Stop Losing 98% of Your Traffic! – Using Remarketing – Retargeting

Stop Losing 98% of Your Traffic! ‘” Using Remarketing ‘” Retargeting

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How much time, effort and money do you spend driving traffic to your websites? Do you know what percentage of that traffic does what you want them to do when they arrive on your site? (i.e. registration, purchase, etc.).

Well, according to studies, about 2% of the people visiting your site convert. Only 2%! So, what happens to the 98% of people who *don’t* convert? I’ll tell you. They’re gone! And probably visiting your competitors’ site. To get them back, you’ll have to spend money/time trying to find them again. Which sucks, right?.

Have you ever experienced a banner ad “following” you all over the internet? (Aweber/iContact, anyone?) Probably, you’re not seeing that ad because some company spent a boatload of money on an AdWords campaign. Chances are that company is utilizing a much more cost-effective way of targeting you; retargeting. (Or, as Google calls it “reMarketing”. Same thing, different name.)

What if YOU could “magically” follow your visitors all over the internet? Can you image if people started seeing your ad on blogs, on news sites, on YouTube'”basically, almost everywhere they go…whoomp, there you are! You’re top of mind, all the time! What a great way to brand yourself with almost ZERO cost; not to mention the increased traffic!

It’s a “secret” that large corporations and IM gurus have been using for a couple years now to do exactly that. It’s a trick that few people know about and one that your competitors don’t want YOU to know about. Well, it’s time someone exposed this “secret” and explained to you *exactly* how to implement it.

EXCELLENT guide ‘” highly recommended ‘” I would buy this at $97 ‘” it’s THAT good and so far “under the radar ‘” Mike Carraway

…your sales copy doesn’t do this product justice….what you are teaching in this product for many people will be A SECRET ‘” Jeremy Kelsall

Have been doing remarketing for a while now and has turned into a 5 figure monthly income just from that. …excellent description of procedure and a delight in the way that it was designed and presented. ‘” Ben Shaffer

Great coverage of this strategy. If retargeting has been on your radar at all, grab this! Nice job. ‘” Jack Mize

I’m a 20+ year marketing veteran with 7+ years online marketing experience. A ex-corporate cube rat. (Actually, I had my own office for MANY years but you get the idea.) For the last year, I’ve been building my own remarketing lists and figuring out how it all works so I could write this ebook. Here are a few of my lists:

Bounceback reMarketing is the total amount of knowledge I’ve learned in the last year about banner remarketing from the perspective of an affiliate marketer. I’ve never seen this concept explained from this perspective along with a step-by-step guide on how to set up a campaign.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee. I promise that if you are not 100% satisfied with my product, I will send you your money back, AND you can even KEEP my report. Whatever the reason may be, your investment is secure.

Stop losing 98% of your visitors. Everyday you’re letting money just slip through your fingers if you haven’t implemented this tiny SECRET.

P.S. Remember, every day that you aren’t using this simple code is another day you are losing money. The technology is there (and FREE) and I’m giving you step-by-step setup instructions. What the heck are you waiting for? Read more…