Organic Gardening 4 Life

Organic Gardening 4 Life

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Growing Organic Food is such a rewarding pastime and can add so much beauty and health to you and  your home; but, despite all your efforts, sometimes your great expectations turn into dismal disappointments…

The vegetable lot in your backyard is supposed to be a succulent vision of beauty, a miniature copy of the one you may have seen on TV in those huge greenhouses. Instead, it’s untidy and overgrown. The cucumbers are growing too closely together and the size of growth  of your tomatoes is just unsatisfactory. How much better it would be if you had solid, step-by-step advice on how to plan and control that lot.

…working out size, shape, location and combination of vegetables and herbs – and how to put that plan into action in THE FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE volume on Garden Planning. You love tomatoes, but hate the hard, tasteless little ones sold in boxes in the supermarkets. So last year you planted your own tomatoes – but you were disappointed. Your plants didn’t seem to bear nearly as many tomatoes as your neighbor got with his.

The Editors of FOOD4LIFE invite you to see for yourself how practical, how complete, how easy to follow, how breathtakingly beautiful this widely acclaimed organic gardening library really is.

Where does your garden grow? Along the wooded byways of Bellevue, Rossana, Ford and Paoli? In beautiful Fox Chapel, Sewickley or burgeoning Coraopolis and Camp Hill? Along the wide, tree-lined streets of Thornhill, or Kennebec, with its row-upon-row of stately colonial homes? Near Maine, when May brings apple-blossom time? In picturesque Orange County, with its rolling hills, early stone houses and handsome barns? In the rich soil of San Bernadino County, with its abundance of limestone, or around historic Valley Forge?

No matter where you live, you can turn to any volume in THE FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE – regardless of its subject – and find instructions geared to your section of the country…to your soil, climate, rainfall and temperature patterns, your particular growing season.

You’ll discover which varieties of a particular shrub or tree do well where you live and which are best avoided…

Whether your problems are as “elementary” as how to sow the tiny seeds of the tomato…or as “complex” as how to propagate budding apple trees by grafting…

No matter what your gardening tastes or preferences; no matter what your budget…whether you have a great deal or very little time and energy to spend…whether your garden is in a window-size greenhouse or on a spacious back lawn…you will find that every volume of THE FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE, regardless of its subject, is organized so that you can locate the exact information you want in the shortest possible time.

…If you plant your seeds deeply (ten inches deep instead of usual five or six inches) they will produce beautiful large and uniform peppers all year round.

When it comes to acquiring a skill or mastering a new technique, one picture is often worth more than a thousand words. Here, for the first time, is an inexpensive, professionally illustrated gardening reference library that abounds with visual aids – photographs, diagrams and drawings – that will help you achieve the easy-to-care-for, beautiful garden you’ve always wanted. In addition, each volume contains a foolproof guide that tell you what seeds, vegetables, fruits, plants, trees and shrubs you can grow in your area, and when they should be planted.

If you love vegetable, fruits, flowers, plants and other growing things, you’ll find the information in FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE, an endless source of pleasure and inspiration.

Picture these volumes: Each one is thoroughly researched and explained so even the most inexperienced and skeptic organic food enthusiast will have his crop growing in no-time. There are dozens of photographs and illustrations in every volume for better understanding all those easy steps. Many occupy a full page.

But the hundreds of photographs in the FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE are not there merely to provide beauty. They also serve as living examples of what you, too, can achieve if you follow the authoritative advice which each of the photographs illustrates. In every volume you get 40,000 words of straightforward guidance and reliable factual knowledge.

Whatever its subject, every single volume of the FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE includes a special encyclopedic section of recommended species and varieties, created by the Editors and author Michael Sherman.

Here you’ll find – a step-by-step instruction foolproof guide that has been written with you in mind. It has been laid out with clear simple instructions and illustrations so that you can easily get started.

Alongside this information, you’ll see dozens upon dozens of full-color photographs of many of the varieties described. Picture perfect and scientifically accurate, lovely photos of the fattest, juiciest vegetables, most perfumed fruits and richest herbs that you can have on your plate in no time.

In every way, Garden Planning, your introductory volume, exemplifies the comprehensiveness, practicality, simplicity of presentation and colorful beauty of the complete FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE. Here is a preview of the kind of valuable information you will find in this volume:

The different species and varieties of vegetables and fruits; their origins, genealogy and lore; how to prepare for planting them, and where and when; how to care for vegetables, including fertilizing, watering and harvesting; how to protect vegetables and fruits against diseases and pests; various methods of propagation; how to cut, arrange and prepare them for the healthiest meal you had in years; all the regional variations and exceptions; and the simple tools you will require and how to use them…

…the organic garden. That’s why I’ve put a highly cost-effective price on my FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE.

Right now, the FOOD4LIFE ORGANIC GARDENING GUIDE is only $29.97… and really? You’ll make that back in a month. Maybe even less.

Hit the button below and get started growing your own vast… Read more…