The Beekeeping Bible

The Beekeeping Bible

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This e-Book is Filled With Instructions, Along With History and Understanding. Plus, My view of “A Promise of Hope.” for the honey bees.

My name is Janet Parker and I have been raising honey bees for only around 5 years now and have acquired 200 hives and growing since day one.

I sell hives each year and raise queens for my personal use and for sale. I also sell the honey the bees produce.

The pictures taken in this e-book has been taken by me or one of my children; Sarah, Clay or Matthew. or pictures that we have permission to use.

We sincerely hope you enjoy the tour of our farm and also that this book will add encouragement and knowledge to your Beekeeping.

As many of us know the beekeepers type honey bee has been on the near extinction list for quite some time now.

Keeping bees is not as simple as some might think. Getting them to stay where you put them is another challenge we beekeepers face daily. I share some answers in my e-book with you.

In my recent studies I have found that there are many New Beekeepers. This is good news! I’ve been ask a lot of questions at our West Alabama Beekeepers Association meetings. They tell me I have more hives than all members put together so, I seem to be qualified to answer their questions. I raise honey bees full time.

I enjoy meeting beekeepers and sharing bee stories. Most all new beekeepers know they want to keep bees and have bees but, don’t really know want to do with them now that they have them. This is where I come in.

Along with short stories throughout that show signs of “A Promise of Hope” for us and our special winged insects.

I have the experience and knowledge because I spend almost every waking hour working with my honey bees.

I have compiled in my words how I take care of problems plus, some of the things I enjoy about beekeeping.

I share unknown Virgin Queen stories that I have discovered and recorded but, have never shared until now.

You simply don’t want to get caught in the field without it and miss out on the things you could have done.

To find out what beekeeping is really all about, Just click on the link below to purchase. You can download and be taking your tour in minutes.

This is a first time very new release and I really wasn’t sure how to price. This is my first e-book ever to write. I didn’t think I could even do it. But, when you have a passion and knowledge of honeybees as I do, well, I guess this does make it easier after all.

I want to share with others and encourage more people to become beekeepers rather than try to make a lot of money.

We need more beekeepers in the world. I believe if you purchase my e-book you will be encouraged, and see the joys and benefits that can come with being a beekeeper.

I’ve noticed other books selling for $27.00 up to $36.00 and higher with about the same amount of pages I have (86). I want to be fair.

P.S. Please visit my Farm-site at: and sign up for my Honey Bee Care Newsletter. I’ll be sending you more of my discoveries each week or month as they occur throughout the year. Filled with pictures, hints to help, and much more…. Read more…