Thyroid Secret Early Bird –

Thyroid Secret Early Bird –

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ATTENTION: To anyone who wants to naturally and permanently reclaim their health, energy and attractive physique…

 “AVOID This ‘Healthy’ Food To Rapidly Burn Off Stubborn Fat Naturally…Boost Your Energy Levels… Lift Your Mood…And…Dissolve Away Brain Fog!”

Did you know there is ONE THING in your body that’s responsible for your weight… your energy levels… your focus… your temperature… and even your mood?

If you’ve tried everything to lose that stubborn, unwanted fat (especially around your belly) with no luck… then your thyroid could be the reason why.

Your thyroid is an endocrine gland in your neck. The gland controls how effectively your body makes proteins… how quickly it burns through its energy stores… and… how sensitive your body is to certain hormones.

It secrets 2 hormones into your blood – thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Hormones that are vital to your body. Why?

If you find it tough to lose that fat. And can’t burn it off no matter how much you exercise or what diet you try…

So if you’re saddled with belly fat you just can’t shift… you feel tired, worn out and flat out fatigued all of the time… and you suffer with brain fog.

Over 27 MILLION Americans have some sort of Thyroid disease? (And get this… over 13 MILLION have no idea they’re suffering!)

In essence, you’ll spend a lot of time chasing your tail. With your situation getting no better. Probably getting worse every day that passes.

Besides being overkill, they don’t know what dosage to apply. So guess what? Your metabolism gets all out of whack.

Then once it’s locked in and relatively stable, guess what? You’re on that medication for the rest of your LIFE!

And even if you could get off it, you won’t. Because you’ll be scared to death of reliving those horrible, debilitating symptoms.

13 of the top 50 selling drugs are either directly or indirectly related to hypothyroidism. And get this…

Desiccated thyroid medication is taken from the thyroid gland of pigs and dried. Yes that’s right… for over 100 years medicine has been taking the thyroid glands out of drying then and using it to treat people with low thyroid function!!

They have this conversation with you about removing your thyroid. Because they think it might be “broken.”

And if they talk you into it, (which isn’t very hard to do,) this time, you’re still gonna be on medication for the rest of your life.

And they still have to dial in your medication. Which you and they absolutely have to figure out, because that this point you’re all out of other options.

As you can see, standard medicine is ill-equipped to diagnose let alone cure hypothyroidism. So right now, let me give you one tip that can begin putting your thyroid back on track.

Here’s ONE FOOD you must avoid if you suspect you’re suffering from hypothyroidism. Are you ready? Here it is…

I know, sacrilege right? Ordinarily, broccoli is extremely good for you. Yet if you suspect you’re suffering from a thyroid disorder, then broccoli will only enhance the problem.

Broccoli (and other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and – yes! – brussel sporouts contain what are known as Goitrogens.

So if you are taking in a lot of Goitrogens, thyroid hormone production is blocked… and that’s BAD NEWS for someone that already has trouble producing these hormones through Hypothyroidism.

Remember… If you DO NOT have Hypothyroidism, it is perfectly safe to consume most of these foods that contain Goitrogens. A lot of these foods are still extremely healthy and provide many benefits to you and your body. However…

Over 13 MILLION Americans have NO IDEA they suffer from Hypothyroidism. In a moment, you’ll find out if you DO suffer and what to do about it WITHOUT having to visit your doctor.

Yet that’s only one piece to the thyroid puzzle. Avoiding goitrogen containing foods is a step in the right direction. But if you suspect you suffer from a thyroid issue…

If you can’t shift stubborn belly fat, you lack energy and focus and you just feel kinda low, sad and depressed a lot of the time…

And… you don’t want to face the doctor and his tests or have to rely on medication for the rest of your life…

Sure, like me you could go out there and search around and filter through all the conflicting information on how to care for your thyroid.

Or you could take a shortcut right here, right now. Because I’ve already done all the work for you.

Yet that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’ve never seen anything as comprehensive as the Thyroid Secret program.

Now, you don’t have to worry about visiting your doctor and getting hooked on medication. You can heal your out-of-whack thyroid with the power of food.

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Thank you Jess, I will take you up on asking questions and I’m extremely tired of not feeling like myself so I am going to follow your instructions to the tee and forever if I can feel like me again. I am going to start the detox in the morning.

Thanks you I have downloaded all the pdf’s and have saved them all thank you thank you. I am happy to have gotten these eBooks on the thyroid…good night and blessings.

Now you no longer have to cross your fingers and hope your meals are helping your health rather than hindering it.

Included in this special cookbook are meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All thyroid-friendly and utterly delicious!

One of the most accurate ways to determine if you have low thyroid function is to do a basic metabolic temperature… Read more…