Shoe-in Money

Shoe-in Money

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These are secrets used to generate a massive income that Internet millionaires will NEVER tell you. Are you tired of trying every system, every product and every SEO trick with no success? Are you still struggling to cover your costs with the measly dollars you’re making online, if any at all? Do you feel like a failure because you can’t seem to earn any form of money online? Look, at the age of 28, I was morbidly obese… I mean, I weighed 420lbs… Not only that, at the time I was living on a friend’s sofa… And I was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day… And to top it all off, I was $50,000 in debt…

Well, I decided enough was enough and I turned my life around… So I got off my ass, and started my own online business. And now, 10 years on, I have a multi-million dollar online empire… Even my personal blog rakes in over $1 million a year… And I’m going to show you exactly how you can do this right now…

And I’m about to share it with you… Now before I reveal everything, you need to do one small thing…

Because all the products those self-proclaimed “gurus” have shoved down your throat are nothing but crap… I mean, do you really think they made millions of dollars with some spammy push-button software? And when you Google their names are all you get awesome reviews of the systems and products they sell? Well you must’ve figured out by now that those reviews are paid for… And these so-called “gurus” are nothing but shams…

Because the only money these shady salesmen are making are from selling their products to people like us…

Well, let me assure you, NEITHER DID I! And that’s why I made sure that in order to really be able to help people, the Shoe In Money Blueprint has to be a completely fool-proof system to make money on a long-term basis without any previous knowledge of internet marketing! And with that in mind, I’ve laid every single thing I’ve ever done step-by-step for you… And I’m going to show you exactly how to make a lot of money in very little time… And I assure you that these secret methods are tried and tested with an astounding success rate… So if you’ve never tried a single thing to make money online, this is the BEST place to start… Because I’ll be honest… There is no push-button miracle that will make you a millionaire overnight… And anyone who tells you that you don’t need to put in any work to make money is LYING… Now I know you may feel discouraged from making money online…. And just like me it’s hard for you to trust people…

I was treated like a loser my entire life… And because of that, I felt like a loser… You see, at the age of 14 I weighed over 300lbs… And you can imagine how I was teased…. And laughed at… And was always picked last for teams… Added to that not a single girl wanted to be anything more than just friends… My teenage years couldn’t have been any worse… However I gained a thick skin and a mentality to work harder than everyone else… to always be better than my competition… And it has stayed with me throughout the years…

Luckily my mom bought me an Apple computer and it became my escape… I spent my days gaming and pretending to be someone else… It was absolute freedom… And to be honest, I never thought it would amount to anything… It was just something I did for fun… By 1995 I’d graduated from high school and was selling appliances at Sears… Then a lady came in the store and offered me a job at her Internet Service Provider (ISP) company…

They paid a dollar more per hour. I took it. I was taught how to manage servers, develop security systems and write websites…I loved it. But I was convinced I still needed a degree to be ‘successful’ because that’s what society demands… So after working for 2 years I quit and went to college.

I started setting up Macintosh gaming site… And while my classmates sat for their finals, I was entertaining calls from companies wanting to advertise on my sites… I was being paid to do something I loved. I was on top of the world!

I spent every last dollar paying web hosting bills that were piling up… By the end of it, I was broke. I lost everything. And I had no choice but to get a 9-5 job in the corporate world… Well I hated it and it never worked out… I got fired from every job. And that brings me to my lowest point…

That loser mentality returned and I was resigned to this fate… And then I met an incredible woman… She had a kick-ass attitude… And worked her way through school and was on her way to becoming a doctor… Her insane work ethic was an inspiration… And she would later become my wife… Well, she pushed me to go back to what I loved doing, and what I do best…

So in 2003 I started my blog and created the largest mobile website in the world… Remember this picture I showed you earlier?

I taught myself about affiliate marketing, subscriptions, donations, creating and selling my own products. I built a multi-million dollar website and shared everything I learnt along the way for free. I now make over $1million a year from my blog alone.

And that’s just one stream of income. In 2007 I created my own advertising network called AuctionAds. It won multiple awards and made a lot of people a lot of money. After just 4 months I sold it to Media Whiz. At the time of the sale it… Read more…