Precision Marketing and Media, LLC – Marketing Products & EBooks – Online Marketing & Advertising

Precision Marketing and Media, LLC ‘” Marketing Products & EBooks ‘” Online Marketing & Advertising

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Whether you’re a corporate marketing professional, freelancer, entrepreneur, or business owner ‘” one thing is for certain ‘” your products won’t sell if no one can find your website!

Using no cost online marketing tactics, like search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), article marketing, pay per click (PPC), and social media marketing (SMM) are all good strategies, but they’ll only get you so far. And they won’t create you the voluminous traffic needed to really see substantial results, fast.

Any successful online marketer will tell you, the key to a balanced marketing mix is having a variety of tactics that fit your budget and business objectives … from no cost SEO and SEM … to paid advertising with banner ads, blogs, text ads, display ads, newsletter sponsorships, email marketing and more.

Plain and simple: When you really want to increase your Web exposure … and sales … you need to cast a broader net using targeted online advertising. But the question is, how do you leverage this powerful platform without spending a fortune?

Discover the best ways to get the most bang for your buck when buying online advertising such as banner ads, text ads, blog ads, email marketing, and newsletter sponsorships as well as the critical questions to ask when coordinating joint ventures, affiliate marketing and publishing ad swaps!

Check out my new .pdf eBook ‘” Muscle Media: The Complete Guide to Buying Online Ads for Less. It’s jam packed with 25-pages of proven, powerful, money saving ideas to buy the most common forms of online media and boost your ad’s performance. Learn the tips and tricks to negotiating powerful and cost-effective online media buys from my near 20-years of marketing and media experience.

For a limited time, with every eBook purchase you’ll also receive as a complimentary gift, my comprehensive media performance ‘direct response tracking’ template to help you monitor and track your online campaigns.

Whether you’re a newbie to online media buying or a seasoned pro, I’m confident you’ll find creative and strategic ideas that will save you money on your media buy as well as ultimately help you increase sales.

Wendy Montes de Oca, MBA President, Precision Marketing and Media, LLC Publisher, Precision Marketing

P.S. Start the year off right and give your marketing plan a boost! Muscle Media is an “A-List Product’� that will give you the tools and tricks to help grow your business on a modest budget. But don’t just take my word for it, check out what independent Web product reviewer, IM Report Card, said about Muscle Media , giving it an “A’� for “Awesome!’� Click here for full review:

“You have already met and exceeded my expectations. Your expertise is unparalleled. I can’t wait to go on from here.’� Read more…