Siamese Cat Secrets
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“Andrej spent 3 years studying the secrets of animal physiology at university”
If you’d like to discover the scientifically proven secrets to successfully raising and caring for your precious, fussy Siamese in optimal health and happiness then this will be the most exciting message you read all year.
“My name is Andrej Brummer, I am a Biological Scientist who has combined my extensive academic research and life long passion for the Siamese cat breed to create the worlds premier guide on the often misunderstood Siamese cat (or Meezer to the Siamese set). A lot of people don’t understand just how distinctive this breed is from other cats and how Siamese have their own unique set of requirements for optimal health. Ive done it all: from raising darling Siamese kittens to being involved in breeding and showing cats.
I don’t mind admitting I am a Meezer junkie. So after discovering the total lack of quality, specific information around on the breed and the conflicting advice given, I decided to put together an easy to read, simple to understand, step-by-step guide that absolutely anyone of any age and experience can use.
In my new ebook the “Ultimate Secrets to Siamese Cats’� I have jam packed all the information I’ve learnt from my scientific study and personal experience in keeping and training Siamese cats.
“My passion for Siamese Cats began when I was 9, my mother surprised us one Easter with a gorgeous 1 year old seal point male who we named “Yao’�. We instantly fell in love. That Easter we all found it difficult to tear ourselves away from Yaos’ side, even to find our Easter eggs!
But our joy only lasted a few weeks. You see, something was terribly wrong. After the easter holiday our Yao gradually became despondent and sick. Our young hearts were broken as we looked on helplessly. We tried to help him, but even the vet didn’t know what to do. It took a last ditch, extremely anxious call to a top breeder to realise that Yao was not like a normal cat and was gravely ill when we weren’t giving him the specific attention his breed required. We didn’t recognize the early warning signs and wouldn’t have had enough knowledge to act even if we had.
On that day I swore I would learn whatever it took to keep happy, healthy Siamese cats. That promise took me to university to study zoology and animal physiology in scientific detail, even undertaking much research additional to my studies. That promise also moved me to create this guide, so no-one would have to suffer the pain we did; totally helpless to the suffering of these beautiful, magical creatures.’�
Don’t be fooled: Siamese cats are very unique and COMPLETELY different from other cat breeds. They have their own distinctive characteristics, behaviours and specific requirements; many experts even say they actually behave more like dogs than cats. So because your Siamese is genetically and physiologically different from other cat breeds doesn’t it make sense that to properly understand and care for them you need specialised information. Therefore any old cat information can be totally irrelevant for Siamese cats.
Please don’t make the costly mistake of entrusting the livelihood of your precious Siamese to the multitude of information products that are intended for much more common cat breeds, or are only half the story. This is the most commonly made mistake that will alienate you from your beloved Siamese.
Siamese are critically physiologically different to your neighbourhood tabby. They are much more complex and require very different treatment and care.
Here’s a taste of all the crucial information you’re going to discover in “Ultimate Secrets to Siamese Cats’�.
The one feline biology secret that will allow you to spot and diagnose common ailments in your Siamese cat before it’s too late. (page 28)
How to prevent Siamese illness and problems simply by obeying these 6 simple rules -this one is absolute gold! (page 30)
The truth about medicating your Siamese and how you can easily become a “Siamese vet’�, and save huge amounts of money in the process (page 55)
Discover the little known secret to an optimally healthy, happy cat just by changing the way you treat your Siamese! (page 7)
What never to do when it comes to your cats diet if you want to have a healthy Siamese. (page 36)
The secrets to recognising Siamese stress: learn how to quickly spot stress before it negatively affects your cat health. (page 26)
The scientific truth about immunisations; what is critically essential for the health of your Siamese? (page 30)
The information in my ebook could literally be the difference between a long, quality life for your precious Siamese or an unhappy cat prone to illness.
Over the years I have been asked countless, desperate questions by Siamese affectionardos, and consequently been tearfully thanked for saving them so much worry, vet bills and health issues that I have finally decided to turn all my passionate scientific knowledge and experience into this amazingly simple ultimate Siamese cat ebook. So I can help you to never have to experience the oh so common occurrence of living with a beautiful Siamese cat that is unhappy, unhealthy and not enjoying its life.
But don’t take my word for it. Here’s an example of what people who’ve had the… Read more…