Simplish – The only automatic English simplifying & summarizing tool online.

Simplish ‘” The only automatic English simplifying & summarizing tool online.

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File to be processed : Your text contains words. Translation estimated time is seconds.

You can obtain more online translations as well as various new possibilities by signing up to a Basic or Premium account.

You can obtain more online summaries as well as various new possibilities by signing up to a Platinium account.

What am I supposed to do with Simplify ? Just enter a text in English to change it into Basic English.

What am I supposed to do with Summary ? The system is currently optimized to do summaries of many files (taking the first as a reference), rather than summarizing a single document. So, it is necessary to input several files covering a given topic (e.g. The Snowden affair or Cheliabinsk meteorite). Current work is centred on doing a summary of a single file choosing only the more relevant parts and it will be added soon.

Because English is the language of Science and Business and that not everybody speaks it fluently, it could be frustrating not to understand an interesting technical or scientific text. That’s when Ogden Basic English comes in.

We use a different approach for translation. When translating from one language to another, you lose sometimes crucial information. With Simplish, you lose nothing if you have just a 1,000 words long vocabulary, because any text can be simplified down. We have even simplified 30,000 common scintific words, which are described in footnotes where necessary.

Using our general cognition engine and Simplish, we are able to generate a graphical representation of knowledge that is capable of doing summaries in standard english without looking at specific words, word frequencies, sequences or any prior training! The system can leave out any sentences whose meaning is repeated or any irrelevant snippets of material that might be present.

We have produced the world’s first general cognitive engine. This engine is capable of understanding natural language without looking at specific words, patterns, ontologies, neural nets, fuzzy logic or any form of training beforehand. This engine generates multidimensional ideograms which depend on the the semantic content only, and so “understands’�, is capable of associating concepts freely and therefore can identify equivalent concepts and evaluate relevance. The summary has a set similarity standard beyond which it considers two sentences to be similar and therefore not to be repeated, and also a set relevance standard beyond which it considers a sentence to be irrelevant, both parameters can be adjusted by registered users. See some examples of how powerful this system is. The output page shows the originals texts separated by a horizontal line on the left and the summary on the right, which is given in standard English but it can itself be simplified if needed.

Note that our summarizing tool is based on the ideas of C.S. Peirce about abduction. The idea is that we start with an argument expressed as a sequence of ideas (which we take to be contained in a first text taken as the reference or starting point). which is then further expanded as further knowledge is added (contained in further texts) with relevant details filling in the argument, consolidating and corroborating propositions and taking out details which, as more information comes in, are judged not to be relevant. Therefore, the user must input two or more texts about the same subject so that a suitable summary can be produced. Although not strictly in keeping with Peircian ideas, we are currently working on extending these ideas to the reference text itself, so that only the main thread of the argument is kept and not so relevant information is left out.

This tool was developed for enabling artificial cognition systems to acquire knowledge from the internet and recall only the most relevant information. However, we believe that there are many areas where this technology could be useful, such as an advanced summarizing technology to help people absorb the most relevant information only in this age of such vasts amounts of data on almost any subject.

Unlike other methods, our approach involves the representation of knowledge by graphical ideograms so that meaning is represented by position and shape, and therefore if two sentences have more or less the same meaning, they will have similar ideograms, regardless of the specific wording or grammar. In this way, the computer is now capable of understanding the meaning of sentences and does not need any prior training in order to do a summary well.

Nothing is better than a concrete interactive example. When entering a text in the text field above, you need to separate each text in order to make a paragraph and in this way the system can identify each text, if you click in the above field, a small popup appears where has two buttons, each button is for generating sample text in order to make a summary or simplify text and after clicking the Summary button, you need to wait for automatic redirection.

If you want to copy and paste your text to summarize, you need to give it some format, in this part we will show how to summarize in the text field above, this requires that the text be separated by paragraphs and then to click on the summary button and wait for the automatic redirection.

And when they were near Jerusalem, and had come to Beth-phage, to the Mountain of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, Saying to them, Go into the little town in front of you, and straight away you will see an ass with a cord round her neck, and a young one with her; let them loose and come with them to me. And if anyone says anything to you, you will say, The Lord has need of them; and straight away he will send them. Now this took place so that these words of the prophet might come true, Say to the daughter of Zion, See, your King comes to you, gentle and seated on an ass, and on a… Read more…