Pool School – Fiberglass Pool Education

Pool School ‘” Fiberglass Pool Education

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Are you tired of trying to figure out which fiberlgass pool and what pool options are the best for you and your family?

Welcome to PoolSchool, the ultimate fiberglass swimming pool educational experience! You have come to a website unlike any other on the web.

PoolSchool was founded by the owners of one of the leading fiberglass swimming pool builders in the country, River Pools and Spas of Virginia/Md. They started this incredible website for 2 main reasons:

For the pool shopper (especially the fiberglass pool shopper), we have created 4 essential tools to help you with your buying and planning experience. They are as follows:

What are readers saying about “How to Buy a Swimming Pool the Right Way”?

“Dear Marcus: Just wanted to let you know how helpful and informative your eBook was to me. Before reading your book I knew very little about pools, much less about proper installation methods and ancillary items like heaters. I now feel I am a much more informed consumer and my choices will be based on your recommendations ‘” which will maximize my chances of having a hassle-free pool experience. And I can see why you prefer Leisure pools ‘” their superiority to the competition is clear. Finally, I couldn’t believe that you responded to my follow-up e-mail questions and even had the opportunity speak to you at length with follow-up questions. It’s like I had my own personal pool consultant for $9.95! This is the best money I have EVER spent. Thanks again, and I hope the best for you and your business. P.S. I decided to go with the 31 foot Moroccan from Leisure Pools in Australian Blue. I feel very satisfied with my choice, thanks in large part to you.” Charles S. Gilham, Chesterfield, MO 63017

“Your book is awesome and very informative. Thanks for honesty.” Mary Culver, Kentucky

“Hello Marcus, Thanks for the e-mail. Since buying the two e-books we have been busy planning our pool install….. The books have been very helpful especially in planning the layout. The question I do have for you if you don’t mind is in regard to the backfill material. I am all set to order the 1/2″ crushed and washed limestone since my local Leisure dealer also recommended it however I still have many other people telling me sand is the was to go. One of thee people is a good friend of mine who installed pools for a living a while back. He loves to explain to me how many different buildings and constrruction projects are built on sand and also claims he had to fix pools installed with pea gravel. Me personally it seems to make more sense to use crushed gravel as it will lock in place and not move like sand or pea gravel. So my question/request is if you can me you best explanation or experiences as to why crushed gravel is better. I would like to explain it better to those helping with the pool install. Thanks very much.” James Rauch.

“I truly enjoyed the eBook. It has already provided us with a lot of very good pointers and reminded us of things we said we would/wouldn’t do if we had to do it over again” Mark White, Florida

“Marcus, Thank you so much for the e-book! I am positive we are making the right decision with a fiberglass pool, I just hope we can get the project underway before it snows!!!Your advice has been invaluable.” Thanks again, Deann Frantz

“Hi Marcus.Great advice in your ebook. I will most likely contact you to see if we would be a good team (you as a consultant, me as an owner builder) on my pool project. I plan on starting this project sometime next year. Anyway, great book, lots of good things to know and think about.” Thanks Tom (California)

“Dear Marcus Hello, how are you? I have purchased your book, and really have been enjoying reading it. Your book is very interesting and very informative.” Thank you so much, Brenda, Florida

My name is Jon Rutledge, my wife Sabrina and I enjoyed your e-book and are very grateful for the information you have provided.. The e-book was informative and from your experience helped us choose a fiberglass pool company over another.. Once again we really appreciate all the insight that you have given in your e-book. The email you sent after the purchase of the book really did help us with our decision. After looking at your web site and reading your e-book, I only wish you were here in Texas to do my install!!!……. Once again Thank You so much for your quick replies and the excellent information. Your business web site was a huge help as well, my wife and I enjoyed watching the video of your employees installing the pool!!!! ‘” Jon and Sabrina Rutledge, Texas

“It is very nice of you to take the time to respond. I very much appreciate it. This is just further proof to me that I would hire Your company if I did not live a much sunnier state. I admit that I saw your ebook and was skeptical. Like so much of life, I decided to gamble. I am very glad I did. I have been researching pools for a bit now. While nothing came as a shock, I welcomed the reminders and notes to pay attention to the big picture. Without a doubt the $9.95 I spent will help me be a better shopper. However, You have raised the bar. I now want a pool company that can instill in me the same confidence I get from your book and you website. I fear that could be a challenge. As you mentioned, I too believe this could be a really good time to take the leap. I believe your consultations are a very good thing and something… Read more…