The Grip Authority – Grip Strength Training – Feats of Strength

The Grip Authority ‘” Grip Strength Training ‘” Feats of Strength

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I have helped hundreds of people accomplish their Grip Training, Strength Feat, and General Training Goals over the years, but don’t just take my word for it. Check out what Todd Coenen had to say after joining The Grip Authority:

One more thing. I’m kind of a skeptic, and I wouldn’t normally pay money for any kind of workout or training program. TGA is the real deal, though. For me, it’s money well spent.

Thanks for your instruction during our call the other day. I really enjoyed the visit. It was nice to talk with someone so accomplished, yet who is genuinely excited about the progress of others. I first discovered grip training a few years ago as a way to strengthen my forearms for playing softball. I joined up with The Grip Authority after following your posts on the Diesel Crew site. I quickly realized that I was not working my grip hard enough or smart enough. Since joining up with your site, I have made tremendous progress in all areas of grip strength. Your instruction has basically accelerated my training farther in just a few months than I had gained in several years on my own. I recently purchased the Nail Bending DVD and started bending, which has added a whole new level of fun to my training. I feel lucky to have the DVD from the beginning of my bending career because I know it has saved me a lot of time in making progress.

I would recommend your work to anyone interested getting a stronger grip or gaining an edge in athletics not only because the content is great, but your delivery is awesome. Everything comes across in a way that make you feel comfortable and eager to get to work. I think a lot of times teachers/trainers/coaches get bogged down in the content and lose sight of the element of motivation. The site is like a quick shot in the arm any time I feel a little stagnant or not quite energetic on a training day. I can log on and check out some videos to get ideas to put in motion.

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