How many times do you remember the ache of frustration because you started a diet that you couldn’t stick with? How often did you see friends getting fantastic results from the same exercise schedule that you found impossible to bend your life around? And think of that someone you know whose very life depends on a few simple changes that they just can’t seem to make.
And the worst part: you probably think it’s your fault, or that your loved one just doesn’t care enough. The truth is, there’s a powerful force that puts us on a PATH that we simply can’t break away from unless we understand what’s at work.
I’m like you. I think about my health. Am I too fat? Is my cholesterol too high? As I age, will I suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s? And when something feel’s wrong, should I go see the doctor and even if I do, will I trust his or her judgment?
The way I answer these questions is influenced in a way I didn’t expect when I started my research 30 years ago. Not too long into my work, I had just had my third daughter and as I watched all three grow, I could see how each one developed a different attitude about their health. One cared only when she become noticeably ill and never took an interest in exercise. My second daughter couldn’t sit still, took up running, gymnastics, resistance training and paid attention to her diet. And my oldest daughter just didn’t seem to think about it all.
Now, as I watch my grandchildren, I see the same patterns emerging with each, but this time.
I understand the forces that shape our health.
And now with my family, even my 80 year old mother, I can help them to shape their path to lifelong health and wellness. The problem we’re facing today is that.
No one else understands these principles.
Pattern of Health is a groundbreaking look at these forces and reveals how health related behaviors are linked. Pattern of Health demonstrates that when it comes to exercise, diet, medical care, and overall health outcomes, we may not be as uniquely individual as we thought all along.
Why does one person struggle to adhere to an exercise routine while another finds it second nature?
Why does one individual avoid planning about health issues while another is almost obsessive about researching health?
Are our innate health-related behaviors set in stone, or do they adapt as age and circumstances change?
Is it possible to change these behaviors?
I studied the answers to these questions for most of my adult life and discovered something suprising.
Most people fall into one of nine patterns that pre-determines how they’ll feel about vigorous exercise, diet, medical help and other health-related behaviors.
And when it comes to health outcomes, these patterns show us the answer to some of the most important questions facing our world today:
Are you more likely to develop heart disease or hypertension?
Will you suffer back or joint pain?
How predisposed toward mental illness are you?
Let me show you your pattern and you’ll find your answer.
The concept I developed is called Patterns of Adapting To Health or PATHTM for short. PATH is invaluable to understanding your own health related behaviors. Once you know which PATH is yours, you can more easily see which behaviors are easiest or most difficult to change. It’s also a priceless tool that gives healthcare practitioners critical insight into their patients, to help them talk to patients in ways that will resonate and most likely spur change.
PATH gives you everything you need to assess yourself and find your innate patterns.
You’ll also learn how your pattern can change as you age. And you’ll find out how you can alter your PATH, to adjust your behavior toward a PATH with better heath outcomes.
PATH explores behaviors such as:
Avoiding or seeking vigorous exercise
Avoiding or seeking nutritional information
Involvement in family health
Health information seeking
Openness to alternative versus tradition medicine
Health risk factors for each pattern
Projected health costs expected for each pattern
In many ways, PATH works like any other map. Simply put, you can’t devise a plan for reaching a destination without knowing your starting point. The PATH book gives you everything you need to determine your health pattern so you know your starting point. Chances are, you’ll recognize yourself in one of the nine PATHs before even completing the questionnaire. And once you know which PATH is yours, you’ll find it far easier to see your strengths and weaknesses to change health behaviors for the better. PATH gives you the self-awareness you need to disrupt negative behaviors and reinforce those that are positive.
With PATH, you’ll learn:
Which group has the highest overall health outcomes, yet surprisingly, the highest alcohol consumption
How your gender and age influences your PATH
Which group avoids healthcare until it’s too late
Which groups have the highest and lowest healthcare costs-and why it’s not necessarily the healthiest group
Which health-related habits are the toughest to disrupt
The geographical connection to PATH
Reliable and scalable connections between health behaviors and long-term outcomes
Don’t miss this chance to learn the drivers behind your health behaviors and of those around you. PATH is indispensible information for individuals, healthcare professionals-anyone concerned with health and healthcare outcomes.
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