Stop Foreclosure – Help to Avoid Foreclosure

Stop Foreclosure ‘” Help to Avoid Foreclosure

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If you’re dealing with the threat of foreclosure, or in a debt-related financial predicament, then this article is for you.

I’m struggling to make my house payment every month, am already in default, or have a foreclosure date. I don’t know what to do and just wish it would go away…

I hear about so many people who stop foreclosure AND get incredibly low rates from a loan modification. I want one too, but I don’t know how to do it and don’t want to blow my chances…

I wish I could prevent foreclosure, but I don’t even care anymore. I want to walk away, but I’m nervous that I could get into even more trouble ‘” like the bank coming after me with a lawsuit for repayment or a big tax bill…

I am drowning in credit card debt and/or I have this huge second mortgage. I’ve heard banks are allowing people to settle for 10 to 30 percent of what they owe or completely forgiving the debt. But I’m afraid to call or have no idea what to say. How can I get rid of this debt once and for all, and not have the bank come after me for repayment?

The sad reality is that people who are experiencing any of the above or similar situations are losing to foreclosure and other creditors while the banks and investors are winning. Even more tragic, this unfair advantage comes at the expense of too many regular people ‘” maybe even you ‘” who just didn’t get the information to properly deal with such confusing, unfamiliar problems.

Unbeknownst to most people … this pain and great loss does NOT have to happen. In many cases, you can stop foreclosure or at least avoid losing more than you have to. You just need to understand what options you actually have and the people and processes that can help you resolve these issues once and for all without creating additional problems.

“I can’t thank you enough for helping me. It’s hard to believe I’m paying $1,300 less for my house and it’s fixed for good. What a relief! Thank you so much for getting me and my family out of these really confusing and scary times.” ‘”Stacey, Oregon

Most people simply don’t know what to do to prevent foreclosure or aren’t sure about what they hear. They scour the internet for information and talk to every “expert” for solutions. Instantly there is information overload. It’s often conflicting and incomplete and makes trying to solve a foreclosure problem even more confusing.

With all this confusion and doubt ‘” and so many scams ‘” it’s no wonder people get so frustrated and give up. But … if you do this, you will probably lose more than you had to.

Often a foreclosure can cost you way more than just your house. One or all of these additional problems can show up during or after the foreclosure and may be more painful and costly than the foreclosure itself, such as:

Other creditors that come after you for repayment (like Home Owners Associations, your second mortgage lender, etc.)…

Great financial loss after draining your savings, IRA accounts, selling stock, etc., to stay afloat or pay for mortgage(s) you can’t afford…

Credit damage for years. Banks slashing the spending limits of the credit cards you now have in your wallet or closing them completely, leaving you with no credit to float your spending…

Too many people lose everything in foreclosure only to later realize they could have saved more ‘” their house, money, credit ‘” if they’d just known what to do.

When you’re in danger of foreclosure, you can’t possibly sift through the massive amount of information out there ‘” let alone make sense of it. And you cannot afford bad advice right now.

In fact, if you’ve received a Notice of Default or Les Pendens, you now have very little time (about 90 days) to understand what’s going on and solve your foreclosure problem as fast as possible.

There are ways to postpone foreclosure while you get different strategies working for you. In fact there are actually many ways to avoid foreclosure ‘” and even come out ahead.

“What can I say but that you saved my life? I felt like no one could help me and I didn’t know where else to turn. I felt like I was drowning.

We were so overwhelmed by all the expenses and foreclosure threats from our bank that we’d given up. We were angry and sad at the same time. ‘Fine!’ we said. ‘You can just have it back!”

After your suggestions got me through to a loan modification, it was like a miracle. You saved my house and over $1,000 a month! I still can’t believe someone actually knew what to do and could turn my situation around within a month.” ‘”Theresa C., San Diego, CA

My name is Elin Bullmann and I’ve been in your shoes �… dealing with foreclosure and financial hardship.

I’ve been through foreclosure firsthand, succeeded in many modifications, short sales, avoiding lawsuits, taxes on deficiencies, and not letting go of money I didn’t have to ‘” even though the bank said I owed it. I not only survived foreclosure, but avoided other losses that would have cost me dearly if I didn’t have the right information and expert help.

I’ve helped so many people get out of foreclosure, especially through successful loan modification and elimination of debt.

In the time since I’ve been helping people deal with foreclosure and financial hardship, the most frequent comment I get is this…

“I wish I had your advice sooner so I could have tried more things that might have helped me avoid my foreclosure … and gotten the advice of these experts instead of thinking there was nothing I could do. How I dealt with my foreclosure and the way things turned out could have been a lot different if only I would have had this information sooner.”

The difference between me and… Read more…