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For guys who want to be tough as nails. but don’t know how to get started

Why is it that some guys NEVER lose their cool, no matter what the situation?

When a situation gets REAL, there’s always a guy who everyone relies upon.

. who doesn’t FREAK OUT and embarrass themselves.

. who knows EXACTLY what to do.

. who EVERYONE looks up to.

. who COMMANDS respect.

What’s different about ‘that’ guy?

He knows a focused mind is your best defense against ANY situation. He’s mentally tough.

But here’s the thing.

. YOU could be ‘that’ guy.

Hey, anyone could be ‘that’ guy.

No-one is born with a tough mind. Developing mental toughness is a learned skill.

It’s the same skill our military uses to rapidly toughen up raw recruits so they’re combat-ready within WEEKS.

It’s the same skill put in action when you see a firefighter rush headlong into a burning building without any thought for their own safety.

It’s the same skill a police officer uses when he needs to instantly control a situation where hundreds of lives are at stake.

And for the first time in the public domain. you have a shortcut to developing this skill.

Hi, my name is Mike Westerdal and I’m a national best selling fitness author, sports nutritionist, personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor and founder of the internet’s longest-standing strength site,

In a moment, I’m going to reveal to you the three ‘shortcuts’ – never before revealed outside the walls of the military and law enforcement agencies’ training rooms.

These are psychological secrets used to transform any guy, regardless of size, age or experience, into a mentally tough, hard-as-nails ‘Warrior’.

But before I do that, I have to ask the question:


There’s something wrong with our mindset.

Now, some guys may stop reading this right now. They’re in denial or their ego is getting in the way. and that’s the first sign of mental weakness. Because until you accept you may be vulnerable, and you can’t take the steps you need to develop mental toughness.

Every day, I deal with guys who spend years developing their physical strength.

They build muscles to help them look good and feel good. They dedicate hours to prepare themselves for whatever challenge is put in their way. Many of these guys think they’re tough, that they’re ready for anything.

They’re not.

Here’s a wake-up call: If you think toughness is ANYTHING to do with the size of your muscles or your physical strength, think again.

ALL toughness is mental.

If you don’t have a tough mind.




Psychology of Strength is available as a 2-disc DVD set complete with a comprehensive
Strong Mind Manual designed to be used alongside the presentations.

The program includes presentations delivered by the most highly respected mental strength coach in the world, Mike Gillette. In every presentation he’ll share every ‘insider’ secret and strategy he knows to help you develop a tough mind.

Strategies like.

The simple “30 Second Mindset Switch” you can INSTANTLY flick on in your head to do a 180 degree change in how you feel about fear.
The secret to “keeping your head, when all around you others are losing their minds”. Mike reveals the science behind staying cool, calm and collected and how you can quickly learn to override your body’s natural instinct to panic.
Learn the tactics used by the world’s deadliest special forces units to access a high state of alertness, so you’ll be aware of present and future danger to yourself or your family on a daily basis.
How to permanently maintain a ‘Red State’ of heightened awareness of your surroundings and conditions, so you can see danger before 99.9% of the population who live in a ‘zombie’ white state. (Imagine walking into a room and instantly assessing who’s a threat and where the escape routes are. Like Jason Bourne, you’ll ‘see everything’.).

The REAL secret to overcoming fear and why you’ll never escape from its clutches while you hold on to the THREE critical limiting beliefs (don’t worry, Mike reveals exactly what they are and shows you straightforward, practical strategies to immediately wrestle these killers from your mind).
How to systematically break down your fears and overcome fear FASTER using ‘scare’ tactics to school your mind to be calm in the face of danger.
The No. 1 killer question you MUST ask yourself the second you feel fear (forgetting this could be the difference between life and death).
Why complexity is the ENEMY of planning and why SPECIFICITY is the be-all-and-end-all of setting goals you’ll actually achieve (to demonstrate exactly what this means in practice, Mike takes you step-by-step through a plan to improve your physical condition in just 90 days).
The goal-setting mistake 99% of people make that’s a self-belief killer and guarantees you’ll fail to achieve your goals through no fault of your own.
. And the sure-fire success method to setting goals so you can forever erase the pattern of try-fail-try-fail. Mike shows you exactly how to design solid, bullet-proof goals that’ll set off a domino effect of achievement.
Discover how to intentionally control your mind and get rid of self-limiting beliefs and kill the frustration of hitting a plateau.

The REAL reason you’ve hit the barriers and can’t level up your progress. (Here’s a clue: it has NOTHING to do with your skills, ability, intelligence or how hard-working you are and has EVERYTHING to do with a ‘strange’ blindspot in your thinking)
How to design ‘excellent’ goals and the THREE mission-critical parts of any goal you need to consider (make the error of forgetting any of these and your objectives are doomed to fail!)
How you can learn to love the pursuit of your goals and why the journey is critical to developing mental toughness (this tip may change how you view your entire strategy for achieving your life goals).
The ONE question you need to constantly ask yourself to speed up your results and develop operational efficiency (WARNING: get your ‘feedback mechanism’ wrong and it can DESTROY your results. Mike shows you what you need to do to avoid the ‘Feedback Trap’.)
The Science of Service: the damaging misconception about serving others that’ll change the way you think about the world (add this mind-changing serve-others strategy to MULTIPLY your impact on your family, your community and the world).

The “Skyscraper” Approach to Goal Adjustment – Mike reveals why your planning needs to be flexible to quickly adapt to changing situations and avoid getting caught out by external circumstances you can’t control.
How to develop a “Chess Player” mindset and become a master of strategy over your own life.
The six quick-and-easy steps to success-proof your goals (what you’ll gain from this alone is worth the price of the whole program).
How to “Red Team” your goals and quickly identify vulnerabilities and weakness in your planning. (Just learning this skill alone will IMMEDIATELY deliver benefits in all areas of your life).
Harness the power of visualization (the leading technique used by the world’s most successful athletes and leaders) to direct your energy, still your emotions and develop a strong mind.
How to avoid living REACTIVELY, seize the initiative in ANY situation and exert the greatest possible influence on your life (this exercise ALONE could save your life)
Empty your mind of distracting thoughts that block your ability to assess situations critically and calmly (Mike shows you how to build focus and awareness through this simple exercise which requires you to do nothing more than relax).

Develop the ‘winning’ mindset of world-class athletes, super-successful leaders and pioneers by learning pain tolerance and being comfortable with ‘being uncomfortable’ (it’s the MOST important skill to DISCIPLINE your mind and Mike shows you the proven technique to achieve it using just a candle and a stopwatch. Seriously!)
Why you should NEVER ’embrace’ your fears but instead learn Mike’s strategy to manage fear.
Why you need SOME fear to survive and protect yourself and your family and why most psychologists coaches are just plain WRONG when they suggest ‘banishing’ fear although (it’s not only unrealistic, it completely overlooks the protective role fear plays in your live)
What the THREE different ‘forms’ of fear are and why you need to understand them before you can control them… and how to recognize them instantly so you don’t get caught.
Why the final fear is the most dangerous and is solely responsible for keeping you from realizing your full potential (what Mike reveals about the fear of public speaking in this section will FOREVER change how you think about presenting in front of other people).
The mindset strategy that successful people use to deal with fear that unsuccessful people struggle to see.



In the first section, Mike explains exactly what it takes to develop mental toughness by learning to consciously control your thoughts. In this detailed analysis of the biochemical process which affects your state of “readiness”, he reveals why controlling your emotions is straightest line to a tough mindset.

Mike also discusses how to achieve Peak Performance State, that magical state where you smash personal bests and instantly break through barriers holding you back. He reveals how to start bridging the mental ‘gap’ between your current state and your hero state and why negative thinking seriously sabotage your performance.

By watching this you’ll learn:

How to control your thoughts to connect your mind and body
How to discipline your thinking
How to use the EXACT same secrets the military use on raw recruits to learn to conquer fear
Discover the FIVE key mindset strategies to lead you on the path to mental toughness
Discover the #1 quality you need lots of to excel at absolutely ANYTHING


The second part focuses on planning for success. How does planning relate to developing a tough mind? Mike explains why constantly setting and achieving goals helps develop resilience and strength, reinforcing confidence in your abilities. He explains how to avoid the pitfalls of planning and walks you through his top strategies for sure-fire success.

Watch this and you’ll discover:

Your blueprint for success Successful people plan well and are master strategist.
If you don’t plan, your results are left to chance.
How to master the strategic philosophy of The Psychology of Strength which is. the best strategy is the one that gets you to your goal as fast as possible and with the least amount of effort.
How not to be the kind of person that lets “Life happen to you” and how to design the life that you want to live.


Without going through the rigors of a military-style induction program or throwing yourself into dangerous situation after dangerous situation, the only other path available to develop mental toughness is dedicated, directed practice. Fortunately, Mike has developed a range of highly effective, simple-to-do exercises which take you MINUTES each day but over time significantly improves your alertness, mental toughness and emotional control.

This part of the program shows you:

Learn to discipline your mind and achieve mastery over your mental abilities in the same way you train your body.
Mental exercises and techniques that help you focus and concentrate without distraction from random thoughts and emotions.
How you can gain the edge, because most people think that having control of your own mind is impossible. of course, for you, that WON’T be the case.
The whole program is available in a convenient, content-rich package designed so that you’ll want to view it time and again.

Already, I’ve demonstrated what I’ve achieved thanks to my time working with Mike Gillette. so perhaps it’s time to hear from some of the many men and women he’s trained to help them rapidly develop a tough mind.

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