Royalties University ‘” How to Earn Royalties from Intellectual Property
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Learning how you can earn royalties is perhaps the BEST education you can receive. Just imagine the ultimate benefits you get ‘”
You create or obtain a valuable resource ONCE and then you continue selling it over and over again, for years to come!
And that’s just from one product! Then you can go on to create another “virtual” or intellectual property to get royalties from.
Example: I’ve created 13 virtual properties and sold thousands of copies over the last few years. I’ve made over $100,000 in sales each year from these books and education programs.
I live off of royalties completely, and provide a living for my wife and five boys off of ongoing royalties for the virtual products I create.
When you receive royalties, you can take a vacation or time off whenever you wish. Your “Royalty Income System” has already been set up.
Because you have created a virtual property of packaged information, you are considered an expert in the field. Being an Author and Creator is fun.
Beyond just vacations, the freedom lifestyle means you can work on the projects you want to. You can wear what you want and eat when you want.
Note ‘” You don’t have to use your royalties to replace a 9 to 5 job. Some people just want a little ongoing supplementary income and you can have that too.
If you decide to write a book about your area of expertise, no longer are you limited by the whims of publishers.
I spent the past two weeks vacationing with my family and while we were gone I still earned royalties on my e-books through Clickbank.
So, basically, I continued doing the same thing, only I eliminated my responsibilities at running a warehouse and now spend approximately 1-2 hours/day on my business.
Two years ago I started following my dreams of a life of freedom. For nearly a year, I never earned a single cent but throughout this I never gave up.
Just a year later, and I now make more money on automatic pilot than I ever did in a regular job… and the freedom feels great.”
Iain Legg Author and Developer ‘” Real Mind Power Secrets (Super Mind System)
Have you ever read the book Pride and Prejudice, or seen the movie? Jane Austen’s novels are filled with people who don’t have to work for a living. Why don’t they work?
The “upper class” in England, France and other countries owned all the land, and received a continuous passive income from the “rent” of the tenants.
Because the people who received these ongoing payments were the Princes, Dukes, and Earls, the payments came to be called “Royalties”.
You can generate royalties from any useful property. It doesn’t have to be real estate. You can get royalties from any form of intellectual property, such as books, audios, videos, movies, education programs, and even ideas.
These are called “Virtual” properties because they only exist in computer files and databases and on the internet.
Virtual properties are actually so much easier to earn royalties with because there is no delivery cost on your end. The virtual products are delivered automatically and immediately through the internet!
Receiving a phone call from a pleased customer and fan, who says, “Thanks for writing your book, I just finished reading it. I can’t believe I actually got you on the phone…”
Relaxing on vacation, confident that the royalties from your virtual products are bringing you hundreds of dollars per day.
Launching a new virtual product and feeling so eager to see how it is selling that you can hardly wait until after breakfast!
Waking up on an icy winter morning, and rejoicing that you don’t have to go outside because your home office is only 30 feet away.
If and when hard times come, enjoying the relief and security of having several streams of royalties that see you through.
Laughing inside at the interesting looks people give you when they ask you what you do for a job and you say, “I sell virtual properties for ongoing royalties.”
To show you what royalties can do, I’ll tell you about the mystery illness that struck me between 2006 and 2008.
For those three years I went to doctor after doctor, spending thousands on tests and doctor’s fees. We looked into sleep apnea, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Chron’s disease, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and more.
Every day I was in pain ‘” in my joints and in my intestines. My fatigue was so bad that I had to take four naps during each day just to get through. Many nights when I went to bed, I hoped I would die in the night.
Now that I know what I have, I’m getting better. The reason I’m sharing this is because during this time I couldn’t have held a full time job. Yet the royalties from my virtual products kept coming in.
Oh, I still worked. I could work about an hour and a half before the fatigue put me down for another nap. Our family was able to come through financially due to the Lord’s blessings and the ongoing payments from the products I had created.
My next example was a lot more fun. I took my wife to Hawaii for eight days for our fourteenth anniversary. During that time I didn’t even touch a computer or do any work.
It’s not magic… I had the “royalties architecture” in place before I went. When you enroll in Royalties University™, you will learn how to earn royalties yourself.
One of the great benefits to royalties is that you can do it from any location or country in the world. As long as you have access to the internet, you can create digital products, sell them to the world, and collect payments.
I have… Read more…