The Mini-Course Formula Program
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Because they’re “going through” your mini-course, you’re not even pitching them to buy products ‘” you’re simply helping them with recommendations. This method of making money online is so super cool and easy to do because all you’re doing is giving away a FREE mini-course! Which leads me to… The Mini-Course Formula.
Optin Page. You’ll discover how to layout a money-making plan as well as layout a persuasive, high-converting opt-in page to get website visitors to subscribe.
Mini-Course Creation. This is where you’ll find out how to create a mini course that will have subscribers beating a path to your opt-in page subscription form.
Email Strategy. Discover how to convert your subscribers into customers who buy from you again and again. This is where the money’s at.
Traffic Generation. Get traffic to your opt-page in order to build a big, responsive list and of course, make money from it.
Here’s the million-dollar question: Is your niche profitable? You’ll find out in three simple steps…
Heads up: Keep an eye out for these 4 red flags when picking an affiliate product ‘” and run like heck if you see them!
You’ll get tips for choosing a mini course title that intrigues subscribers, plus a full set of templates ‘” naming your course is a breeze!
Don’t even think of getting a domain name until you read my tips and use my domain-name templates!
How to choose an autoresponder that’s easy to use with a focus on getting your emails to your subscribers
You’ll get a sales page template you can use to create your very own high-converting opt-in page.
You’ll find out how to create attention-getting, grab-’em-by-the-shirt-collar headlines…
Do you know the 20 trigger words that boost your conversion rate? Read module #1 for the answers
You’ll get three sales letter openers you can use to hook your prospects and keep their eyes on your page
You’ll learn how to create great bullet points that get your prospects clicking the “subscribe’� button!
Don’t know what to write about? No problem ‘” You’ll find out how to create a mini course your subscribers will love!
You’ll discover a simple trick for creating a mini course that includes the exact topics your subscribers are desperate to read…
The single most important key to create a course that satisfies your subscribers yet generates a big profit into your bank account
You’ll learn how to create one of the most powerful types of mini courses that bonds subscribers to you like crazy glue!
Warning! You’ll discover which common mini course mistake will absolutely kill your conversion rate ‘” plus you’ll find out how to avoid it…
How to create compelling subject lines that almost always get your subscribers to open your emails!
You’ll discover a surprisingly simple trick for building subscriber loyalty ‘” almost everyone overlooks this tip
How to format your emails for easy readability. Hint: Easy-to-read emails generate more profits!
Revealed at last: My original “7 Maxims’� formula for Money-Making, Mini-Courses. These maxims are sure to boost your profits!
5 surefire ways to get your subscribers to read your content ‘” these tricks turn readers into paying customers, fast!
The secrets of asking your subscribers questions that get them moving quickly towards the buy button (it’s surprisingly easy)
You’ll discover a dead simple way to find out why your prospects aren’t buying ‘” and how to quickly and easily overcome their resistance…
You’ll find out one of the best ways to get people to order now ‘” it’s deceptively simple but powerfully effective!
You’ll find out how to avoid the #1 mini course mistake that kills conversions and gets people fleeing your list
People not buying your main product? No problem ‘” you’ll find out how to make money from these subscribers, too!
You’ll discover an email sequencing tip that virtually guarantees your emails will land in your prospect’s inbox when he’s sitting at the computer ‘” it works like magic
You’ll get 5 proven tips for creating evergreen content. Your content will look so fresh your subscribers will think you created it 30 seconds ago… even if you created it three years ago!
PLUS you’ll find out how to create and send a variety of articles, newsletters, resources and invitations that will keep your subscribers happy and your bank account full!
The 5 keys for choosing high-traffic, good quality blogs that will send you plenty of targeted visitors!
You’ll learn how to find the best forums in your niche (the ones that will send you hordes of traffic)!
You’ll discover the 5 keys for building a good reputation ‘” do this and your subscriber list will blossom before your eyes!
You’ll get title templates and an article example to show you how to create engaging content ‘” it’s easy once you see the example!
You’ll discover 11 places to share your articles ‘” your content will blanket your niche in no time!
Heads up: You’ll discover a little-used way to get traffic from Facebook (and no, it’s not about building a Fan Page)!
You’ll discover five ways to leverage other peoples’ traffic, customer lists and other resources!
You’ll find out how to uncover suitable partners who’re eager to work with you and share their assets
You’ll learn 9 ways to establish relationships to get more yeses from prospective partners ‘” this is your ticket to success!
PLUS you’ll get a weekly marketing schedule to pull all these strategies together and keep you on track!
100% No Question… Read more…