SLS Home Pole Dancing Lessons Course – Pole Dance Classes Online

SLS Home Pole Dancing Lessons Course – Pole Dance Classes Online

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 Get Instant Access to over 130 video’s, that will teach you to love your body and love your life!

With over 130 easy-to-follow step by step online pole dancing lessons that transforms the average every day woman from out-of-shape and awkward “Jane” into a fit, sexy, and confident vixen in a few short months.

You’re just feeling stuck with your tedious fitness routine, and it’s making you lose hope and feel like a stranger in your own skin.

Whether you’re working up the courage to slip on that hot dress to get drinks with friends, attempting to summon your inner vixen for tonight’s date, or just lounging in your pajamas while watching your favorite movie, one thing’s for sure: The secret to feeling comfortable and confident in your own body?

But wait a minute, let me back up and explain who I am, and why you should believe anything I’m telling you…….

I started pole dancing for myself as “me” time and I got addicted!  As I lost weight and grew stronger, I began doing all the fancy tricks like the Superman and other advanced contortion moves.

But then ……In 2012 I herniate two discs in my lower spine and was told I would never dance again. I couldn’t even walk……

The first thing I learned from my injury was that pushing your body to do things it’s not ready for is a bad idea! Many women, like myself, start pole dancing with a burning desire to do all those fancy advanced tricks the pro’s do.

Most of those advanced moves are not suitable for the average everyday women’s body. I had pushed it too far and paid the price…..

However, beginner/intermediate pole dancing was the only form of exercise that didn’t hurt my back  because I couldn’t jump or run at the time.

Plus, I didn’t want to give it up because it’s so much fun! Not once did I ever have to push myself to pole dance. I hated pushing myself to go workout at the gym and I never wanted to experience that again!

As a result, I created dance routines with pole moves that are suitable for the average everyday women to try.

I realized that most of the pole dance moves in the pole dance community are not suitable for the everyday woman.  They are often too advanced and not every woman aspires to be a competitor or an “exotic dancer”.

I will never be able to do a lot of the contortion moves again, but I have recovered enough to enjoy pole dancing at home in all levels, including a wide variety of advanced tricks.

Through lots of pain, struggles, and the support of my local community, friends and family, I overcame the odds.

I refused to let go of pole dancing as valuable exercise because of the emotional support it offers woman.

Dancing connects a woman to her natural inner sexuality, renewing her inner confidence and helps her to feel genuinely sexy from the inside.

I want to offer those benefits to every woman through my pole dancing lessons while simultaneously helping them get in the best toned shape of her life!

It isn’t necessary to do fancy pole tricks and complicated contortion moves to enjoy the benefits pole dancing has to offer.

Women who understand that power first comes from within. Women who aren’t messing around and want to own their lives.

Because while you could keep getting up at 5 am to run up hills in the cold, there’s a much better way to get the body you want, and the confidence to match.

This is about loving who you are and having some crazy fun, because that’s what life is all about.

As an experienced ballet, lyrical, and jazz dancer, and certified pole dance instructor, I’ve created my signature Pole Dance Lessons for you, because I know how it feels to be insecure, overweight, depressed and tired… To get a late start to fitness and think you’re too old to ever get the body and energy you crave.

And I’ve discovered that the secret to getting in shape, improving your mood, confidence AND having incredible fun in the shortest amount of time is dance + a pole.

It’s all in the way they move. And by learning the coveted secrets of their movements, you can shape your body in the same way.

No problem! That’s exactly why I was inspired to create and tailor my fitness dance lessons to women without a dance background.

And this isn’t about stripping. (Though no judgments here!) This is about beauty, strength and power.

I first came across Danna’s pole fitness dancing lessons on YouTube and was impressed at the clear, quality instruction. Danna obviously knows her stuff when it comes to physiology, correct muscle usage and so on. I’ve since signed up for some of the video lessons on her site and love the suggested routines and move tutorials there! Danna makes the lessons fun, engaging and easy to follow. I’ve noticed results quite quickly too. Highly recommended!

Easy to follow and broken down step by step.  You will get and individual breakdown of each pole move, trick, and spin including tips to make it easier so you can learn faster.

Lessons also include transitions, FloorWork, sexy dance warm up routines, stretching, muscle building exercises, and complete dance routines!

Ultra Basic for full-figured woman, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Lessons to get the everyday woman in great shape.

Individual pole moves the everyday woman can do like the Body Rolls, Fireman, Pirouettes, Hook Spins, Carousels, and more!

Already know the basics?  This coarse contains advanced routines and tricks for the intermediate to advanced dancers like Laybacks, Planks, Jasmine, Outside Leg Hang, Straddle, Inverts, and more!

Transitions, FloorWork, Positions, Hair Movement, and traditional… Read more…