The Beginners Guide to Stylist Marketing

The Beginners Guide to Stylist Marketing

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Are you passionate about helping a person look their very best? Do you enjoy seeing someone walk away satisfied and more confident because of your services? You want to be successful and make a lot of money right?

Success as a stylist is relative. It may mean more clients, more money, or status or all of the above. Whatever is most important to you, I am sure you would agree that it’s hard to attain.

I have a confession to make. In the past I believed that the success of being a stylist was all about your skills and education. If you learned the right techniques at the right time, and worked hard, then you would automatically become successful right?

In fact, our research has shown that skills account for a lot less than people actually think. Competition has gotten fierce, information is now readily available on the Internet and being great at what you do is now the standard. People expect you to be qualified.

Over the years at Lead Stylists, we have tested over 65 different marketing strategies and tactics on hair stylists and makeup artists that have worked… and didn’t work. Through our expertise and findings, we have used this knowledge to give ourselves an unfair advantage in taking our clients to the next level. Well, we have decided to take all of that information and cram it into our first ebook called,

Learn How Vidal Sasson, Kevyn Aucoin, and Bobby Weiner got clients like Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart and the Titanic (the movie).

Includes 2 Proven Templates: “How to Create Your Avatar Customer” and the “8 Questions You Must Answer”

This is everything that you will need to build the foundation in turning you and your business from average to great.

We’ve been in the business long enough to know that in order build your brand and be successful in business, you have to take care of your clients. In this case, it’s you guys. Our members.

Writing The Beginners Guide to Stylist Marketing was not easy and can easily cost thousands of dollars for the advice contained within this ebook. The exact same strategies and techniques that we use at Lead Stylists on our actual clients today.

However, in order for us to really help out and make a difference with our stylists, we knew that we had to price our ebook low enough, so that every member can afford it and yet still take action.

All we ask is that you give us your fair and honest feedback because at the end of the day, if you’re not happy, then we’re not happy.

In fact, all of our products are backed by our 100%, 60 day money back guarantee. If you decide for any reason that the information wasn’t for you, just let us know and we’ll be happy to give you your money back.

#1 Just click on the button below and you will be taken instantly to our 100% secure online order form.

(You will receive an email once you have made a payment. Simply click on the download link in that email to start reading your ebook. Do tell us if you haven’t received the link ‘” we want you to start learning ASAP!)

You know this is less than the cost of a Happy Meal at McDonald’s (don’t we all miss the day when those meals were $1.99 with the toy included??!) to improve your business. Don’t think and definitely don’t wait! Don’t forget the guarantee and order with confidence! Don’t leave it to chance or to thought! You wouldn’t want your computer to have an update or have this page shut down and forget where it is. So go ahead right now and make a positive decision to invest those few dollars.

P.S. 1 client or 1 strategy that helps to sell the color, the perm, gets you makeup job for that upcoming prom date or helps you get that large wedding party in for your nail services will MORE than pay for this ebook. If you don’t buy this ebook at $7 today, you will actually be losing money! So act now and don’t delay! Read more…