Seriously Simple Search – Seriously Simple Marketing

Seriously Simple Search – Seriously Simple Marketing

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My personal experience as a business owner taught me that search engines (like Google) can be an entrepreneur’s best friend or their worst enemy… if you haven’t had luck ranking your site in search engine results, then this is your lucky day!

I know how frustrating it is. How deflating it can be. You spent hours planning your business. You painstakingly built your website. You finally get it “live” for all the world to see…

Well, here’s something I can tell you – I’ve been there, done that! My business used to be invisible in the eyes of search engines and I was not getting the traffic I needed. Through years of experimentation, failures and now… success, I have discovered that Search Engine Optimization is not as difficult and scary as I used to think it was.

This is something propagated by… well, SEO professionals and self-proclaimed SEO gurus. Don’t get me wrong, many of the SEO experts online are totally legit, but to say that SEO is something you can’t do… that’s a 100% lie.

Sure, search marketing has its technical aspects, but it’s not something that you can’t learn and master on your own. Steered in the right direction and given the right information, you can be an SEO master in your own right!

The only thing that makes Search seemingly difficult to understand is because of the terminologies that, for first timers like you and me, might sound out of this world.  Like some “geek speak” foreign language.

However, dissecting through these, you’ll discover that all the basic things you need are pretty easy to understand.

We all heard the rumors that SEO is now six feet under. Come to think of it, if SEO is dead, wouldn’t have Google, Yahoo!, Bing and other search engines been dissolved by now? But they’re still there, alive and THRIVING… driving billions of clicks to websites worldwide.

For one, “black hat” tactics of the past won’t cut it today. Search Engine Optimization is just one component of Search Marketing.  That’s how it works today… SEO has evolved into a holistic, 360-degree marketing practice driven by real business objectives and geared toward long term, sustainable success.

Google was not always this smart. Once upon a time, Google just looked at what other websites your site linked to… and what other websites were linking to you.  Soon, sneaky “search marketing professionals” were conjuring up all sorts of ways trick poor Google into thinking their website should rank for the top spot… and they won!

Those who used Google, began to start complaining about how Google’s search results pages were full of crap… and were providing nothing useful.

Google heard the outcry and it released several updates that will forever change search marketing (they were called “Panda” and “Penguin” – cute critters that had mean bite if you were a scammy SEO backliner!).

And that brings us to today.  Becoming an overnight success is an over-promise and this is NOT what we’re offering.

What Seriously Simple Search offers are Google-approved search marketing tactics that have worked for our business and for hundreds of others who are reaping the benefits of sustainable, consistent and long-term search strategies.. Frankly, we don’t care much about shortsighted SEO goals. We are not opportunists, we are entrepreneurs and we’re planning to run the search marketing marathon and finish first.

This online training course will give you search engine optimization methods that are proven to work and are the right way to GET GOOGLE AND OTHER SEARCH ENGINES TO LOVE YOUR SITE!

Forgive the cliche, but the only thing that’s predictable about Google and other search engines (but especially Google) are their unpredictability. As we speak, the next big Google update might be just around the corner and it’s these updates that often catch entrepreneurs unaware and unprepared.

When you subscribe to Seriously Simple Search, my team and I will serve as your very own personal search engine surveillance team. You will know if there’s an update brewing or anything that might affect your search engine rankings. Also, we will constantly update our training videos so you are always equipped with the latest Google-approved search marketing best practices.

For a one-time payment of $97, you get all our up-to-date course videos and all future videos. Plus access to me and my team for additional questions you might have.

Again, a one-time payment of $97 for a lifetime’s access to Seriously Simple Search – for all current and future videos. I just need to repeat that because you might think you are reading things wrong, that you’re eyes are playing tricks on you. Nope. It’s really just $97… one-time… for lifetime access.

Check out Seriously Simple Search for 60 days (that’s two full months!).  Watch the videos and start implementing the search marketing strategies.  If you aren’t completely satisfied in every way, simply email us and we’ll give you a complete refund.

Search marketing is for everyone… not just the experienced marketers or the SEO professionals. As an entrepreneur, you need to empower yourself with the RIGHT INFORMATION.  Information that you can implement quickly and easily and take your search engine rankings to a level you’ve only dreamed about!

Remember, Seriously Simple Search was built with the beginner in mind.  If you already know a thing or two about SEO already, we’re probably not a fit for you.  BUT… if you’ve only heard of SEO… or have NO IDEA what we are talking about when we say things like “spammy backlinks” then you’ve come to the right place. Read more…