Offline Profits Formula

Offline Profits Formula

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Dear Friend, If you’re tired of hitting the same rough patch every time you dabble with making money online, I’m here to help. Let me ask you a question. Do you feel like something is always side-tracking you and preventing you from achieving success? How many times did you go for the advice of a some so-called “guru’� who promised you a piece-of-cake work plan that was allegedly a “piece of cake,’� but delivered a recipe for disaster instead? Think about how many investments have been trifled away? Not to mention the headache of trying to pull all the right strings, and the precious time you’ll never get back…

Well, I want to help you re-create your story. You see, the fact that you’ve decided to start your very own Internet business tells me one thing. It tells me that you’re a daring person and you still dare yourself to keep dreaming of success. But you’re probably lost, when it comes to choosing the right path to take in order to achieve it. But don’t worry, that’s where I come in.

Fair enough! But don’t cross me off that easily… Let me introduce myself. My name’s Galen Schneider and trust me when I say that you’ll have me to thank very soon. But first, I want you to know that I’ve been a struggling entrepreneur myself. I’ve learned things. Tried things.

Often failed miserably along the way. But ultimately, I WON. I’ve spent much of my free time reading, traveling the world and working on my business. But I always kept a close eye on some of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the world. I followed their every move and aspired to be like them. I wanted to have a profitable business that I could maintain and run from anywhere in the world, without any limits and boundaries. And I’m not talking about some ridiculous little profit that barely took care of the bills. No, it was enough to travel the world. Enough to afford an amazing house Enough to afford the car I’ve always dreamt about Enough to pay for college tuitions for generations to come.

Well, at some point, we all think that hard work and dedication are enough, right? But then again, success has its own logic, doesn’t it? Truth be told, there are many sides to success, and in my case the road was by no means easy… and it was certainly less profitable then I had expected.

Here’s how it all began… You see, one day I wanted to go out to a restaurant to celebrate my girlfriend’s birthday. I started searching online for restaurants trying to figure out where we should go. I didn’t drive back then, and I wanted to go somewhere close. I looked up all of the restaurants in my area, but I couldn’t find anything.

Honestly, I was quite shocked. I couldn’t believe that none of the restaurants in my neighborhood had an online presence. Come on, it’s the 21st century! Ok, some of them did, but still they were nowhere to be found on Google. And that’s when it hit me…

You see, back then, offering such services to local business wasn’t so obvious, nor was it something everyone was exactly doing at the time. I quickly called my high school friend and got him to set me up a meeting with his father who was actually running the biggest restaurant in our area. I offered to set up his social media pages and website for free in exchange for a review. He thought I was cute and said yes. One week later his pages were up and guess what? He insisted on paying me, since he really liked what I did. He gave me $100. And yes, I know I was underpaid for what I did, but making my first $100 for setting up a simple Facebook page meant the world to me. But this was exactly what changed everything for me. After that I had the courage to approach other people and little by little my business started growing. From $100, I quickly began charging up to $5,000 for some services. I started approaching offline businesses, with an important question…

In fact, it helped them so much that a few years later, I was rewarded with the title of Springfield, Illinois’ youngest and most successful entrepreneur in 2007. I sold my web design business at its peak with over 80 active clients and more than 1,200 successfully completed projects.

Afterwards, I started working on putting together a FORMULA so that I could show other entrepreneurs how to help local businesses and make a comfortable income in doing so. Now, I want to show you how you can start making those big bucks and feel the joy of being your own boss, all while helping businesses change, as well as changing the lives of others.

My course is laid out in an easy-to-understand explanation of the formula. The material is compressed into two hours of video material, so you get the most information as quickly as possible. The information shared in it is precise and concise. There is no fluff.

There’s never been an easier way. Simply click on the button below and take advantage of this opportunity now!

Over the years, I’ve been doing a lot of research, as well as talking to real-life people, finding out EXACTLY what they NEED, so YOU can be free of all the research-hassle, but still be able to navigate the money-vessel. If you continue with the habit of falling for shiny things such as various shady products and “guru’� knowledge that you never really master, you’re just faking the ‘I wanna make it!’ attitude. But hey, I get it… You have… Read more…