Simple Six Figures

Simple Six Figures

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If You Think That All Those $2K Guru Kits Are Going To Rescue You From Obscurity And Debt You’re in Denial. If You Think That More Complex Analytics And SEO Structures Will Set You Free From The Gravitational Pull Of The Internet Marketing Black Hole, You Need A Plan. And If You Believe That Your Online Business Has To Dominate Your Life In Order To Be Successful, Then Just Stay In The Cubicle Because…

“I’m About To Completely Destroy All The Delusional ‘Tactics’ Being Drilled Into Your Head By So-Called ‘Experts.’ You’re About To See For Yourself (Maybe For The First Time Ever) How Simple It Can Be To Create A Legitimate Six Figure Income That Only Takes Two Hours A Month To Manage And Keeps Churning Out Money As Faithfully As An Oil Rig In Saudi Arabia”

“This Is Common Sense On The Loose. There Will Not Be One Part Of This System You Won’t Feel Confident About. It Just Makes Too Much Sense And Is Too Simple. It’s Simple To Set-Up. Simple to Maintain. And Simply TOO Valuable For Your Customers To Ignore.”

All of us involved in internet marketing training and coaching have the tendency to say… “It’s just that simple.” But it rarely is. Usually, the “simple system” requires something just short of Ph.D. in nerd-ology to understand it. Then you need a physics degree to make it work.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…I could probably make more diving into all those, but I like living. Enjoying time with family and friends. Oh…yeah…I could outsource, but then I might have to actually talk to someone about that boring crap.

Here’s some of the feedback Paul has already gotten from my mastermind group and his sneak-preview members…

“Thank you for not using any tricks or upsells or other stuff. Even though you made it clear on the salespage, I still had some skepticism about ordering (I guess because so many ‘marketers’ say one thing and do another). But I got right in and I am blow away by the ease of the system and the quality of your teaching. Thank you!”

“Ok, I just have to say this that makes more sense than anything I’ve come across. I actually feel for one of those big guru launches that was super high dollar. Simple Six crushes it ‘” and it’s affordable!”

“Paul, I just finished the course. (I dove right in!) Setting my site up right now. Fun and simple!” Seriously ‘” there is really, no need to waste any brain cells thinking about this one. Simple Six is “doable” for anyone. And it works in any niche.

I want the freedom to live my life without having to answer to a bureaucratic system of self-puffed egotistical suits.

I want to be able to live my life at home, working my business, enriching other’s lives and being richly rewarded financially.

I want to be able to hold my head high knowing that what I do in this life matters to people and helps them in life on a level that is not hidden by a curtain of corporate crap.

I want my children to grow up with a sense of pride in their daddy. I want them to feel like they just HAVE to tell everyone what their father does for a living ‘” helps others be better.

I want to be an example to everyone that anything is possible because I can and have achieved anything I set my mind to.

Listen, many of our guru friends have gone corporate. They have big offices. Dozens of employees. And a mountain of overhead and headaches.

At the other end are people who have never made a dime and are about to give up on all their dreams. They are ready to throw it all away.

They say, “This stuff doesn’t work. If you don’t have a massive list and high-level connections, it’s just not possible to make money online.”

Not only is it possible it doesn’t take much time or effort once you take away all the complicated “answers” being peddled online today.

Simple… Spend a little more time with them doing fun stuff together (without your blackberry!)

When we get to the END of life, no one starts talking about the complex, they mention the simple.

You never hear… “Sure wish I had made that flight to CA for that hostile takeover of the ACME Corp.”

Now, in a couple of hours, I’m heading off to California to speak at a conference. And I’ll be gone until next Tuesday. I strongly believe with Paul Evans’ course, you could have your own Simple Six system online before I get back.

If Life Can Be Boiled Down to Simplicity, Shouldn’t Business Be The Same? Absolutely!! Especially Online Business!!!

Without all the overhead costs of a brick and mortar business, shouldn’t an internet business be no sweat? You bet!!

It’s how you LEVERAGE those elements that makes the difference. The right formula allows you to easily makes lots of money without getting multifarious, variegated or incongruous (in other words…complex!)

Earlier this year I took a break to look over all my online businesses. And I discovered that the businesses I spent the LEAST TIME on made the most money!

“I signed up yesterday and have gotten through 3 modules already. This was exactly what I’ve been looking for in terms of bringing my various areas of expertise to the public. I’ve taken “marketing” workshops and been told to “find my niche market” and felt *totally hornswoggled* by this ‘” very limiting indeed. However, when Paul says ‘” choose the first thing that’s quick and easy for you to create material for from your “own vault” ‘” that made total sense ‘”- I’m just working on one project *at a time* ‘” ‘” ‘” I don’t have to feel that I can only market to this one group of people. Thanks so much to Paul Evans for creating this and… Read more…