PayPerClick Bid Management Software ‘” Pay Per Clicks Keyword AdWords Tool
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There are many more expensive tools like SpeedPPC or AdGrenade. You’ll see that PPC Keyword Toolz is all you really need for a very affordable price. Besides you get a lifetime of updates for FREE! Plus my 100% ‘” no questions asked ‘” money back gaurantee! It’s a no brainer!
I bought PPCkeywordtoolz some weeks back after hearing rave reviews. There are a few bugs but get this ‘” I email Nitin about these bugs and he usually has them fixed in a matter of hours. Nitin is a developer that actually gives a damn about support. I think its because he uses the product himself. The product itself is great. This is so easy now I can fill my entire account limit today. 25 campaigns, 2000 adgroups with one keyword each, different image ads per campaign ‘” great If you have multiple accounts to manage this software can help you build out campains in minutes. Usually cheap software is junk with poor support ‘” not the case here. While Keyword rockstar is complex and sophisticated ‘” and highly capable ‘” its also very expensive. PPCkeywordtools is cheap, simple to use and very versatile. Gareth M Thomas Auckland, New Zealand
Nitin, you must be some kind of very scarce genius from Santa’s native land. 1. You produce incredibly powerful tools 2. You provide them to us mere humans at prices I am still struggling to believe. Fact is, I fell for Domain Hound and Keyword Genie even before looking at the ultra powerful Toolz. Some people may not understand this: your domain name choice and a few tweaks of your keywords can easily secure a top 3 position for you in google ‘” without even one single link, article marketing, social bookmarking, or any other submission of anything. I have been successfully doing this, albeit the hard way. Now those 2 little tools are going to really push this to some major level. I grabbed the 3 tools, and do count me in whenever you bring out any other tool. ANY TOOL! Bless man RichNerd ‘” Warrior Forum
After being totally fed up with trying to get support for ADGrenade because I lost my reg key, I came across Nitin’s PPC Keyword Toolz! I’m so happy I found this tool. I can create AdWords campaigns just like ADGrenade and Nitin’s support is second to none! He responds quickly! Just Amazing! Thanks. Richard Cheah ‘” Niche BluePrint Forum
hey I’m a newbie and making money on line using ppc, getting traffic by articles etc is so time consuming. Wow this tool is going to save me so much time ‘” just want to say that there are a lot of rip off merchants out in the IM world and its a joy to watch video and a sales page for a product that (a) works and (b) is not filled with broken promises and BS ‘” thanks Martin ‘” Warrior Forum
Nitin, You are a genius. I went through your PPC Keyword Toolz Tutorial and it is such an amazing and flawless program, you really should be selling it for more. I see it as being in the $200-$300 price range, it’s that good of a product. It took everything that Amit did with DigDb in 30 minutes, except in about 3 minutes. Incredible. It really helped me understand what I was doing. Andrew Muller ‘” British Columbia, Canada
Wow! I just downloaded TOOLZ. When I ran it, I saw a light shine down from heaven and heard an angel choir! I was dealing with Excel and I was bummed because I knew that the process would take FOREVER! Amazing program! Cant wait for Yahoo and MSN updates! RobKed ‘” Warrior Forum
Hey Nitin, I’m in PPC Classroom 2.0 and once again that you so much for your other tool PPC Keyword Genie. But I just wanted to let you know that you’ve literally saved me hours of work with your PPC Keyword Toolz. I didn’t need to buy DigDB or Excel. Your tool really does all i need to do with keywords. Thanks! Anil Masod ‘” Sussex, England
Are u kidding me? What a tool. You’ve just saved me so much time. I love the GEO targeting and the grouping feature the best. You adWords Creator is a awsome. I am also a PPC Classroom 2.0 member and it’s made Module 4 so easy to do. Later dude! Brian J. Millon ‘” Boston, USA
Hi Nitin, your PPC Keyword Toolz is amazing. I can now clean, group and geo target my keywords in seconds. The quick AdWords Campaign creator is just amazing. It literally saved me money and time. I really suck at Excel with all that copy and pasting is just a pain for me. Plus I did not have to buy DigDB which is a real bonus. Please let me know when you create any other IM tools. Sandra P. ‘” Newcastle, Australia
Fantastic tool Nitin. I bought your other tool PPC Keyword Genie and I use it every day to do that “Domain Trick” to get really cheap keywords. Now with PPC Keyword Toolz I can clean up and create Google AdWords campaigns in seconds. Module 4 in PPC Classroom was a huge challenge for me, but your tool has made implementing the techniques real easy! Jane Simpson. ‘” Nashville, USA
Nitin I think the price for your PPC Keyword Toolz is way… Read more…