Still struggling with premature ejaculation?
Get your hands on a brand new technique that sex experts are raving about!!
Last Up To 15 Minutes Longer In Bed Tonight…TAKE BACK CONTROL Over When You Orgasm…And Become The Man No Woman Will Ever Leave!
…Brand New Technique (unlike anything you have seen before) will get you lasting up to 15 minutes longer in bed tonight and as long as you want after that.
Read On if you’d like to become the following:
The one man no woman will ever leave for another cause he can crank out one orgasm after another with his long lasting ability
The one she fantasises about when she’s alone as she slips her hands down between her legs.
‘She’s going to whisper in your ear…that’s the best sex I ever had and your chest is going to swell with pride for a job well done as she snuggles into you-knowing that you are the only man she will ever need to satisfy her desires’
If you like the idea of ending your premature ejaculation problem for good and lasting up to 15 minutes longer in bed tonight…this page will show you how.
This Method For Lasting Longer Is Unlike Any Other Method!!
You don’t need to use any weird techniques here like:
Stopping and starting
Or think up images of your mother or sister or something
Counting sheep-or imagining some old politician’s face.
Pulling out
Using delay creams/pills/sprays or potions
Don’t Put Off Dealing With Your Premature Ejaculation Problem A Second Longer…Here’s Why…
This problem will not get better by itself. In fact, it will probably get worse as this habit of premature ejaculation becomes more engrained over time. It’s insanity here to keep on doing the same thing, as you will keep getting the same results.
The bottom line is: Your sex life will suck and any woman you are with will always be looking out for an upgrade on you.
I’m sorry-but it’s TRUE!!
Here’s why:
She may want to stay with your consciously, but deep down inside there will be unconscious urges INSIDE HER- to get her needs satisfied. It’s a basic rule of nature. It’s biology.
I came across this brutal fact over and over again during my research. I experienced how it happened first hand when Jennifer left me. I don’t want you to suffer the same fate.
Embarrassing Confession Time!!
My Girlfriend Screwed Another Guy Cause I Couldn’t Last Long Enough In Bed!!
‘I have needs she said-like any girl-and you’re not meeting them she said- so yes. OK!! You got me. I looked elsewhere. Are you happy now? She screamed through the tears and the Snot. I just wanted to be with a guy for once in my life who can go longer than 2 minutes’
These are the exact words from my girlfriend Jennifer in our living room 2009… Right before she left me for some guy she met in a bar on a night out.
Her words hit me like a sucker punch to the gut and I felt like passing out-crawling under a rock and dying!!
Let me ask you this…
Has anything so DEVASTATING ever happened to you that everything afterwards is a massive effort, like you have ZERO energy and enthusiasm left for life?
That’s exactly how I felt.
I Didn’t Sleep Properly
For Weeks After She Left
I was Gutted and Agitated like never before, tossing and turning all night…. Feeling like my world had come to an end.
Maybe you’ve felt like that about things in your life in the past? Sure. I was going to miss Jennifer…But to honest- the worse thing was coping with the sense of being such a failure and feeling so Useless that this girl had walked out on me.
I knew something had to change otherwise this would keep happening to me over and over again. That would be too painful to face. Have you ever thought about your future and realised you just had to change things in your life-otherwise your days ahead would be too painful to cope with?
Over the next six months I became a man on a mission, determined to learn how to last longer in bed
Whatever the cost!!
Determined to become the lover any girl would respect and want to stay with.
Ever wanted anything so bad you could almost taste it?
I read everything I could find on premature ejaculation-I spent days and weeks in the local library…looking at everything I could find in the sex ed section.
Like a Mad Scientist looking for the answer to this crippling problem.
The solution for lasting longer in bed finally revealed itself to me…
Now call it fate or just dumb luck but I came across an article in a dusty of book one night that said…Got A Premature ejaculation problem? Don’t worry; it’s not your fault. This article was written by an Anthropologist, turned sex therapist. Anthropologists study the origins and development of man…right from caveman times. Inside this article he talked about how men are naturally wired to ejaculate quickly.
Here’s Why You Are A Premature Ejaculator!!
Mother nature has designed us guys this way.
Think about it this way…
Imagine the world 10,000 years ago.
There are no laws or rules to speak of really.
Its kill or be killed-and a lot of time, life hangs by a thread.
2 of the most vulnerable times in your life are going to toilet and having sex.
So ask yourself this…
The Ejaculation Switch.
It’s purpose is simple.
To get control over your natural caveman urge to ejaculate or your “ejaculation switch”, using quick and easy to master body/mind influencing techniques…so you can last up to 15 minutes longer in bed tonight.
It’s instantly downloadable and you can be reading in just minutes from now.
Check out what just some of the guys who have read the Ejaculation Switch have to say about how they got on…
This is what Michael Webb the sex/relationship expert who appeared on Oprah said about The Ejaculation Switch
This is perhaps the most comprehensive and helpful product I have seen to help men get full control over their ejaculations. I love how there isn’t just one tip, technique or exercise to use but dozens of remarkable ways to help you experience sex to the fullest. I must say that the testicle technique is brilliant – it really works!
Here is just a taste of what you will find inside The Ejaculation Switch.
Page 17: my secret “mindset shift” for getting immediate control over your premature ejaculation problem. This mindset shift is used by top sex therapists the world over to help men go for longer-Almost Immediately.
Page 21: the “Past Blaster”: if you’ve had negative sexual experience before in your life. And let face it: Who hasn’t? This exercise is designed to blast way those memories and experiences so you can start going for longer tonight. No matter how badly you performed before.
Page 4: why premature ejaculation can be a warning sign of much serious health concern. Just knowing this information could literally save your life.
Page 23: what never to do when you’re suffering with premature ejaculation if you want to actually enjoy sex and be present for your lover. You’re probably doing this right now if you’re like 90% of guys who have PE.
Page 8: 4 myths about premature ejaculation that could well be keeping you Cumming a lot faster than you want to as we speak. Many guys are unconsciously affected by these myths, just knowing them can make a dramatic difference to how long you last in bed…Starting tonight.
Page 10: 4 of the major causes of premature ejaculation explained in full. Some guys I’ve met have started to last longer in bed on the very day they learned about these. You can too!!
How to break the “sex ejaculation connection” in your mind so you can start to last long enough to give her the sex she really craves from you tonight. Master this alone and you can be giving any woman multiple orgasms by the end of the week…
My premature ejaculation “deep fear buster” technique for becoming a long lasting super stud in bed. This deep rooted fear dissolver is at the root of many guy’s premature ejaculation problem. I’m going to show how to cut that fear out of your life for good so it never triggers a premature ejaculation incident ever again…no matter how long you’ve suffered with your problem.
You will also discover.
My amazing ejaculation re-set switch technique. Use this technique on page 31 for re-setting the timing in your body for when you cum during sex. This technique will give you the power to finish exactly when you want to. You can watch her cum over and over again until you are ready to spill your load inside her, or on her.
5 additional techniques to program your body to delay ejaculation for as long as you want. You have to experience this level of control for yourself to even believe it’s possible. You’re going to be amazed!!
If you suffer with premature ejaculation you probably feel your penis is too sensitive right? Like a hair trigger on a loaded gun when it’s time for action? Well fear not. On page 37, I will show you 4 scientifically proven ways to desensitise your penis naturally and safely and immediately-so you last longer in bed tonight. And don’t worry. These techniques will not affect the amount of pleasure you have during sex. It will only make it feel so much better inside her. She’ll stare at you with a mixture of disbelief and ecstasy on her face when you use these techniques.
Plus so much more than I have time to share with you here today!!
Like seven little known tantric techniques for going for longer in bed tonight and becoming the only lover she ever wants to be with.
Tantric masters use these techniques for thousands of years to last for ages with much younger women who crave to be with them time and time again because they can go all night-if they so desire.
Ever wonder how porn stars manage to last so damn long in bed? Check out the clock technique on page 50. It’s easy to copy right away and can have you going like a Super Confident porn star tonight…No matter what your performance is like right now.
And 3 types of food that help you avoid premature ejaculation according to recent research. Just one of these foods keeps me going for a long time with a stronger erection-every time. Knowledge of this food is worth the investment in The Ejaculation Switch alone.
The Ejaculation Switch is the first and last guide you will ever need to end this problem forever and become a long acting lover every woman dreams of…
You’ll become the kind of guy no women will ever want to leave cause you give her more pleasure that 90% of guys out there. Remember: According to recent research, 80% of men suffer with premature ejaculation. A guide like this will set you head and shoulders above those guys in the bedroom department. Your reputation will soon grow as a man who can deliver the goods time and time again.
Let’s face it…
We both know women love to talk right?
Now we both know…You could maybe gather this information yourself out there online and offline.
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