazing kit contains! Detailed Fabrication and erection drawings instantly!!

We will give you a full refund if these prints are substandard in any way. They will give you full details of everything you need and need to do. We will refund your money up to 60 days from the date of purchase. We know that a lot of people will have the prints for months before they decide to start building. That is why we give 60 days for you to start your project. Read more…