Save Your Leopard Gecko – Leopard Gecko Care

Save Your Leopard Gecko ‘” Leopard Gecko Care

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Why is it'”that the average Leopard Geckos lifespan is 10-20 years in the wild….. and only TWO years and captivity?

People have been extremely misinformed on how to raise Leopard Geckos… it’s become almost ludicrous…

It’s really urgent that you hear what I have to say it you want to stop making the very critical mistakes 90% of Leopard Gecko owners are making…

In a short moment'”I’m going to show you the basic yet CRITICAL MISTAKES 90% of Leopard Gecko owners make as well as quick-fix tips you can use INSTANTLY to get your Leopard Gecko “back on track’� and back to its optimal health!

I’ve been raising Leopard Geckos for over 30 years. (I currently own 9 perfectly healthy specimens as we speak'”one being nearly 14 years old!)

Listen'”it’s not your fault… maybe you’re a first time Leopard Gecko owner or maybe you’ve owned a few and even had one pass away…

See… there’s a lot of TERRIBLE advice out there… some so called ‘experts’ just don’t know what they’re talking about…

Or even worse… God forbid maybe you may have visited a website that could very well be telling you to do things that are harming your Leopard Gecko…

There is a real danger of getting your information from a bad source'” you may think you’re doing everything right… (I mean why wouldn’t you… some ‘expert’ told you to do it)…

Again it’s NOT your fault… and in a moment I’m going to show you exactly how to COMPLETELY UNDO the critical mistakes you and 90% of Leopard Gecko owners make…

(if you don’t already know what a substrate is'”it’s the bedding used on the floor of your enclosure)

This is a huge ‘NO-NO’ when it comes to picking a good substrate for your Leopard Gecko… yet I see it used time and time again…

Honestly'”it’s a little safer to use sand as a substrate with older Geckos but even then I still don’t recommend it.

See… Leopard Geckos are not always accurate when they strike their food (especially younger ones!). Over time'” small amounts of ingested sand build up and actually block the intestines and bowels.

It may be ok to start with… but in the long run it will eventually kill your Leopard Gecko and that’s just a fact.

When I saw many Leopard Gecko owners making this mistake as well as DOZENS of other fundamental mistakes that cause premature death… I realized there was a real problem with how owners were caring for their Leopard Geckos.

This Book Is The SINGLE Best Resource You Will EVER FIND For Raising, Caring And Increasing The Life-Span Of Your Leopard Gecko…

In fact (the #1 ranked site on Google for Leopard Gecko) is affiliated with our site and recommends it to ANY Leopard Gecko owner.

I will give you ALL of my ‘insider secrets’ that I’ve learnt in over 30 years of caring and breeding Leopard Geckos…

Here’s a personal letter from Patrick Golden… a guy who’s been raising Leopard Geckos for 9 years…

“In this book you’ve tought me EVERYTHING I need to know about how to raise a perfectly healthy gecko and undo the damage you may have done to a Leopard Gecko you currently own…’�

The Leopard Gecko Owner’s CARDNIAL SIN…this is the number one cause of Leopard Gecko deaths in captivity… find out what it is inside the book! (HINT: it’s got nothing to do with diet, temperature or how you handle your Gecko but it’s SURROUNDINGS)

A unique “trick’� you can use to GUARANTEE your Gecko NEVER loses its tail …(if you know anything about Geckos you know how bad for their health to lose a tail!)

Around HALF of all Leopard Gecko owners have this one item in their Leopard Gecko enclosures… what if I told you that at certain times this one item literally COOKS your gecko and can severely burn or even kill it… FIND OUT IF YOU HAVE THIS ITEM AND GET RID OF IT IF YOU DO… pg. 18

Why you should NEVER listen to pet store clerks. (half of them DO NOT know what they are talking about and just want to make the sale… sadly, they are sometimes the worst people to get advice from)

How To Pick The Perfect Gecko ‘” 20 tell-tale signs that PROVE if the Gecko you pick is perfectly healthy or not.

Around HALF of all Leopard Gecko owners have this one item in their Leopard Gecko enclosures… what if I told you that at certain times this one item literally COOKS your gecko and can severely burn or even kill it… FIND OUT IF YOU HAVE THIS ITEM AND GET RID OF IT IF YOU DO… pg. 18

What Enclosures Leopard Geckos LOVE! ‘” it’s not what you think… PLUS! The single best substrate your Gecko can have (it’s also extremely easy to clean too!)

What the REAL ideal temperature for a Leopard Gecko is (don’t always believe what the Pet Store clerk tells you!) PLUS… the best heater/bulb you can use.

The PERFECT Diet For Leopard Geckos… these foods are not only very tasty for your Gecko but will keep your Gecko extremely healthy and in pristine condition!

The easiest and most comfortable way to pick up your Leopard Gecko… PLUS! How to keep your Gecko healthy through these simple daily exercises… (Leopard Geckos love this!)

The fastest and easiest way to fully tame a Leopard Gecko in just 14 days! PLUS ‘”a ‘handling’ trick you can use to gain trust and make your Gecko feel comfortable instantly…

As you can see “Secrets To Save Your Leopard Gecko’� covers EVERYTHING you will ever need to know about raising and looking after Leopard Geckos…

And you can have peace… Read more…