The Newbie Challenge – Newbie To Pro Marketer In 30 Days!

The Newbie Challenge ‘” Newbie To Pro Marketer In 30 Days!

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RE: A 30-Day STEP-BY-STEP Actionable Plan To Brining In Consistent Income Online. From The Desk Of Simon Stepsys “The Net Guru”

Or perhaps you know of many ways to make money online, but still unsure as to what works for you and how exactly to get started?

I have some great news for you! You are in the right place. You WILL NOT have to learn the hard way.

To begin with you need a clear step-by-step ‘” day-by-day outline; showing you exactly where to go, and what to do.

You also need the EXPERIENCE of someone who has already gone through the testing, refining and HARD WORK so that you don’t have to experience it yourself.

Many have just jumped in own their own, and were very quickly overwhelmed with information overload, as well as having been drawn in by big promise, costly training courses that were full of “theory’� and fluff, not making them one red cent.

It not only shows you how to attract buyers ‘” it gives you the methods that will enable you to get a steady stream of traffic who are eager to see your offers! It’s step-by-step instruction will enable you to create your very own Professional Sales Page, as well as show you exactly how you can get valuable incoming links to your Page, and get GOOD PAGE RANK.

These methods have been proven to work ‘” This is NOT some “guru’� designed, complicated, hard to read and comprehend ‘” “theory for Internet Marketing.’�

That is how it got the name ‘” “30 Day Newbie Challenge.’� To do this ‘” and make money ‘” is the main objective the writer of this program had in mind for you.

When you see the “You’ve Got Money,’� email that Paypal will send you just as soon as you make a sale ‘” you will be hooked. This workbook shows you exactly what to do for 30 days, but the real beauty of this program is that you can do it over and over again! Starting back at the beginning. This will allow you to continue to make money, day after day.

What makes this offer any different than the rest? You WILL MAKE MONEY with this program. You will not have to spend a dime of you own to work this program. Once you have bought the program, there are no more hidden costs. I CHALLENGE you to take the steps in this program, and give them an earnest try ‘” and not make money!

Go over to clickbank and search for a product to promote. If it has a gravity of ____ plus you will know that the product is selling well. You will need to go over to ________ and enter the name of your product and review at the top. If you have _____ views or more you will know that you are on to a winner.

To find your keywords you are going to go over to _______ to find the long tail keywords that people are looking for. A decent keyword will have at least ____ searches a month. When you check out the competition, you will need to go over to Google. If you see nothing but _______ on the front page then you should leave that keyword alone.

Today you are going to find out which _____ you will need to use to make this system work for you. You will need to pick a ________ for each niche and stick to it. You will first of all need to open a ______ for this campaign.

You will need to go over to __________ and check out what the top ranking pages look like. Finding out what they are doing to get seen and get ranked will give you the best chance of success. I believe that doing a lot of _________ and getting _________ is a big reason for failure online. If you do the proper _______ this will not happen to you

Write 3 articles and submit them at your _______ account. To get your site ranked make sure the keywords are in the _______ and the _________ and that you build your sites around what made the other sites successful.

Take your articles and submit them to _______ . Then take your ________ and __________ and submit them to rss sites. Social bookmark your_______ and _________.

Rewrite 3 articles and submit them to ________. You can now use these articles that you just wrote to start a ________. Now you will need to ping your site at ___________.

Your second set of _______ should go live today. You will be pinging your _______ and ________ url and ________ feeds at pingoat. Social bookmark your _______ from the _______ that you created.

Go to your wordpress blog and make posts out of 3 _________ that you just wrote. ___________ your wordpress blog at Pingoat. Answer 4 questions at _____________ and don’t forget to leave ________ blank

______________ your new posts from your wordpress blogs. Submit your ________ to the sites you signed up for in day 3. Answer 4 questions at _________ and leave 3 blank. Submit your _______ feed to the ________ from day three.

Rewrite 3 ________ and make them into _______ for your ________. Answer 5 questions at ________ and leave links in _________. Rewrite your articles and make them into posts for your _______.

Go over to ___________ and create RSS feeds. You will then submit them to ________ from day 3. Answer 5 questions at _________ and leave links in 4 of them. Ping your WordPress blog url at _______.

Another great way to get links back you your site is _________ and __________. You can simply put a ________ to the site you are promoting in your ________. Answer five questions on ________ and leave links in four answers.

Write 3_______ around your _______ and submit them to _________. Go now to your ________ and _________ and change the pages. Ping your Squidoo and hubpage url at ________. Answer 5 questions at something leaving links in 4 answers.

Add any ________ to your to your squidoo and hubpages that you have not yet. Do some ______ posting and do some blog __________.Take 3 ___________ that have been approved and submit them to __________.

Take one _________ that has previously been… Read more…