The Weight Loss Motivation Bible: How To Program Your Mind For Sustainable Fat Loss
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And it frustrates me to no end because I know first hand that inability to make progress in this area can be VERY frustrating. Especially as I know you have likely been successful in many other areas of your life including your career, family, and relationships.
Chances are, you have have achieved a great deal of progress in those areas. But when it comes to mastering your own body weight you are much more likely to find yourself in a constant state of struggle. Something that you think should be easy to master continually defies your best efforts to get on top of it, doesn’t it?
All I ask is that you let me impart to you these coveted truths that I hold within and if you do, I know that this very day will mark the turning point you’ve been yearning for ‘” YES ‘” I’m that confident!
You won’t beat yourself up for not succeeding with your prior weight loss attempts. To the contrary, you will discover why it happened and how to eliminate making the same mistakes in the future.
You’ll no longer be tempted change course and buy into the promises of the next fad diet that comes along because you will have already disovered the sensible approach to weightloss and have the faith in yourself to maintain your resolve in the course we’ll set together.
You won’t beat yourself up emotionally for occasionally cheating. Instead you will embrace your new confidence that will allow you to get back on track seamlessly.
Your motivation won’t vanish like it has in the past. Instead, you will embrace how empowering it is to maintain high levels of motivation that have become second nature daily.
You won’t fall prey to negativity from others who attempt to undermine your efforts to get into shape. To the contrary, you will be driven by your own internal guidance system..
You won’t waste one more dime on an endless supply of weight loss products promoting empty promisest because you will embrace the reality that you already possess the most effective weghtloss weapon ever and how to leverage it to achieve all that you desire!
Why it’s okay if it takes even 3 months to perfect your personal meal plan (Pg 33). You can’t use Jenny’s meal plan, someone from Seattle’s, or one printed off the website. But what’s so great about that is, because it’s perfect for you, it will have all your favorite foods and you will gleefully look forward to each and every satisfying meal, each and every day.
3 Body Transforming Benefits of Higher Self-Esteem'”and how to get it. (Pg 11). You’ll feel better about yourself, so you’ll do better for yourself…which in turn will make you feel better about yourself, again! Finally, you’ll be free from the vicious cycle and onto the vivacious cycle.
How an ‘imaginary’ button can protect you from negative thoughts (Pg 52). Never again will you be victimized by the ugly, spiteful comments of others and, more importantly, those from yourself. With this technology, you’ll train your brain to detect the negative and activate the positive'”literally burning new, “pro-you” neural pathways.
The shocking truth about 1000’s of diets available ‘” it’s not what you think. (Pg 4). There’s more than just the “diet” yo-yo to know about most diet plans
A 2-question Self-Quiz that makes your thoughts release your fat (Pg 41). It’s like the “real you” that is hidden underneath the flab finally gets to show off the real you and what’s so great about that is, you’ll never go back after you live your truth aloud.
How “Having More” in every area of you life makes you weigh less (Pg 73). You’ve always known intuitively that you can’t stick to a plan where you have to give up this and give up that. Finally, a plan you can stick to because it’s based on abundance rather than scarcity.
The dangers of the “Yogurt” replacement method of reducing calories. (Pg 8). You’ve seen the commercials where someone replaces a higher calorie choice with a light yogurt, but did you know that can actually make you fatter? You’ll learn why and how to avoid it with The Weight Loss Motivation Bible.
Trudy McBreen, (A MOTHER OF 5 from OHIO) Got it… “This book has made a difference to my life.” “I have changed my attitude to so many things… I’m a new person.”
Because… “[The Weight Lose Motivation Bible” target=”_blank”> is not just about food and it’s not just about my weight.”
And, as you internalize the system and get this, you’ll free yourself from harmful “half-measure” and “quick fixes”.
Ray Cowie still enjoys a protein shake, but now he doesn’t get the “shakes” from dangerous weight loss drugs. He writes: “With Carolyn…I soon achieved my short term goals.”
“For the first time in my life I’m not using any weight loss supplements, other than two protein shakes a day and I’m still losing weight faster than ever before. Carolyn’s book reminds us that there aren’t any new fangled diets or magic pills that can achieve these types of results and she’s right…” “Thanks to Carolyn’s [Weight Loss Motivation Bible” target=”_blank”>, I’ve learned how to motivate myself and now have the energy to keep and maintain a great balance between my career, my family life, [and my health” target=”_blank”>.” “Believe me, if I can do it; anyone can.”
It’s not just the pills and potions you’ll be though with… How would you like to say…
Sally Hewson (who has been using the system for a short with with fast results) says: “I am guilty of going on one diet after another… none of them worked. Every time any weight I did lose… Read more…