Personal URL Generator ‘” PURL Websites
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There’s a secret why some marketers in your niche are receiving OUTRAGEOUS click through rates while others are going out of business and its called PURL marketing!
PURL stand for “Personal URL” and it allows you to “automatically” create personalized webpages for every website visitor and mailing list prospect you have. You can customize the URL and your website copy with any variation of their name thus making it seem that you personally created the webpage directly for them.
When the name of your prospect or website visitor is in the actual URL (website address), they will be compelled to visit that URL. A “Personal URL” allows you to provide each prospect on your list with their very own personal web page using their name imbedded in the URL. This is called a PURL and using one activates many psychological buying factors that will dramatically increase your response rates and the amount of time prospects stay on your landing page.
If you are marketing an online product, seminar, trade show, workshop, affiliate program, or anything else, using PURL marketing will increase your response rates by 4 ‘” 5 times or more!
When your prospect visits their own personal URL, they are blown away when the entire page is customized with their name. They will believe that you have taken the time to create an entire page just for them. This creates an instant bond because they believe that you have already gone out of your way to get their attention. It makes them feel important!
I knew that creating a custom URL wasn’t enough so I developed the script to also give you the ability to customize your webpages with the prospects name. You can show the full prospect name or other variations of their name. To see a complete demo of how this script works, fill in your full name into the demo box below.
It’s like Mad Libs for your web site. You can define where your prospects names show up in any text on your landing page. Even the headline. Think of the impact you can have on your visitors when your next campaign features them.
Personal URL Generator makes creating PURL pages super easy. Each page is dynamically filled with the visitors name as they visit their personal URL. That means there is no database to maintain. It’s just one super small web page that sits on your server waiting to change for each visitor AUTOMATICALLY. Kind of like having a webmaster sit there 24 / 7 waiting to customize the page for your prospects.
Personal URL Generator self installs on your web server. All you have to do is create a page named purl.html and upload it to the same directory where you installed Personal URL Generator. You can design your purl page however you want. It really is that easy!
I like it. I am going to use your tool for all of my PURL marketing from now on. This little baby is going to save me a ton of headache and time.
For a limited time, you can own an unlimited use licence of the Personal URL Generator software with all of the tutorial videos, support and 60 day money back guarantee for just $47.00! Take advantage of a program that allows you to have the same advantages of the big boys at a fraction of the price!
PURL Video Tutorials ‘” We are constantly creating videos that will show you some outside of the box ways to use Personal URL Generator. We teach you how to do mail merge with auto responders, create postcard mailings and we explore viral marketing using PURL’s.
Now that you understand the value of Personal URL Generator you too can have the ability to create unlimited PURL marketing campaigns for a one time low fee of just $47.00.
Some of my colleagues told me I am crazy to give this program away for such a low price! But I’m not crazy.
I know what it’s like to want something so bad and be denied because of cost ‘” been there, done that. That’s why I created Personal URL Generator. It’s easy, it’s inexpensive and it can be yours today!
P. S. Remember, with the money-back guarantee you have nothing to lose! This software will put you on par with the elite who use expensive PURL marketing on their own web sites. Don’t put it off! Step up to the plate and order today. Download Your Copy Of Personal URL Generator.
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