The Baby Belly Fat Loss eBook Reviews

The Baby Belly Fat Loss pdf review

Are you feeling frustrated or hopeless about trying to lose your saggy baby belly and you just don’t know where to turn for a solution that works… If so this may be the most important letter you read.

If you do decide to use this proven weight loss system for new moms, then you really could be proudly showing off your beautiful baby and new sexy, firm body in just a few weeks from now!

But don’t just take my word for it, read this short report now to see some of the results other ordinary everyday moms are experiencing too!

If like many other new moms you…
Look in the mirror with dismay at the way your body looks and wonder if it’s possible to lose baby weight in just a few weeks instead of months or even years and you…
Wonder how you’ll ever get rid of the unsightly layer of ripply fat now clinging to your tummy or…
Get depressed about how you’re going to lose baby weight and shed the extra layer you’re carrying around your butt and thighs but you…
Don’t have the energy to get through the sleepless nights, fatigue and constant changing, feeding and other demands that having a new baby brings…
Don’t worry, you are not alone.

Every new mom has to go through this stage and many will simply accept that they’ve lost their figure forever.

Thinking that they’ll never find a way to lose baby weight or have any pride in their appearance again.

Simply accepting it’s just part of the process…

…but it doesn’t have to be.

Because if you want to act right now.straight away, to take back control of your body, lose your baby weight and regain your self esteem, all in just minutes a day, then this could be by far the most important letter you will ever read.

My name is Jago Holmes, CPT.

I am a fully qualified and experienced personal trainer who has been lucky enough to have worked with hundreds of new moms over the last 10 years.

I’ve discovered and developed a 100% guaranteed system through working with my clients which will help any new mom whatever shape or size they are to lose baby weight quickly and from the comfort of their own home.

In order for you to lose baby weight safely after your pregnancy, the normal rules of weight loss simply don’t apply.

I’ve discovered a way that enables you to turn on your body’s pregnancy fat burning furnace, in a way that fits in to a busy new moms schedule…

Without taking time away from the care of your baby.

It’s taken me over 2 years to create, hone and perfect this system that helps you to instantly lose baby weight and flatten your baby belly.

I’ve learned from my client’s successes and their failures, so that you don’t have to. It’s all been done for you.

Many of these clients had very little time or the motivation to do anything about their situation.

I knew the problems they were having but never really understood it…

…until Ruth, my partner went through the same thing.

As a personal trainer, my job is to educate new moms and teach them safe and effective ways to lose baby weight in a way that doesn’t affect their caring for a new baby.

New moms need a time saving strategy that at the same time helps to firm and tone their body so they regain self confidence all through a unique way of eating, exercising and being active.

It’s something I have done for years and I have learned so much during this time about what works and what definitely doesn’t.

I wanted to help all new moms that needed my help to lose baby weight and tighten their baby belly quickly and easily.

But this wasn’t the real reason i created this program to help new moms to lose baby weight…

The real reason I created ‘The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan’, a weight loss system specifically for new moms, was much closer to home.

Let me tell you all about it…

Four years ago my partner, Ruth and I had our first child – Megan. She was born with no real difficulties and was a healthy 6lbs 7oz’s.

Ruth didn’t experience many problems throughout her pregnancy other than the expected weight gain.

Now Ruth had always been quite slim up to the point of getting pregnant, but through her pregnancy gained a lot of weight and she came to despise the way she looked.

Being a personal trainer you would’ve thought I was the perfect person to help her.but think again.

It’s a bit like your dad teaching you to drive, it very rarely works out and often leads to arguments, tension and bitterness, so much so that I had to step back and leave Ruth to her own devices.

Because of this, the relationship struggled along for a while and Ruth didn’t manage to lose the baby weight she’d gained throughout her pregnancy, eventually she stopped trying and accepted that this would be her new shape and size and we just went along as we had before for a while.

I always knew that Ruth wanted children, but I thought she was happy with just having Megan, I didn’t really want to go through having another baby myself although I did like the idea of Megan having a sister, to play with and grow up together.

After a couple of years when Megan became much easier to care for we decided that we would try for another baby, and Ruth got pregnant, we were delighted, or at least I thought we were…

But There Was Something Troubling Ruth, Something That Played On Her Mind Constantly…

And that was this.

If she had one baby and changed shape so much throughout that pregnancy, how would she look after having to go through another pregnancy again and THIS TIME in her mid thirties?

This caused her a great deal of distress and concern, she hated her flabby stomach and didn’t really like her figure after having just one baby and she new that she would definitely gain more weight after having another.

She didn’t know anybody who’d managed to lose baby weight and look good after having children and it just seemed expected that she would be the same.

At the end of the pregnancy she had come to despise the way she looked.she told me that she felt and looked frumpy and that she couldn’t stand her new baby belly.this made her bad tempered and put a strain on our relationship.

She intentionally covered herself up with clothes that hid her shape, baggy t shirts, the most ridiculous track suit bottoms and huge jumpers.

Even though the last time I tried to help it nearly ended in us hating each other, she wanted and needed my help badly this time…

…our relationship depended on it!

I knew what Ruth needed to do to get back in to shape, in fact I could guarantee I could provide her with a solution to lose baby weight in as little as 8 weeks, as I had for hundreds of other women.

The only problem was it would never have worked if I had tried to work with her in person again, we would’ve ended up falling out for good this time.

I Needed To Find A Way Of Helping Her To Lose Baby Weight That Didn’t Require Me Training And Motivating Her Myself…

So I created an entire program for her to use, without me being there, that included a unique post pregnancy diet and a specially designed exercise plan that she could use to start getting rid of her baby belly straight away, one she could just follow and that fitted in to her new moms daily lifestyle of feeding, changing and caring for our new baby.

If you’re a new mom who doesn’t like your new body shape and wants to lose baby weight fast, but can’t seem to find the time, the motivation or energy to do anything about it
You are not alone…

Most women don’t know how to safely lose their baby weight, because of this they are often left with a stubborn tyre of fat around their lower stomach even if they never had any there before.
Millions of new moms mistakenly do hundreds of sit ups a day only to find months later that they have actually made matters worse and got a rounded pot belly for their efforts.
Every new mom finds it difficult to find the time to do anything other than caring for their new baby and looking after the basics of life during the first few weeks, never mind spending hours exercising a week, it simply isn’t an option.
It’s usual to have really low energy levels and feel lethargic just after having a new baby, it’s a hugely draining and demanding experience, but the more you rest and take it easy, the worse you feel, everything is an effort.
Your pelvic floor muscles will be really weak. This makes you anxious about moving around too quickly, laughing or coughing…not wanting the embarrassment of leaking or having to dash to the toilet at a moments notice!
Many new moms find it hard to come to terms with their new shape and appearance, often they have inherited a body shape so different to anything they have had before, through no fault of their own.

No i had a much more personal reason for doing this…
Time for feeding your baby, for changing and just taking care of every day household tasks…

One of the hardest things for any new mom to manage is the lack of time…

The hours blend in to one and the days flash by leaving you wondering where the last few weeks have gone!

Leaving the house can take hours to prepare for with all the accessories needed for a simple trip out, you end up looking like you are leaving for a holiday, never mind just nipping to the grocery store.
With the constant demand of feeding especially in the early days it can leave you struggling to find time in between feeds because no sooner have you finished one feed than your baby is ready for another…or that’s how it can feel.
It’s usually very difficult to get in to a routine with a new baby, you don’t know when they’ll sleep, eat and need changing, you need to be available all the time…you are literally on call 24 hours a day.
If you have any other children, the fear of making them feel unimportant or less valued because of your new baby leads you to try even harder to spend time with them too.
Not every mother has the luxury of family or friends that are able to watch on for an hour or so, and you don’t always want to impose on them too much. Because of this you are left with no time whatsoever to yourself.

You may have gained a lot of extra body fat over the last 9 months and it’s quite possible that you weigh more now than ever before in your life…

Your baby belly and this extra padding can leave you feeling tired, fed up and self conscious about the new lumps and bumps clinging to your body.

If you’ve spent years trying one diet after another but never managed to get in shape without living like a nun, trying to lose baby weight like that now is definitely not the solution, it could lead to a lifetime battle against obesity.
It’s often the little things that really hit home such as not being able to tie your shoes or put your socks on because your saggy tummy gets in the way. You can cope with this during your pregnancy its one of the usual problems, but it’s difficult to justify weeks after having your baby.
Many new moms find it difficult to eat properly when their baby is very young, the time it takes to prepare fancy meals and snacks just isn’t available and as a result they turn to quick, convenience foods which only help to further inflate their baby belly and add on more extra pounds and inches.
It can take a lot of getting used to your new post pregnancy shape. If you’ve never had them before, it’s not easy to accept the jellified baby belly, flabby thighs and sagging bottom. For many women this is the first time in their lives they’ve felt this way, unfortunately most of them will just accept their fate and live the rest of their lives in a body they loathe.
Everyone expects new moms to look a mess, but the comments of ‘haven’t you put on some weight’ can still hurt at a time when your self esteem is at an all time low.
Straight after giving birth many moms radically cut calories in a desperate attempt to lose baby weight. But this could cause deficiencies in your diet making it harder for you to lose weight and leading to poor milk quality, meaning your baby might not be getting the vitamins and minerals he or she needs.

It’s often very difficult to summon up the energy to do anything in the first few days, you feel tired so you take it easy, you feel drained so you eat for comfort…

Nothing you do seems to give you that boost, little do you know your actions are actually making the problem even worse!

Coping with a new baby can be hard enough, but coping on the bare minimum of sleep is harder still. You often end up feeling exhausted, and never get the chance to recharge your batteries or spend any time on yourself, leaving you feeling depressed.
When you are tired, little things can build up in to huge problems, you lose patience quickly and can become irritable at the slightest thing, your new body shape constantly plays on your mind, everyone around you suffers.
A lack of energy can mean your baby suffers because you don’t have the motivation to leave the house, missing out on fresh air and instead being stuck inside all day long.
Breastfeeding can be very draining and tiring especially when you are on call for 24 hours a day during the first few weeks, it can be very difficult to get any sort of routine going, leaving you feeling guilty for neglecting the other things around you.
Some days you won’t feel like getting dressed and the thought of going out sends a shiver down your spine, you just want to stay inside, but this only increases your lethargy and tiredness.

Whether you gave birth naturally or by c section your pelvic floor muscles will be very weak and without taking immediate action may never be the same again…

Simple things like just holding on for a wee can be a huge challenge!

Weakened pelvic floor muscles can easily lead to embarrassing accidents, a simple cough can leave you wetting yourself because your pelvic floor isn’t strong enough to hold on.
Laughing can cause even more embarrassment, potentially breaking wind uncontrollably!
Many women lose any sensation during sex for many months because they haven’t spent any time strengthening these important muscles. Sex for many will never be the same again, a problem which can easily be fixed with the right solution.
Few women are comfortable discussing these intimate problems and as a result never seek advice or learn what they need to do to strengthen the pelvic floor. Some suffer years of anguish and misery.
Simply ignoring the problem, won’t make it go away. Long term side effects of weak pelvic floor muscles are stress incontinence and possible prolapse.
Many women still complain of poor bladder control many years after having children, because they never new what they needed to do.

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