Pip Supreme Chief
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Right below youll learn how I win 9 out of 10 trades and make $300 to $400 a day simply by using the secret trading system Ive never revealed.
There are no complicated charts to follow… no stock analysis to screen… really there’s nothing to learn at all.
Anyone can follow my method to win 90% of their trades and earn a high six-figure annual income… trading just an hour or two a day
From: Andrew Tredoisky Re: How to make great profits from anywhere with only an internet connection…
But while they’re hiding this huge money pile from you and every other trader out there… they’re filling their pockets with cash every day.
Who are ‘they’ you’re probably wondering? ‘They’ are the Wall Street bankers, brokers, and investment firms. And I used to work for them until I realized what they were doing.
In the next few minutes… I’m going to show you how to tap into the same huge money source they use to make millions each year… while they keep it hidden from you and every other regular investor and trader out there.
Well, the time has come! So if you want to make more money by trading than you’ve ever made before… if you want to retire from work within a year like I did… keep reading this important message!
I’m inviting you on a ‘profit-party’ of the likes you’ve never seen before… and I’m about to unlock access to a pile of money you could be tapping into each day.
And just in case you’re skeptical of my claims (and you rightfully SHOULD be)…. here you can see statements concerning my most recent trading…
Look, if you’re feeling cheated, angry, or disillusioned about the stock market… I don’t blame you one bit. You should be!
Honestly, investing in stocks like everyone else is a sure-fire recipe for failure. Following the herd mentality that’s everywhere on Wall Street won’t make you rich… it will lead you right to the poor house!
Holding on for the long term is simply a way to lose all your money these days and end up broke and working long into your retirement years.
They put their faith and trust in the stock market… and the market simply took their retirement money and left them penniless.
And the worst part is… even after this… hard working people on Main St. continue to blindly pour their hard-earned cash into the stock market.
I want to show you how I was able to use this powerful secret strategy to become a millionaire by the age of 48.
I want to teach you and your family to enjoy the kind of life-changing wealth that very few people get to experience.
I don’t have an MBA from a business school or any advance training or education. In fact, I started out working as a trader on the ground floor of one of the biggest investment banks in New York.
I worked my butts off and was able to rise through the ranks and start making a lot of money. Fortune, sports cars, exotic vacations… I had it all; it was my dream come true.
From the inside, it seemed that JUST the bankers, brokers, and Wall Street insiders were making REAL money from the markets.
In fact, I was shocked that we had to advise our clients to trade stocks that made us the most in commissions… while my boss used another money source to trade with.
This other money source was kept hidden from clients and other regular people… so they had it all to themselves.
I’m not kidding when I say this other money source was 20 to 30 times bigger and more profitable than the stock market. But more importantly…
Well, it didn’t take me long to realize that these Wall Street banks and brokers didn’t want you or any of the outsiders learning about this pile of money.
They wanted to keep it all to themselves so they could constantly siphon cash out of this huge source of money. It wasn’t fair and it made me feel horrible.
My plan was… I’d also use this secret money pile for my own trading, make enough money to live on, and then teach others to do the same exact thing.
I wanted to show others how to enjoy some of the same huge, easy profits that were kept hidden from them.
Well, I thought it was going to be a hard, long process… but within a year of leaving this high paying job, I was making more money than I ever had before.
Better yet… I went from working 12 hour days to working an hour or two a day. At 42 years of age, I retired from working for someone else.
These days, whenever I feel like making a lot of money for the week, I work a couple hours each day and that sets me up with a huge amount of cash. No long days of staring at the computer, watching the stock market.
That’s right… more traders get rich trading the currency market. Otherwise known as the foreign exchange markets, or “FOREX” for short.
This market DWARFS the stock market and 2 TRILLION dollars A DAY exchanges hands. What’s more, it’s 20 to 30 times bigger than the stock market.
And it’s kept hidden from regular traders like yourself. That’s why I didn’t feel right when I was TOLD to keep it hidden… and pitch worthless penny stocks to our clients while my company used the Forex market to make millions.
Well, I feel that there’s absolutely no reason why YOU shouldn’t be in the Forex market! I’m going to show you how to tap into this ultra-lucrative market and make as much money as you want… Read more…