The Affiliate Manual
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Just listen to what some of my satisfied customers had to say about this comprehensive package…
What this offers is incredible. Neil has covered a MASSIVE amount of information and has gone beyond that to provide you with some extras to help you get started the right way.
I wish I had came across something like this when I first decided to start learning about this whole IM scene. This is focused information that will put money in your pocket if you follow through.
Summary: Get this! It’s a steal for the price he’s charging! I already said, I wish someone would’ve offered me something like this when I was a raw newb.
Just like he says ‘� Complete Affiliate Marketing Training Package’�. And that’s what you get. Whatever you need to know about Affiliate Marketing is covered in his training package. You can’t go wrong. He gives you the Affiliate Manual, easy start action plan, 5 day action plans and videos.
All I can say is WOW!!! Neil you have covered just about everything in your package. A 215 page manual, over 30 videos plus 3 different action plans are included. I have not finished as it is going to take a while but I definitely like what I see.
If you really believe that you’re going to find success and make tons of cash in just a couple of weeks with the latest secret tactic that’s just been released then this system might not be for you?
Just give me a chance and I’ll tell you a bit more about what was a life changing experience for me, and the sort of methods that could do the same for you?
When I first started looking at changing my life long career I wondered if it was really a sensible thing to do at my age, giving up a good regular income with job security and all the other benefits, but I desperately needed a change though, and after looking into a lot of different opportunities I decided to try and earn a living online.
Initially it was a struggle with all the different ways to make money online that get thrown at you and I faced an epic battle with complete information overload.
Eventually I found a system to work with and implemented some fairly simple methods in a way that just continued to improve my results.
Despite what you might think, you really don’t need thousands of visitors a day to your content online, but you do need the right type of traffic going to the right type of site.
When you know how to get a website ranked really fast and get decent traffic quickly it really does make a difference!
Most good websites should convert at between 1 ‘” 10% although there can be a vast difference between each site, and whether you’re promoting digitally downloadable or physical products.
Now I know that might not sound too impressive compared to some blogs that get thousands a day, but remember we’re talking about a brand new laser targeted site that started with only about ten pages of content.
Converting at just 1% and selling products that get commissions of around $48 each that’s about $330 in the first real month, from something that can be put together in just a few hours.
I’ll let you do the math but that didn’t take much work to get there, just knowledge, persistence, and a little time.
I have absolutely no regrets and would never go back to working a regular job again. I love what I do now way too much and feel completely refreshed and enthusiastic again, things that I missed towards the end of my previous career.
Whether you’re completely new to this or just find yourself lost and struggling trying to make some money online, you’ll no doubt suffer the same problems and have to overcome the same challenges that myself and countless others have had to deal with.
Particularly if you’re trying to do this in your spare time and while holding down your regular job, it can be extremely difficult to learn what really works amongst all the hype.
Many people get extremely confused and continue to try different methods, they just keep failing and eventually give up!
You Can Check Out The First Chapter of The Affiliate Manual & Complete Marketing Tool Kit For Free!
I liked the sound of The Affiliate Manual but from my own experience realised that just giving you the information would probably not be enough, so there’s a whole lot more to come!
There are many different ways to make money online but one of the easiest and cheapest to get started with is called affiliate marketing.
You can get started with virtually no investment and certainly less than a cheap meal out, and you don’t have to handle products or deal with the customers.
All you have to do is send potential customers to online retailers or merchants and when they buy a product or service you get paid a commission!
All the talk of working just a few hours a week, maybe even from some nearby beach can lead you to think that’s all it takes.
There are those who are now in a position to be able to do that but what you usually don’t get told is about the work and effort they had to put in to get there first.
The Affiliate Manual & Marketing Tool Kit is based on my personal experience over the last few years. I use tried and trusted methods that really work when applied properly and have incorporated… Read more…