The Gluten Free Bible – Going Gluten Free Made Easy

The Gluten Free Bible ‘” Going Gluten Free Made Easy

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Medically diagnosed with coeliac disease 3 months ago I have found it so hard to find a way to change my diet and way of life.

It was such a tiny investment to make, I could have chased my tail and spent like yourself thousands of dollars and still found it hard to adjust.

Your ebook has provided me with the answers and ways to become totally gluten free and I have now like the title suggests made it my bible.

Thank you so much for being so thorough in your studies and willing to share them with me. I cannot thank you enough.

I have been trying to eat gluten free for years, and it is so confusing trying to work out the difference between gluten intolerance, celiac disease and all the other types of gluten problems!

The Gluten free Bible is such a great resource ‘” it tells you exactly what you can eat, even down to the brands that are gluten free!

I am actually stunned as to the prevalence of gluten in things I wouldn’t have dreamed gluten was in! The section on how to avoid accidentally eating gluten is something I really didn’t know about.

If you have ever worried that the bloating, gut pain, diarrhea, constipation, reflux or fatigue that you are experiencing might be caused by gluten…

Or if you are searching the internet for answers but feel overwhelmed by all the information on the net ‘” and don’t know where to start?

This is a website about looking after your health, so that means need to tell you that I am not a medical doctor or a nutritionist, and that I can’t give you medical or nutritional advice. You should speak to your doctor or a dietician if you are not sure if a gluten free diet is right for you.

I have been living with painful and sometimes embarrassing effects of gluten intolerance for nearly 7 years now, and have been eating a gluten free diet for almost that long. So that means that I have firsthand experience in all of the ups and downs of living gluten free. I have

What does this mean for you? It means that all of the advice I am sharing with you is as a result of actually living gluten free ‘” not just reading about it. I got sick of living my life with fear and pain, so I decided to do something about it, and educate myself. Now I want to share that information with you, so you don’t need to suffer like I did.

I have been living with gluten intolerance for nearly 7 years now, and have been eating a gluten free diet for almost that long!

In actual fact, I’ve had the symptoms of gluten intolerance since I was a teenager (maybe longer!), but no one knew that my symptoms could be caused by something I ate every day ‘” in cereals, toast, sandwiches, pasta, cakes and hidden in all sorts of foods that you wouldn’t expect it to be in.

Maybe you can understand where I am coming from here, but all I ever wanted was to fit in, to look good, and to be able to concentrate in class without needing to run to the toilet at awkward moments!

It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that I started to make the link with what I was eating, and how I was feeling. In fact, it was when I stopped eating so much bread and other gluten containing products on one of those fad no carb diets, that I started to feel amazing for the first time!

It wasn’t until I stopped the fad diet, that I started to feel sick again, and my stomach swelled up so I looked like I was pregnant again. People were really starting to wonder!

Well, I went to the doctor with the link that I had made between what I ate, and how I felt, expecting that they would be able to run some tests, and tell me what was wrong, and I’d be able to take a pill that would make me better. After all, that’s what doctor’s do ‘” Right?

WRONG! What actually happened is my doctor looked at me like I was CRAZY, and told me it was all in my head! I left feeling quite stunned, and thinking that this one doctor didn’t know what he was talking about

So I went to another doctor, and another, and another. And each time, was just like the first time. Occasionally, one would give in send me for a blood test. By this time though, I was not eating bread or other high carb foods, so I wasn’t eating very much gluten anyway.

Of course, the blood tests came back negative. At best, the doctor would tell me I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and tell me to eat more fiber, like whole grain bread. Others would look at me helplessly, and say, well, just go home and deal with it. And the healthy high fiber, gluten filled diet made me feel even worse!

So I started to do my own research. What’s the first thing you would do? Go to the internet, right?

I don’t know about you… but pretty quickly I had an overwhelming-information-overload! And it seemed I was more confused than before I started…

Don’t get me wrong ‘” there was lots of great information, but it was spread out all over the place across so many different websites ‘” PLUS ‘” it seemed like most of the info was for people who had been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, not for people like me, who wanted to be gluten free, but hadn’t had an “official diagnosis’� yet.

Nothing wrong with that, Celiac Disease is a very serious illness ‘” BUT all I wanted was information that was written for people that had… Read more…