Quitporn.net is a site dedicated to help those struggling with porn addiction quit porn.

Quitporn.net is a site dedicated to help those struggling with porn addiction quit porn.

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I was once feeling like you are right now and I want you to know that if you stick with me I will show you a way out of this dark place in your life.

“Dark’� is the word that best describes the mood of many of the clients that I help with their porn addictions every day, as many of them feel hopeless, alone and disconnected from life.

If the following sounds familiar then porn addiction is most likely starting to form a black cloud over your life at the moment

I struggled with anxiety and depression for many years in my life and things were never that easy for me.

Although I was able to get on with life and do the normal things like have a girlfriend and go to college, I never really felt like I fitted in and I always had a feeling like I was some kind of outsider.

It was during my time in college that porn started to play a bigger role in my life as the days went past.

I found that when I was in front of the screen that I could relax and A lot of my problems in the outside world seemed to fade way.

When I watched porn it seemed to give me an excitement and pleasure that I didn’t feel with my girlfriend and best of all, it was there for me whenever I wanted it.

In the early days porn was a really pleasurable experience for me but as time went on, important areas of my life started to suffer…

My girlfriend had lost interest and had walked out on me and I found myself really missing her, and my social life was falling apart as I had ignored my friends for so long.

One of the scariest things was that my work was really suffering and I was in Danger of being fired because I could not stop looking up porn at my desk. I felt out of control and destined to slide all the way to the bottom of this slippery slope.

It was only when I decided that I wanted to quit porn though, that I realised just how hard it was going to be.

No matter how hard I willed away my porn viewing habits, I would still find myself sitting in front of the computer looking up all the naked pictures I could find.

It was clear that something else was needed if I was to free myself and get my life back, so I was forced to go on a journey…

I studied the nature of addictions, psychology, physiology, and the inner workings of the mind to help me in my journey to freedom.

But that is not the worst I found. I started looking behind the scenes of the porn industry for what was not caught on camera and I was shocked:

Now I thought, that can’t be true. Are the porn stars numbing themselves with drug and alcohol? Why am I not hearing about it? I wanted to know more and found this:

But were there any evidence of this? I did not have to look far and found this breakdown of dead porn-stars. Knowing that many porn performers drive under the influence it was particularly shocking:

Was my addiction not only affecting me, my family and social life, but also contributing to this? Looking behind the scenes in the porn industry made me realize just how wrong my fantasies were.

Then I started applying what I learned on about quitting addition on myself. It certainly wasn’t easy but I did eventually start to break the shackles of this addiction.

Over the course of my studies I isolated 7 key steps that a person needs to focus on in order to break a porn addiction…

As a recovered porn addict I know how hard things can be if you are trapped in this whirlpool cycle of porn addiction, and

That is why I want to save you all the trial and error that I went through and share with you the most effective methods that I found that really worked for me to gain my freedom.

Inside “How to quit porn In 7 Steps’� I will take you on the same journey that I took to cure my porn addiction. Your journey will be quicker than mine though, because you don’t have to make all the same mistakes that I made…

That’s right!! “How To quit porn In 7 Steps’� will put the tools in your hands that you can use to easily dig your way out of “porn prison’� so you can be free to enjoy your life again. Picture what it would be like to be able to go about your day without being drawn to the computer all the time to look up porn. How would it feel to be calm, content and in control again?

You and I both know about how isolating a porn addiction problem can be. Being cut off from family and friends is one of the worst things about this addiction. After you finish “How To quit porn In 7 Steps’�, you will be better able to reunite with your friends and family again and form real relationships that you can touch and feel for change.

“How To quit porn In 7 Steps’� is not just about quitting porn. As we tackle the emotions and feelings that have led you to this dark place in your life you will find yourself not only free from your porn addiction but feeling better, happier and lighter in yourself.

It maybe just a coincidence that porn happened to become your addiction. You might have just as easily have fallen prey to a drink or drugs addiction. The fact is though, that by tackling the issues in yourself that have led to this addiction forming in the first place you may now be Less likely to fall… Read more…