The Secret Code To Fat Loss – Metamorphosis

The Secret Code To Fat Loss ‘” Metamorphosis

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And your current fitness level, genetic makeup, or family history won’t stop you from getting that amazing body in 30 days. Regardless of how out of shape you’ve been your entire life!

And the solution has nothing to do with taking diet pills or gimmicky exercise gadgets to try and fix the problem overnight. It has everything to do with naturally repairing your body at a cellular level, removing destructive toxins and bacteria, and igniting your metabolism.

All these negative pieces combine to create a very confused body which results in uncontrollable cravings for you, making it almost impossible for you to stick to a good diet…

A lifetime of processed foods, refined sugars, and yo-yo dieting have created years worth of undigested matter that is literally stuck in your Gastrointestinal Tract (GI). This “sludge” has been preventing your digestive tract from fully absorbing nutritious foods that would otherwise eliminate fat-storage around your body!

Along with the emotional toll is a physical one: Not only is the extra weight a health risk, but recent studies have linked the gain-lose-gain cycle to such potentially life-threatening conditions as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, depression, heart disease, and cancer.

If that wasn’t enough, Americans spend $60 billion on these weight loss Pills, Powders, and Potions that do nothing for them in the long run.

Our names are Charles and Andrea Riggs and we’re NOT just health fitness trainees, but Life Transformation Coaches. We are people, just like you. We love adventure and being crazy in with our kids all around the globe. We are inspired by teaching families and individuals the truth about fitness, nutrition, supplementation, and life. We are about living life with more energy and we know exactly how to make that happen for you!

What we teach starts with getting you into super human, vibrant health internally first…starting at a cellular level. Which leads to awesome results on the outside. That will then result in a great looking body on the outside just like you want regardless of your age, size, metabolism, or genetics!

After reading all kinds of self help books and going to ‘success’ seminars and workshops to help change our life around…we realized that if we wanted to make positive changes we had to be mentally sharp and physically fit everyday to make those changes.

Because it would give us the necessary energy, mental sharpness, focus, and stamina to make it happen.

But when we made the decision to start hitting the gym and begin eating healthy… there came a whole other problem.

Our abs remained hidden no matter how hard we worked out, or how many abs exercises we did, or how strict our diet was.

Sure we lost some weight, and we were in much better shape than we had been previously… But mediocre results were NOT what we wanted.

Yes, we tried it all. We listened to the experts, read even more books, followed fad diets and even tried some extreme diets which involved starvation, strange juice concoctions. Still the same results.

The 3% of the population, or the “3 Percenters” as we like to call them. These were the very few people who looked amazing. Great bodies, great lives, and great attitudes.

Instead of always guessing, listening to advice, following fad diets, we thought, why not just look at and analyze what the “3 Percenters” were doing. You see, they had figured it out!

They were the very few who were physically successful at losing stubborn fat, building muscle, and looking great. All around, they (the “3 Percenters”) had it figured out….or so we thought.

We thought that if we would just do what they were doing, and follow their routines we would turn out just like them…

Well, we were wrong there. See, we discovered that even the “3 Percenters” couldn’t exactly explain what they were doing.

We would routinely get differing advice and it was just back to the same old guessing game ‘” we were just like the 97%, we had NO idea what we were doing still!

In our quest to find the truth, we found that there was something hidden among all the information gathered from the “3 Percenters”. Something, that even they didn’t realize!

We discovered that most of us, over time, have literally changed our bodies on a cellular level. Processed foods, bad eating habits, nutrient deficiencies, toxins, pollutants, and yo-yo dieting all worked together to create this cellular sickness.

Your body contains trillions of cells. Each cell is like a micro nuclear reactor, which generates energy. This energy is combined and used by the body for various purposes. Imagine each cell not performing at 100 percent!

This cellular sickness results in noticeable symptoms such as drastic drops in energy, fat gain, sugar cravings, and depression, but is not limited just to these.

The reason we were having trouble succeeding in our goals was because we were still very sick on a cellular level!

The Secret Key to Fat Loss Success begins by re-igniting your body at a cellular level. You will restore cell health by first repairing cell damage, and then armoring your cells from future damage.

It’s like going back and restarting the reactor! This re-ignition process is called the Meta-Reset and is KEY to Fat Loss Success, life long health, vitality, strength, clarity, happiness, and overall feeling amazing!

A lifetime of processed foods, refined sugars, and yo-yo dieting have created years worth of undigested matter that is literally stuck in your Gastrointestinal Tract (GI). This “sludge” has been preventing your digestive tract from fully absorbing nutritious foods that would re-ignite your cells and ultimately eliminate fat-storage around your body!

In order for your cells to get back to 100% energy production, we need to make sure that the cells are getting the necessary nutrients to produce that energy.

The Meta-Reset was a major discovery and it helped… Read more…