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Before we get started… I think I know who you are. You’re probably one of two types of people. Either you’re

and your story probably goes something like this… you learned about an awesome product… that could change your life. then you find out… that by getting this product into the hands of others… you could make some… well, Some money…

And it all started with YOU… You brought in a few… and then they each bring in a few… and next thing you know… you were financially free… Right?

Well, that’s what the person who brought you in… your “upline,” probably wanted you to believe. And didn’t they tell you that… They would help guide you through the struggles and traps, and lead you to that promised land… So…

And maybe you’re feeling a little… frustrated, or foolish…? Well, Don’t worry… It doesn’t matter if you’re person #1 and just getting started, or person #2 who’s in a business but can’t get any traction… We’re here to help. And doesn’t matter what business you’re in… because right now we’re helping people in just about EVERY home based business… (including the one that YOU’RE in right now). Let me explain. We’re a team of internet marketing “nerds” Who have figured out a few tricks on the internet that have allowed us to build up HUGE home businesses… Businesses that can generate hundreds of leads a day on complete auto pilot… With systems that make it so we NEVER have to talk to anyone… (unless we want to) Which is good for us… cause not only are we internet nerds… we’re kinda shy. And what’s cool, is all this stuff is so easy, that when we started to show it to other people…

And that’s really what we’ve kinda become. The upline that you always wanted… the upline that you needed all along. You see…

First ‘” we help you to get leads… (and don’t worry, I’m not talking about your family and friends… I’m pretty sure they’re not interested, right? I know mine aren’t). But leads who already want what you’re selling… in fact, sometimes I can actually get these guys to actually PAY you to become one of your leads. Doesn’t that sound better then you bugging your friends?

Second ‘” we’ll do webinars to help educated your leads on the product and also close them for you on the awesome income opportunity that you’re offering them. Third ‘” after we’ve helped you to build a huge downline… I’m sure that you’re not going to want to manage, train and motivate them… am I right? Well, as our name implies, we can become their Second Upline as well, and take that hastle away from you. Sound cool? And don’t worry… Even though we’re gonna be helping you to generate leads, close the leads and train them to duplicate the process… This extra service isn’t gonna cost you a lot. In fact… I want to become your new Second Upline, and do all of this:

I’m sure that like most people… you don’t have a lot of disposable income right now. That’s why you’re here, right? So I’ll do all of this work for you… And only get paid when you’re making money. Sound cool? That way you can start building your downline… and start making some money… and PROVE that we know what we’re talking about… Before we get paid. Kind of like going to a movie and only paying if you like the movie. Or eating at a fancy restaurant and if the food isn’t perfect… you pay nothing.

Sound like a deal? I guess another question would be what happens if you don’t sign up right now and instead do nothing instead? Well, the answer is:

You’re life is gonna stay the same. You’re going to continue to make less than you’re worth. You’re gonna have no time or not as much as you would like for your family or friends. You’re gonna continue to wonder if this is all your life is going to be. And maybe you’re gonna come back in 6 months… ready again for that change… but at that point you’ve already lost the most important thing in the world…

Every single waking moment that passes while you operate without this opportunity and the income potentials at your disposal… Is a moment you are working harder then necessary and cheating yourself from profits you could have been making. You need to understand that:

You see… it doesn’t matter to us if you sign up right now or not. We’ll still be eating sushi, and going about our daily business and hitting our financial goals with absolute certainty whether you join our team or not. Yes, network marketing has been good to us. However, it will take it’s toll on you without our help because you’ll ALWAYS be working harder than you really need to. I know it sounds kind of harsh, but I think you’ll agree that it’s true. I mean… Have you ever lost your wallet? Big deal. You can buy a new wallet, and earn back the money that you lost. But when you lose time, you will never get it back. It’s YOUR clock that is ticking, not ours, so I suggest you Act Now! Read more…